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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. Bro I am not trying to gaslight anyone. I just really do not see bolt-cutting rules as gray. If you're found to be bolt-cutting somthing; that to me is a hostile action. At the end of the day different staff members may have different interpretations of the rules. We try to all be on the same page but ultimately we are all human and all each have our own individual predisposed opinions and perceptions of the rules.
  2. NGL I've always thought that's how it should be too. If you are able to establish that a group member is in custody, in my opinion it should keep the engagement going. If I had to guess I would bet that is one of the largest misconceptions newer players have regarding RDM rules. It would prevent misconceptions that lead to bans and would make more sense for both parties. Although I know that's not what this thread is about, if that was put up to an internal vote, I would be all for that being revised.
  3. Okay don't worry everyone @ Doke TV  bullied me into replacing the headset I just got and a new one will be arriving on Sunday 🥲

  4. As it currently stands we allow players to kill others for attempting to steal their vehicle or boltcut into their house. Why would we not allow players to kill those who are trying to blow up their house or shed when it is a much more expensive piece of property? If someone tried to blow my house up I would definitely consider that a hostile action
  5. Happy birthday @ Ryan !!!

    1. Element_
    2. Milo


      Oh shit LMAO hahaha

      @ Lucien , @ Element_ too and whoever else I forgot I am on mobile rn. Happy birthday to you guys too 🙂🎂

  6. Throwback to a funny meme I initially uploaded somewhere else

    1. Milo


      Also interstellar is a banger, if you haven't watched it I highly recommend it 🙂

    2. Welshy


      That's me loading Arma

  7. Yes I have.
  8. To expand on this: The way Arma does damage handling sucks. Depending on what other methods of obtaining war points would be added, I could see it absolutely being exploited by players who understand how bad Arma is at handling that. Especially since people have exploited more indepth difficult systems for less. Creating larger rewards for war points would further incentivise players to try and re-create those scenerios for the sake of farming points. That would be more people needlessly getting banned. If the system was changed then it was changed for a reason. Now this is something that I could see potentially being worked with and could potentially allow you guys to get some war-point changes through. I am not saying that making changes to war points will be impossible but simply asking it to be "reverted to how it was" will likely never happen. If it was changed, it was very likely for a reason. Your guys best chance is working with small changes that does not significantly increase the risk of abuse and work from there. I don't have infinite money and I am a fan of war points. I'm just simply putting it out how it is.
  9. Honestly development effort wise, making the changes mentioned in the posts and replies would be super easy. I think the larger problem is abuse and exploitation. Although there's things we could do to potentially mitigate those risks, we could never really prevent them. I think that is generally why it is a non-starter and for good reason. It's unfortunate but it makes sense.
  10. Congrats @ FalseBit  @ knifemaster  and @ thompp  🙂!!!

    1. Milo


      (also @ thompp  still sold me fentanyl while on cop)

    2. thompp
  11. If you're watching the fallout series make sure you call the vault tech number in the show!

    1. Element_


      The vault-tec number from fallout 4 was way better

  12. @ -Shawn- @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup @ Community Director Sov
  13. Jesus who gave this @ FalseBit  guy Senior Support??? Jokes. Congratulations FalseBit, well deserved indeed 🙂

  14. Why do I suddenly have 6 ghost hawks in my garage???

  15. A little heads up as someone whose used sound mod for a while and has heard of other players having similar issues: If you hear an engine making a really awfully glitchy sound, that sound will crash your game in usually 7-8ish seconds. Really bizarre issue but I've found other people have had it infrequently from time to time as well. If you hear it and tab out immediately and tab back in you can entirely circumvent the crash itself
  16. Happy birthday to my favorite adopted SQFer @ Toretto  😄🎉 !!!

    1. Toretto


      Happy to have broken most SQF things I’ve changed 🫡

    2. Milo


      @ Toretto  Hey that's how you know you fit in!! 😂🙏

  17. Thank you for all your years of contributions as staff. o7
  18. @ Peapay  Welcome back to the team 🙂

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