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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. 274e9f00920a471fbe6551c029efadf6.gif

    Hummingbirds eat Titans 

    1. Orbit


      you saved my heli ❤️

  2. JoeL

    Return TM*

    Welcome back, have fun! A lot has changed since back then so probably a good idea to freshen up on some of the rules, and read up on some of the new features. If you have any questions just reach out on here and I’m sure some good guys will help you out. You’re from the OG days so I’m sure you’ll find your way around again. Definitely a great community to be apart of, and check out the 10 year anniversary giveaway if you haven’t already you might get lucky.
  3. Add mobile gambling so I can lose all my money on the go! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      gambling on stats page using in game currency + 25% tax? @ Toretto

    3. JoeL


      @ stayclaxxy  now that's crazzzy guys I meant allow me to play Blackjack on my in game phone well I'm in the back of the orca 💀 

    4. Rexo


      Now that is how we fix the economy 

  4. Happy Birthday @ ZeroBlade  hope ur years full of good health and good times cheers 🍻

    1. ZeroBlade


      Appreciate it brother man!

  5. Too many words my BW brain rot can’t keep up
  6. This is practically already a thing because for about 80% of your Data there was a Active Senior on who could and usually would authorize deemed necessary. I get there still is the remaining time where a Active senior doesn't log on, but rare occasion. This also is practically already a thing, because a corporal cannot authorize JR's lethal's unless their are 10 or less on with 10 minutes left on bomb and 9/10 times there will be more than 5 waves under our belt by then. Not to mention a Active Senior is not going to authorize JR's lethals until this point anyway unless the situation is blown way out of Proportion civ sided. I totally agree with you and I am all for JR's having a better experience. I myself am not a Senior and see where you're coming from completely, but unfortunately I don't think your suggestions listed about the lethal's are going to resolve the issue at hand, and it needs to be investigated deeper as a community on ways we can resolve this. Which is exactly the purpose of this post so +1 for bringing the community together to reflect.
  7. Happy birthday @ Xlax .exe

  8. o7 old friend, thank you for your dedication to the APD. It’s been a pleasure.
  9. Sorry this happened to you Milo! Hopefully they didn’t get anything from you that could make an impact.
  10. W in the chat!!! 9 years later I’m still here and thankful for all the life lessons Olympus has taught me, and the life long friends I’ve made along the way. In a way some oldies in the Olympus Community kinda raised me… starting here when I was 12 years old and now I’m 21 sounds insane, and I’m thankful for @ Ryan allowing me another chance in the community after fucking up and making some mistakes many years ago I’ve grown and have been enjoying my time back and on my best behavior.
  11. Can’t believe I’ve devoted 9 years of this one and only life we get to this community… and it’s been 100% worth I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve met people that I believe will be life long friends thanks to this community, and Olympus I thank you for that.
  12. I stand corrected ^
  13. This entire post was beautifully said, and I couldn’t agree more. This highlighted section specifically more people should take note on and realize not everything is so serious. Didn’t really know you too well Rafa, but from what I’ve read here and have seen you seem like a great person. You’ll be missed thank you for all you’ve done to help make Olympus a better place. o7
  14. JoeL

    RIP 100m

  15. Happy Birthday to a real day 1 @ SystemChips  enjoy brotha 

  16. Lemnos
  17. Pretty awesome content!
  18. Shame on you @ -Shawn-  a casino blacklist is supposed to be permanent  now I don’t have a pot to piss in

    1. -dante-


      ????? am v confused 

    2. -dante-


      Oh you requested it baby grl. Theyre never permanent 😄

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