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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. why did mad people just get 2.975M in their deposit boxes

    1. monster


      community goal ended

    2. CaloomClark


      I got 3.225, what was the community goal

    3. monster
  2. bets won value
  3. I evaded Aids for more than two and a half years and I finally tested positive. All I had was post anal drip and a fever. Stock up on masks, at home tests and your favorite butt plugs folks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horizon
    3. Farrel
    4. lukie


      I laugh at those two losers in this thread who called me "an average looking manlet". It's so ridiculous that I'm laughing instead of getting angry. I am a drop-dead gorgeous, fabulous, stylish, exotic gem among thousands of rocks. I'm one of a kind, completely the opposite of average. You're just jealous because I'm better looking than you, and you know it.

  4. stay strong. life goes on
  5. DAMN @ Farrel ?!?!?!? YYOU MISS HIM?!?!
  6. I didn't leak the mission file. I borrowed it to Raykazi and he leaked it
  7. I can confirm the code he provided is property of Olympus. This guy is dangerous and means business, his demands should be met quick and precise or we risk sacrificing the Olympus we know and love.
  8. There's a rare number of staff that got admin and didn't immediately stop playing in-game or drastically lower their play time . When everything is easy, the game gets stale like most admins are admitting now. The only reason I kept playing as a staff member is because each month I received my staff payout - I lost it not even an hour after to the casino. Admins, try gambling! You will love Arma again!
  9. so hilarious that you think thats dpi when homie literally just ran around you in a circle and you can't hit your shots on that 15fps laptop LMAO
  10. RIP to Conner. Absolute legend.
  11. GPU market plummeting...

  12. Looks like just as always, on forums, everyone is so smart and has everything to say, but in real-life, they're just cockroaches with no achievments, you people really never cease to amaze me with your stupidity and how retarded you are, but I do get it, a country led by a 90 year-old with dementia can't really have a double-digit IQ citizens, especially ones who spent their whole life on an mil-sim LIFE rpg game

  13. damn the queens last words... RIP6sqhyv.jpg

  14. Horizon


    @ hawk sucked me off and it wasn't gay until he asked me to cuddle after
  15. Horizon


    o7 Joe King. Guy is a true king.
  16. ain't you Nathaniel B?

    1. NokiaStrong


      wow u must be a fan



  18. DP Missions have been bugged since I was a developer and distance you traveled didn't matter when it came to pay out. Maybe they fixed it and nerfed it recently but it might still be bugged.
  19. sov driving its hemmt to platinum after being robbed for the 2000th time in a row
  20. You know sov I used to wonder what made you so bitter all the time but lifting packages for 8 hours at minimum wage just to come home and play 12-18 hours of arma on a laptop at 15fps for the last 5 years wasting ur life away must be pretty fucking miserable. It's crazy at 50 years old you still haven't figured out that people shit talk you because you give a reaction every SINGLE TIME.
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