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Maze last won the day on March 21 2017

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About Maze

R&R Medic
  • Birthday 11/14/1998

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  1. SO. I was curious as to why my game was running on only 2fps so I looked at my stuff. Liquid-cooling pump...had a chip in it. Leaking all over my graphics card and motherboard. Fried 'em both like a french fry. Sending the entire desktop back tomorrow with a very pointed letter attached to it. Will be on my shitty laptop until further notice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      Yeah Dezree, it's all your fault and you should feel bad. Be ashamed and hate yourself forever. The Arma players have spoken. :P 

    3. Maze


      I'm not a tech genius like some of you. I'd have no idea how to build my own computer so I'd more than likely break it that way. XD Either way, I called them up and they were very apologetic. On the bright side, they are paying for all the shipping and are giving me an upgraded graphics card from 950 to 960.

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Awwww yeaaahhhh


      I not tech genius. I get my gerbil genius friends to build it for me.

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