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Everything posted by Brry

  1. enough said can we please get this mechanic. IE. going to a certain spot on lets say server 2 knowing that it will give you a advantage vs an opponent on lets say server 1. anti ghosting screen gives a time limit on switching 8-15 minutes to discourage and make the ghost less effective .
  2. Well you have dedicated a lot of your time to this community. I respect you for that and anyone who gives their free time to work on this server. i know we have not always seen eye to eye but the community needs mods , admins and devs they always will.
  3. well have to see maybe my Irish blood is why I'm such a fighter .
  4. Sorry I actually care about this community and I want to save it.
  5. You are the fool moob it seems only time will show you the repercussions of your actions.
  6. so moob this community that you say you love is being destroyed by you and your gang realise this before you are the only ones left

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I help newbies do drug runs, I donate some money for their vehicles and if I let them out the nest to do their own drug run and get a text, or see in chat they got killed normally I'm on my way with fully geared 4 guys on my benches to retrieve the vehicle from the guy.

      I pay people the chop money, take the chopper and spangle it in HQ's so they get impounded - sometimes I get caught, but it's worth it.

      But eventually they will need to learn they are not immo...

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Oh this again?

    4. Papamunski


      its mangina week

  7. Lol why the salt i'm not a blind 12 year old like Dustin and I'm sure as Shit not afraid to speak my mind to some nerds on the interwebs who think some badge scares me.
  8. Maybe banning with zero tolence isn't the answer maybe interacting with the players is. but who am I the dwindling player base is Def not a result of this am I right. talking to someone in teamspeak is so hard zomg it's like talking to a girl it's so scary :0 Ps. Mc's attitude towards players helps too I'm sure.
  9. Plus 1 out with the old in with the new.
  10. +1 virus Moobs act is super fake and it gets very old
  11. It would be nice i was on deputy the other day and I was basically handing this guy RP on a plate lol I was hinting as much as I could for him to RP even though he tried to kill me, But I guess he didn't get the hint and I just had to process him. I also have some plans to get my gang more involved in RP civ side and I don't mean hands up or die. I'm talking like street racing and other stuff to have some fun you don't always have to run around with a mk18 as civ .
  12. ohh I'm sure you will lol and I'm happy to hear that you play cop for the RP and not for the money unlike some cops js. a lesson could be learned from you my good sir
  13. Lol ty I'm glad cops here role play unlike asylum cough cough . luckily I had my CIA partner there to back me up and this is general chat pointless post incoming. it's a game of thrones reference so you know bubba
  14. you know nothing John Snow
  15. The walkers are coming we must defend the wall !!!!!
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