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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. You should know by now my specialty is being inactive. Also I’m a slave to capitalism
  2. Blue Falcon gang shit up in here
  3. Bagged milk
  4. No scats allowed obvs
  5. Also pretty sure the mk14 has the best range... atleast it should has the longer barrel.
  6. Deadass love the mk14. shits on kids cqc
  7. Yo is there any fights anymore? If I start playing again is this gonna he fights?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HyperGoat


      just make sure you dont make a gang if you do!

    3. Jaster


      plague fights every day

    4. Chaos


      @HyperGoat I wouldn't really be coming back if I didn't though right?

  8. Playing with a cheater doesn’t make you one. and just like me if he’s innocent he will get unbanned.
  9. You are retarded. Why would they let known scripters and or cheaters on the server? Regardless of what server they did it on. Once someone plays dirty once they don’t go back.
  10. Chaos

    God Tier

    Now children, play nice together. Don't want me to tell your dad do ya?
  11. Chaos

    God Tier

    I could be so mean to you. But I’m stoned so your chill
  12. Chaos

    God Tier

    I don’t need to submit a resume to you...
  13. Still solid in my opinion of fuck Jesus and his sky kingdom.
  14. Jesus is a lie.
  15. Deadass, fighting complexity was the hard as fuck But seriously the answer is TI.
  16. dont dedos people i guess lol
  17. I’m thankful @Fushigi isn’t a mod anymore so I can break rules again.

    but fr your thanksgiving is at the wrong time of year.

    1. hawk


      I always forget when the US celebrates thanksgiving lmao

    2. Chaos


      Ikr, random ass time

    3. I’m NormaL

      I’m NormaL

      Hey Bud Hope Your Having A Wonderful Thanksgiving Today With The Fam :)

  18. Is that actually you prismo? We may have played a longgggg time ago... and yes it is always this toxic, this is a light rp server. So wasteland with guidelines really.
  19. Got em
  20. Americans and there broken ass thanksgiving that happens on the wrong day and has no reason for it. Yes im throwing shade
  21. Deadass let’s give high ranking medics mxcs. Only Because it will make me killing them at warzone more fun

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Chaos


      Better hope I never see that tank.. gonna get vested if I do

    3. MAV


      Which is a big ass bomb... GBU = guided bomb unit

    4. Chaos


      Point is mercury I’m going to vest it. That’s all that’s important

  22. How did I know you would be the dirty biggy supporter.
  23. Wait if your from pyrgos that means your east side. fuckin biggy supporters.
  24. Vote Chaos for civ rep. I have all my time in civ, I have played for 4 years now. All civ. I’m just looking to bring balance overall and to make it just as much of a risk for cops and civs to enter warzone. ( to be clear I’m totally on board with the new warzone raid system. )
  25. I’ll post pic when I get home. Starting at 20 mil.
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