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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. And 50. Cal skins! I'm tired of the old red skin. Possibly they could just port the normal off-road skins to the armed so we can chrome then.
  2. please don't become a pinkstreak and move to Archeshite tho
  3. You're not you when you're hungry! (not sponsored)
  4. Suprisngly, I still have my ice cream truck. I want my siren back though :[
  5. Ice cream truck v2
  6. no need to roast
  7. Well, that makes me feel better
  8. I saw this for sale and didn't have enough to buy it. rip.
  9. I honestly don't roleplay. When I get processed, I don't make up any bullshit, I just get straight to the ticket. The closest thing you'll get to roleplay from me is hands up or die.
  10. My favorite was the second for both
  11. I'll purchase the MXM for 120k
  12. I don't have it
  13. cooooo0l.
  14. How much for the rangemaster suit? I'll buy it for 25k
  15. Whiskey, you've got to be one of the coolest motherfuckers on this server. I hope to see you around sometime. -|VX| Augustus.
  16. Did something happen between you two? Thought you two were in the same gang
  17. I want all clothing donor only. If everyone got a pink suit, id have nothing to show off
  18. I agree with Marty, why no classical?
  19. wtf now you're making me feel bad about myself... but hey, every second I've played on Olympus was damn worth it.
  20. MK18 w/ MRCO and ARCO in MTP Kitbag Flashlight Pilot Coveralls CSAT CH Helmet Aviator Bandanna 5 WHITE smokes, 6 Food, water, gulls, 3 cupcakes, 15 lockpicks and a blood bag. 15 Mags of 7.62, 2 Meds, 1 Repair and 1 RGO (On occasion ) GA Overall it's a pretty expensive load out to maintain but it's great.
  21. I agree with Rogue, keep it to Olympus weapons.
  22. That's pretty good. Better than my shit
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