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About tim2

  • Birthday 12/20/2000

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I reinstalled it 2 days ago and when I press alt+z nothing happens thx though I tried playztv I installed 7 updates then it still wanted to update
  2. Alright I have this problem with shadow play (I'm very new to it have barley any experience with it) the problem is that I have a desk top icon on my screen I double click it to open it nothing happenes but if I right click and click open and it opens the pops up with a error immediately and says Nvidia GeForce experience had a error please try exiting and opening again and it pops up every time so I tried reinstalling it worked until I shut down my of then it went back to not opening but the weirdest part about while it was work I set up a fps counter and when I have the error and cannot open shadow play and the stat arma 3 the fps counter is there and when I try to open the overlay nothing happenes please help
  3. want a cookie........ jk <3 eccksss deee
  4. This True why can't everyone be nice?
  5. damn McDili you gonna take that <3 (I'm expecting a rap)
  6. Nikoteen you are irrelelivant and bad please be quiet please don't get worked up everytime you talk it sounds like u are talking through you yellow ass teeth
  7. k....... B|B Nikoteen
  8. Good stuff eat it everytime I go to louisiana
  9. 4 is After the last Thursday in November and before December 25th.
  10. its pretty good or so I've heard
  11. Prison Break im pretty sure its on netflix
  12. House of cards?
  13. Have you watched @buckie's reaging video its only like 40 sec long but I could watch it for hours on end spoiler he smashes plates against his wall
  14. Have you watched Breaking Bad
  15. Best Shot: Me ...... When im laging Best Driver: All of BFO what else do they do fight lol Best Heli Pilot:GOAT Best Officer: [MC] Garret Best R&R: otter when he plays Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Fedot Best RP'r: none on this server Most Tactical: BFO Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: old ass [MC] Vengence And Fedot hard to pick Most Reliable: Savage or Shameless Most Dedicated Player: Tech on all day everyday
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