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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Congrats On Sergeant, Mobundo! But, you still need to pay the child support. <3

  2. #FreeHam






  3. Ham


  4. I swear if I get killed by one more quick peeking 9ner.

  5. Find me on the server and I will give you a good laugh
  6. Ham


    I thought this was an rp server, not wasteland. :/
  7. #AdminsAbuseMeMoreThanMyParents







  8. Gary The Savage
  9. o7 Big towers
  10. Nice kills Gafski
  11. Someone needs to make a gang and name it "The Gestapo"

    1. Ninjaman427


      Should be the replacement for OS.

    2. Marty


      We already have the SS

      and they're egregious too

  12. @Cake What did he even say? #CakeIsInnocent

  13. I haven't <3
  14. Happy Birthday! @Maverick Hope you have a great day :)

  15. I would never buy anythiung bigger than a box truck, atleast it you lose it, you only lose a run
  16. btw, Tman, do you like the limeade?
  17. I might have a submission coming in here soon
  18. GG Fedot
  19. Ham


    Oh okay :P, I must need to tryharder then
  20. Ham


    Yeah, even when I'm on the offensive I like hearing footsteps, gives you a big advantage.
  21. Ham


    I like hearing the game to see if there is any footsteps. So, I really don't listen to music while doing anything.
  22. Legals actually make some good money if you want to be super safe But carry a weapon, people might camp diamond.
  23. No, I've moved on. I haven't killed anyone with binoculars since the incident.
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