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Everything posted by Maze

  1. Maze

    Altis IRL

    I was going to point out that Kavala Square is a school or kids park....RDM EVERYTHING imean....let's not do that The reviews are hilarious. I can only imagine watching someone who doesn't know anything at all about Arma 3 read the reviews and get completely freaked out.
  2. Maze

    Big Towers

    We don't refuse to give them back as we did not take them away. The community made a vote and that vote ended up being removing the big towers. If you want them back, you need to come to a consensus with your piers.
  3. Annnndddd.....we're done.
  4. Maze


    Time to lock this.
  5. "Hello and welcome to Dezree's Airline! My name is Dezree and I'll be your captain for this flight. We are heading to (insert airport here) and the expected flight time is (ETA). There are some safety features that I need to go over while I taxi to the runway. The first one is please keep all limbs and weapons inside the aircraft. However, if for any reason you feel the need to let yourself out, you are more than welcome to grab one of the four parachutes in this aircraft and eject yourself. This is a non-smoking flight unless we get shot down by the Anti-Air systems stationed throughout the island. In the event of a water landing...well you're screwed; hope you can swim. Should we be engaged at any point during this flight, you will become my hostage until we run out of fuel and crash into the volcano. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING DEZREE'S AIRLINE!"
  6. When @Poseidon is asked to code something he doesn't want to: https://gyazo.com/787193e894c950b48524799ffc211cbb

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Maze


      :I Move this debate to a private message.

    3. TheSkyStarKnight
    4. Muthinator


      You stay out of this!  Just because its on your profile update...  lol!  

  7. "God Mode On" "ESP Enabled" Iwin
  8. I tried convincing Poseidon. Even started it and everything. "THE FILE SIZE IS TOO BIG ALREADY" @Poseidon
  9. Maze


    Cool, thanks.
  10. Maze


    Possibly. I mostly fight cops since the only thing they have to lose is their patience, haha. So that could be the issue.
  11. Maze


    When it goes straight to black it doesn't make any sound. Last night for example, my game was running smooth until I get killed and a medic gets me up. As soon as I stood up, it blackscreened with no warning. Lost a load out and I spawn in a completely different rebel. Already use a separate web-browser. I don't have steam open as I play. I only ever shift+tab in-game to look at a steam message. When I tab out, I just hit esc in game then tab out and I come back perfectly fine. @Fedot @JBruesch .....Idonttrustthat This only ever happens when I'm in combat or in towns like Kavala or Georgetown. Most of the time it happens in combat, which sucks, because it forces me to combat log on someone and I get back on and immediately comp them or turn myself in if it's the APD/TPD. SO IF I COMBAT LOG ON YOU, SORRY. WILL GET BACK ON AND COMP. IT'S OUT OF MY CONTROL.
  12. Maze


    The problem is, I've had this issue for a couple months. Not as frequent as it is now, maybe once or twice every couple of days verse now it's 3-4 times a day.
  13. Maze


    Yes, didn't do anything. Ok, I did that. 950 NVIDA something or other Again, I don't computer so...what
  14. Maze


    So I've had this issue for quite a while now and I've grown sick of it. For the past couple months while playing ArmA, my frames would suddenly drop down to 4-5 and I wouldn't be able to do anything. I could hear voice audio perfectly fine, but actions and other things moved so slowly. After a couple minutes of the low frames, my game will completely black-screen. Other instances, the games would go straight to the black screen. Recently, the black-screening has gotten a lot more frequent. The only way for me to fix it is to either force restart my desktop or go to the task manager and end the task. I've tried cleaning out my temp cache data thing and that still doesn't work. I've cleared a lot of space, but I still have 2.5TB of space so that's not the issue. I've followed Lethal's Master FPS Boost Guide and while that helps a little, it still doesn't prevent the black-screening. I can't computer so screenshots or a tutorial would be great. My destop's specs are: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00Ghz 4.01 GHz Installed RAM: 8.00 GB System Type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Operating System: Windows 10 Halp plz
  15. Yes. Poseidon has the servers shut down to do some final testing and maintenance to make sure everything runs smoothly.
  16. Maze

    Oh no

    I have the hammer too
  17. -hides in a corner somewhere-
  18. "He didn't click life alert. You didn't give him a chance!" LOL
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