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JoeL last won the day on February 17 2022

JoeL had the most liked content!


About JoeL

Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 12/20/2002

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    Arms Dealer

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Merry Christmas Olympus 🎅

  2. Invite will be sent via Forums DM when @ xsmitherz gets around to it. Rest assured.
  3. Happy Birthday weak mental @ Sevro

    1. Sevro


      No swat today = weakest mental

  4. Congrats @ Kaotic  on LT!!!! Lets goooooo!!

  5. Letsss GO!!!!!!! Big Congrats @ xsmitherz

  6. P365 XL is the Daily. M&P .45 2.0 Home Defense!
  7. APD beats BC at feds all the time. When we have double their numbers
  8. There could be a small handful of fellas out there with a bit of sauce who eventually will get caught, but for the most part anybody you’re encountering on a daily basis especially people from those listed gangs they just have 10 years experience and thousands if not tens of thousands of hours on the game. People have adapted to the game and have learned tricks in the game mechanics on how to just be better. I get shit on daily and steam rolled 100x over in the craziest ways, but I never assume their cheating I just cringe when other people say out loud “that dude is hacking”. As for taking a more “serious approach” it already is 100% a 0 tolerance and anyone blatantly caught in the act will be removed from the server completely. It takes a lot of solid evidence to report someone for hacking, but you’re always more than welcome to submit any evidence you ever have and staff will review accordingly.
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