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Everything posted by wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm

  1. congrats, hopefully if you stream you won't get caught with some white powdered donuts on your face. Glad to see what will come Web wise. you will never replace fedot
  2. throw it in the stat page and see he has an AT offroad.
  3. m16tVqG.jpg


    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      he couldnt take the rdm anymore...

    2. Theory


      when I saw this picture, I started laughing and released a fart

  4. at least im not aimlocking the handbook
  5. I mean you ~could~ just save the handbook page as a .html file and open it your browser locally and utilize ctrl + f while logged out of the real site during the test but ya know, probably should study so you don't get removed first day
  6. I am not saying you did, I am just saying you will get your balls busted for doing anything other than checking redzones and/or chilling in cities. I just gave a scenario where a lot of ppl I knew afked using the planes and never got noticed but people like you who try and rp get pwned
  7. this is not an rp community it is a gunplay community, if you actually want to afk cop hours just ask a corp for recon plane and put flaps down and tab out otherwise youll get your balls busted for doing anything other than checking redzones and passively afking in cities
  8. You show your email and Facebook and you are asking that??????
  9. Could you post pic of the one in Kore on map?
  10. Hello and welcome back! I would recommend reading the Altis Life Server Rules to get a good grasp on how to avoid breaking rules while learning to role-play properly once again. And to apply for police you need 1680 minutes on Civ and you must pass an interview based on the APD handbook. You can check your time by going to player stats and entering your steam64id also known as your guid. You can read more about the cop information here.
  11. I like this idea but does requesting an epi-pen show your location on the map to anyone who has an epi-pen? The same way requesting a revive is shown to medics? @Peter Long If so, then I can see some problems with people using the map to get people's locations who request an epi-pen. If not then +1 to its mechanics according to Muth's suggestion making it cheaper to get a last stand fighting and making dopamine worth more via hospital.
  12. 76561198096691191 @Grandma Gary Thank you
  13. I have decided to stay but not reapply for apd. I'll play civ and not have to deal with staff because i'll just be following rules.
  14. Goodbye Olympus, I have quit the apd and will be leaving completely. I joined this server thinking the staff was amazing (I only dealt with bobey and hershmek and hades) Lately I have been told multiple things by different higher ups such as admins who completely contradict each other to the point of almost complete bullshit. I watched two amazing staff members get demoted for so much as voicing their opinion. The staff on this server truly needs some reconstructing, bobey,hershmek and hades are the only people I see actually dealing with moderating players. The rest of the staff I see continuously changes systems or rules behind each others backs which just confuses and infuriates the players. And until then i'll find another server to RP on. John Ryder signing off. -- John Ryder
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