Honestly, bring back gang taxes to all illegal drugs. Spread all the cartels around the map, except keep the cartels we have now at the same spots. If you don't want to deal with taxes, do legal runs.
Even though I didn't play back then ( I started around August 2015 ) I've still heard countless stories of what it was like back when gangs like BurBan existed. I've heard how much of a better server it was back then, with server 3 and a better community. I'd be cool to go back.
1. Most Dominate Gang : Islamic State of Altis
2. Favorite Player : [Taxi] Marty
3. Favorite current APD Member : idk
4. Favorite R&R Member : Issac Newton
5. Favorite former APD member : Peter Long
6. Favorite former R&R : not sure
7. Kavala Troll King : Pretty much all of DB
8. Favorite time on the server: Taking a sub to moonshine cartel and having it eventually arma us all ( That very sub killed 5 of us)
9. Funniest Moment: ^^^^
10. Something you want in the community : R C O O N C I V
11. Favorite Quote : "okay I'm gonna go do dp missions" -marty
Yeah but it would get to the point where you literally couldn't do any runs without running into at least one person. Cops would be everywhere, you'd be going to jail/paying tickets 24/7. The worst part would be the lag.