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Everything posted by Kenji

  1. God you're fucking stupid and immature...
  2. But but.... They're not making rockets though..
  3. Congratz man. But 4790k/6700 and a lesser gpu>
  4. Will be adding another 1 mill to the bounty with teddy.
  5. This is pretty decent rp as far as olympus go's fam. Usually you get a "hands up or die by the apd" from some deputy.
  6. what about garage?
  7. but you're a shitter?
  8. You Verfiy Integrity of game cache yet?
  9. I don't think that is his problem, it shouldn't matter what cable you use unless somehow its changing your in-game aspect ratio. Unless however there is error in the way your gpu is processing in either connection such as a reduction in color processing which would increase performance. After seeing his spec i think we can say his shitty fps is due to his hardware.
  10. no you dont I call bullshit. Unless your talking about kavala your doing something terribly wrong.
  11. Can confirm GTX 760 is a beast. Get on average around 50 (60-80 in campaign and 20-40 in kavala) with a GTX 760 super and i3-4130, which for its price is pretty impressive.
  12. Kenji


    The Apd should be Rp, not another form of rebel civ without the punishment of death.
  13. I'm confused man, you cant find a pc yourself that gets 60 fps in arma, so you want someone to comment their specs? Anyways www.cyberpowerpc.com or www.ibuypower.com are probably your best bet if you don't know how to build your own, but you know somethings about computers. If you don't know what parts your looking for you really need someone to help/talk to you; so you can figure out things like if you want an ssd or if you need more then 8gb of ram exc.
  14. And what if there's 8 rebels and 14 cops....
  15. Nope not banned, had to make sure
  16. Are you old enough to really, i mean really be on the apd now?
  17. Lets say we have 10 gangs. That means 10 50cals and 20 ifrits (#math). The honestly sounds like hell. How about 1 ifrit per gang?
  18. Please let it be true.
  19. When you thought you were in a plane. watch?v=JkaFQWrqmIQ
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