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Everything posted by orcpoc

  1. I came here expecting some new type of chewing tobacco...disappointed
  2. Dunno why you need him to fight more?
  3. In b4 perm
  4. honestly how hard would it be to put carrier lites in rebels?
  5. "Building" it is literally as easy as plugging a toaster in
  6. Who is id rdm jfks wife
  7. does it kick out the main breaker or just individual ones? there should be ones that are rated for higher amps so plug your high usage shit into the outlets that they feed.
  8. Mrco because I don't like the green reticle on the arco Bill has Parkinson's aim btw
  9. I think it would be kind of cool to see how much money you've had total and have it broke down into how it has been spent. Probably spent a mil on redgulls.
  10. orcpoc

    goodbye ]:

    Don't worry he's gonna use his alt account to get his rep back lmao
  11. Or just get an i5 4690k, thats what I use with a 750ti pull 45-50 frames consistantly on high settings
  12. this was changed so it is working correctly
  13. you are probably aware of this already but rebel clothing/ body armor is also completely wack. Certain pieces of clothing will provide more armor than the GA or Tac vest.
  14. arma update 10/10

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BENJI


      Kanger I would have to agree XP

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      LOL I can't wait to give this a go. 

  15. So for 2 days servers are full at prime time on a holiday weekend and you think we need a third server......lol
  16. I use this same setup and can confirm it runs arma pretty damn good for the price
  17. get a better computer
  18. I'll watch if u take ur shirt off
  19. no
  20. Just get an i5 4690k 8gigs of ram some random mobo cpu cooler Decent graphics card,whatever case will fit it all and a standard hardrive. I used PC part picker when I bought mine, right around $700 runs arma fine
  21. Dunno I slept until 4pm
  22. Don't be a shitter,leave it on
  23. Didn't know about him shooting ace while he was invisible.... That is pretty blatant
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