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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. Still "On Hold" thanks for keeping me nervous I keep checking to see if its off "Hold" but it's still on hold :FeelsBad:

  2. Oh ok gracias m8
  3. If u go to reserve u have to be in there for a month before going back to active duty.
  4. Yes create a support ticket here http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ and name it Name Change and in the big box put ur old name and what you want your new name to be . Or message a Admin
  5. Ok this is what you need to know if u study the handbook and believe in yourself then boom all done and u should pass. Medic is really fun to
  6. Ok this is what I would say anything that happens in Olympus servers/forums/teamspeak . You should be punished but idk depends on the staff
  7. Think he is talking about donator discounts , people who donated b4 this Bohemia thing had discounts but were recently removed last update and I was told next update it will be added back
  8. Yes we are next update.
  9. If its where your textures unload theres nothing they can do
  10. Ok father !
  11. I know you have been in game but just to make sure read the rules please and thank you Server Rules: R&R Handbook: APD Handbook: I went ahead and saved you sometime and linked you all the handbooks enjoy your stay hope you have fun
  12. Oh shit man ive walked past there a couple of times!
  13. Dude wheres Synergy
  14. When donator discounts coming back ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fuzy


      Legcacy donors get all the perks they had when they donated back then/ If what you're saying is the case, VR suits would be for everyone rather than $250 donators. All of our market items are discounted but the weapons aren't.

    3. Brennan


      I do believe he is referring to the legacy discount.

    4. BlackJack


      I am I donated and I have no discounts kinda dumb

  15. Thanks for the message maybe u "hackers" should get a life. 

  16. Wow wild day on medic nothing is more fun than blowing up because a speed bomb was placed on your car by @Corporal_moob 10/10

  17. Lol I know just saying he's u know good asf in opinion
  18. 3 rip is very good man
  19. All these goddam irrelevant post This guy should go back to wack asylum !
  20. Donor perks are no longer a thing. All donor items are being added when monthly goals are met.
  21. Get out of here your annoying !
  22. Can u stop being so goddam annoying!
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