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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. You see if #FedotForAdmin this would be solved
  2. BlackJack


    Don't forget http://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/4-server-information-amp-rules/ read the rules b4 u start complaining on side chat

  4. Nothing is better then spending 600k on 1 strider :FeelsBad:

  5. I'm saying that I can't access nothing not even the Tanoa server it shows the red thing on the left side of the server
  6. @Grandma Gary any idea on how to get out of apex because I load up my normal Arma and I can't get into Altis
  7. I am going to ask nicely don't post this twice please and thank you
  8. Anybody know how to get out of apex so I can play altis https://gyazo.com/b61ae90d0def52f15902ee6a6e79ac88

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlackJack


      @Fedot @Bobby lol and no it ain't a troll like it won't let me into Altis or Tanoa I think im gonna re download

    3. Fedot


      what error


    4. Bobby


      If its the connecting failed bug you don't have to do a full redownload. just opt into and then back out of a beta build - that fixed it for me @BlackJack

  9. Lol isn't Tanoa apex
  10. Try joining an other Tanoa server and see if it happens if it doesn't play on that server for like 10 minutes then come back if it still kicks u then , idk if u tried this but it's obvious restart your PC lol I know sounds dumb but just trying to help really never heard of this b4 . Sorry if this didn't work hopefully it starts working soon
  11. http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ Go here and Click the drop down menu under "Department"
  12. Because the community will find out anyway word from a sAPD
  13. Shoutout to Fedot for breaking the player stats numerous times !
  14. Best way to stay with this awesome community 1) Read Rules 2)Follow Those Rules 3) Be smart about your actions
  15. Check my friend i think it's time u take a break from Olympus forums u seem to be a little sick make sure you have eaten enough food and have drank enough water
  16. Well that would be cool but that will include some mods I think idk just what I think
  17. R.I.P Tanoa It was nice having it with all that stuff being added to Altis 2016-2016

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Muthinator


      I wouldnt consider its previous state to be unplayable...  

    3. Dustin87


      Yeah unplayable was the wrong word there. Right now georgetown is a lot of fun to fight cops or just hang out, but with a new rebel outpost and chop shop and maybe a new cartel im hoping the rebel life on there can enhance a little bit. Theres also some frame issues, which I understand is not Olympus fault at all its armas, nothing can be done about that. Im looking forward to seeing what the dev's have in store for the map :)


    4. Augustus


      I just feel that Tanoa may have been a little rushed, I think that the community(Including me) put a lot of pressure on the staff to release it, with countless threads saying "is Tanoa out yet?" "When's Tanoa coming out?"

  18. Welcome to Olympus Kavala here to your left there's a dead person , here to your right another dead person and right in front of u there are people being taken hostage
  19. Ladies and Gentlement we go new staff members! 

  20. Death Montage coming soon :) 

    Along with a revive montage :) 

    1. Ahmed99
    2. BlackJack


      @UnT0uchab1e it will be best montage on Olympus 

  21. So when's next gang wars ? :bender-dance:

    1. Goodman


      Today. U missed it.

  22. Like for like @Muthinator
  23. Everyone we got new Air Responders ! :happygary:

  24. Well bud here's a quick tip read the rules *wink* and don't combat store boom easy and u won't get banned major key
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