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Everything posted by Corbaaan

  1. Those things are pretty popular may get some more people.
  2. Fuck yea.
  3. He needs to be unpermed
  5. WHY?!?!
  6. Corbaaan


    You buy new arma accounts cause you get global banned.
  7. you completely just copied Linka xD
  8. Corbaaan


  9. Dont leave whiskey>AD>SD>A
  10. Corbaaan


    Idk i just think there should be a real reason for going into a cartel just a personal though.
  11. Corbaaan


  12. Corbaaan


    Whoever processed me did
  13. Corbaaan


    I know you can raid them im just asking why its a thing like its the one place civs go to fight without the apd xD just my personal opinion. I know im just saying like I go there to fight civs not cops
  14. Corbaaan


    Just happened reason " Map marker changed"
  15. Corbaaan


    Ok why can cops patrol cartels honestly like thats the one place civs go to fight without the APD.
  16. And you guys never listen
  17. What would i get on standard setting with shadows and things like that disabled
  18. true damn
  19. Ehh I could get a 970 but would these bottle neck it Much better than what i get xD
  20. Im thinking of buying a i5 4690 and a gtx 960/970. I was wondering if is it worth getting a i7 and 970 or how would the 4690 and 960 run?
  21. What because you cant quick peak without it
  22. You said you make that your avatar you liar
  23. This is true but,but that's like 500k to a 30k gun and you get it over and over with a bipod
  24. If cops get Mk-SW civs should get mk-1 like its way to good to have 100 bullets in like 10 seconds from 600 meters or however far you can shoot I don't think its really to fair and I understand that you guys are high ranks but you guys get mar-10 mk-1 and mx-SW like when a sergeant is on now its a little overpowering.
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