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Everything posted by Reach2557

  1. So R and the ghost fed. I like that ring tho Ghost Fed. Sounds like a new B rated horror movie.

  2. GOAT and the DDOSin he so salty.

  3. Our lord and savior Gary has deemed this man a sinner. And a sinner he shall remain. Praise Gary.
  4. 76561198101903069
  5. Equality for all.


    1. Marty
    2. Jaeger Mannen
    3. Reach2557


      Branded by equality all men need no envy.




  6. I got a paper saying the Japanese are going to attack. One problem. It doesn't say where though.

  7. If Atlantis sank into the sea, and Rapture was built under sea. Does that mean Rapture = Atlantis?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Mind blown... Just like J.F.K.

    3. Dustin87


      Or Adolf Hitler....

    4. Brennan


      Umm HELLO! Do u even realize what this mean?

      If Rapture has 3 letters then a quadrahedron has 4 triangles. This means that JFK shot first. If JFK shot first than we must ask our selves who he shot... Batman had two parents, they are both dead. JFK shot two bullets, JFK KILLED SPIDERMAN'S PARENTS, SPIDER MAN KILLED JFK!!

       Illuminati confirmed hello how have we not seen this yet?

  8. There is no skillful player or gang that can one tap people out of orcas facing away from the base. There is no skillful player that can one tap players so quickly and so many times to where the entire server joins the fight and take 4 hours to land a single kill. Pinkstreak is blind to not see that "everyone faught well" because that fight shouldnt have even occured if the admins did their job the night before when THE COPS claimed the same thing that we would the next day. Hacks end of story. End of tale. They are banned no more discussion.
  9. My good post gets shut down but pinkstreak doesnt know what aim bot is. 10/10 civs did admin's job
  10. We all new dustin had a heli pointed away from outpost 100m above the big tower and got one tapped about fo the back of the orca.
  11. Today August 6th, 2015 a battle for the server occurred. In this battle an unwanted enemy did present itself for the second time on the server. This unwanted enemy Nv had become a known name in the second server. For 5 hours the joint coalition of MC, NW, Prae, and TI engaged with the hackin/duping group of Nv. For those 5 hours many of the members were killed in ridiculous ways. A ton of money was lost in the hope of forcing these individuals to leave and return to the abyss from which they came. The final moment of this battle occured when Corporal_Moob, leader of MC, sacrificed himself via suicide vest and took 9 of them to hell. And now it is known that Nv has been banned. Justifying the countless deaths and vehicles thrown at them in the hopes of expelling them. Today was a good day to die gentlemen. From MC, I salute you o7
  12. Today a country was born.

  13. Wishing for the return of a glorious empire

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