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  1. I'm selling an 3 crate oil house and a 4 crate weed house, both right by the processors. Hit me up if interested. Again, this is on server 3.
  2. I already sold 

  3. JPost

    RIP Tree

    Do you even Engrish?
  4. JPost

    RIP Tree

    That got you real far didn't it?
  5. JPost

    RIP Tree

    Leach? Explain please Sand is really op for money man, but i'm sure you prefer salt right?
  6. JPost

    RIP Tree

    I'd be upset too if no gangs wanted me after taking funds and couldn't buy my way into any gangs. Glad that worked out for ya Also, silver? Really? Sand is where its at
  7. JPost

    RIP Tree

    You fucked up Jaeger, you really did. Maybe next time you'll respect the people who have played alongside you for over two years.
  8. Any idea on when the Tanoa map will be completely finished?
  9. I see you get banned for properly engaging people on here now. Awesome!

  10. New Arma update is mufftastic 

  11. Are ban appeals even being checked?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dustin87


      They responded to mine in less than 24 hours...

    3. QKSILVR73


      less than 24 hrs here too

    4. SPBojo


      less than 10 here :3

  12. Got perm banned for a game glitch, never have been banned from olympus in the 8 months I've played it, this is ridiculous

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Symfuhny


      Ye postman some of us were thinking that the vehicle was dsyncd or something that sucks man

    3. SPBojo
    4. JPost


      Yeah the whole situation was ridiculous, hopefully it gets resolved

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