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  1. screenshot and price?
  2. looking for garage houses in these locations... will pay pretty well or regular houses in losi by southern rebel https://gyazo.com/f20cdbe2db67e5c23a8fada7d2f8dd11
  3. Nice working typing this up Anthony. I agree 100 percent!
  4. [OS] Benjamin Memer
  5. Ill go 10mill
  6. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=630050331
  7. ROFL. you being high all the time baked outa your mind doing trash in gameXDXD anyways good luck with your kid i miss her cussing rico out over the mic <3 much love. CorpRAL Yake
  8. Global donation awards..... *Sigh*    *Slams head into desk repeatedly* That is honestly pathetic

    1. ToeKnee


      its not even a bad thing calm down 

  9. shit my B whats your teamspeak... its a 23 crater
  10. if the price is right we can work out a deal..
  11. I got a sofia rebel house 300meters away and a pygros rebel house
  12. Kavala Rebel house 700 meters away https://gyazo.com/eae60af9403ab7bb18c7706d86f233fe Server 2
  13. aww travis... we will miss ya bud <3
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