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Everything posted by platinumfire

  1. platinumfire


    hahaha give it too him Tali
  2. Damn that Hemtt was possessed or something should of taken it to Kavala would have been funny
  3. also for constructive criticism maybe have the chat in Skype because moving people in and out was loud and some times someone would be talking and u cant hear him
  4. He's 12 and its summer so he has too much time to himself
  5. omg ok haha I've seen orgondo before and looks alot like him.
  6. I'm not positive but this Tree Orgondo right?
  7. where do you live that heavier set men walk around half naked?
  8. Not to pry but do you have a complex sexuality?
  9. you don't know...how can u not know. I'm disturbed by this
  10. Well welcome back to Olympus.
  11. Cool will definitely try to be there but ya got the NBA Finals on so 50/50 got to see Lebron win.
  12. Nice Decimus literally posted the song in Team Speak like 8 minutes ago
  13. McDili paying the victim...hmmm not familiar with this concept.
  14. platinumfire


    Nothing as far as the eye can see
  15. naw its not pic a song that goes with the video don't pick a song that just sounds good got to fit with the video
  16. Swervy what the hell is this montage the music is aids
  17. platinumfire


    great post m8 bravo
  18. I don't know if anyone has noticed this but this picture is on google images https://www.google.com/search?q=titans+tower&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX0b6x8f_MAhWLXh4KHZ0QBgcQ_AUIBygB&biw=1920&bih=979#imgrc=clsjpdjLv1s3bM%3A its the tower from the teen titans TV show on cartoon network.
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