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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. mk1s are 1mil per. Vest is going for 500k. I will sell an MX for like 150k a piece.
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary



    2. Tyrone


      That's my house! :( 

    1. RogueMK


      Lol it's all fun n games for you guys but when you lot get busted by apd you all turn in to toxic cunts! And complain how you wasn't caught fairly! I'll have to remember to upload a status showing it as well 

    2. bigSMOKE


      32 minutes ago, RogueMK said:

      Lol it's all fun n games for you guys but when you lot get busted by apd you all turn in to toxic cunts! And complain how you wasn't caught fairly! I'll have to remember to upload a status showing it as well 

      we're trolling, i promise

    3. Tyrone


      Good work men, memeshack slowing driving the cops away 

  2. mine is the next street over. This man told me he gave away all his money and quit the server. WTF?
  3. Probably like 2mil alright. You gotta pick em up!
  4. All APD Gear for sale for the right price! Msg me what you want and we can negotiate. https://gyazo.com/c5038f6bd78fbe578082732c67aafad2 https://gyazo.com/c5395e80a78538f715e1e0a8f6705676 https://gyazo.com/a6a0c71db9dd952a3a4963dda7e12287 https://gyazo.com/5e66deb2a173ea7fed2ca979fe184070 https://gyazo.com/f6a24cb748b4c5a9fcd9f7d45802f323 https://gyazo.com/6bbd87748205ea3f23c9b07b510e0ff3
  5. Thats what Im looking for. IF nothing else is better then I will sell it to you. S1 Better get on it 4mil current offer for the 3 crater. no offer for the 2 crater next to garage yet.
  6. https://gyazo.com/2521c404158fc2d58240325f9469dcd7 2 houses somewhat decent locations, one closest to gun store is a 3 crater. The one close to garage is 2 crater. Msg/Post offers. Looking to sell quick. Need explosives.
  7. Yea, want a 3-4 crater somewhat close to square. Willing to pay decent money for it. hmu
  8. I believe this statement
  9. bigPat


    you got a thicc ass head @Panera shutup!
  10. I dont think 4mil is going to be enough for me to sell that house. Gotta come up with somthing better or Ill just keep it.
  11. Idk, gotta see about it. If anyone might want it for more.
  12. Its on the road that the cops use to come from HQ
  13. Close to gun and square. Give me offers of interested. https://gyazo.com/a5c5521f47cf054c48a2d3fce9df5f18
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