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johnny goose

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johnny goose last won the day on December 21 2023

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About johnny goose

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  • Birthday September 25

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    calliou on chemo
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    arma 3 twitch page looking for streamers to crash a plane into

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  1. @Ryan could you increase or decrease the s2 closing time to a hard restart? Currently it closes on a soft restart and allows players who were already on to play after it locks people from joining during soft restart.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      does it because i was able to get on after restart and server lock and kit up

    3. Tech


      it kicks people incrementally. If it didn't kick people that server would always have > 0 people on it doing runs.

      One time the kicking was broken and 10 people stayed on and started pulling tempests and hemmts.

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      ah okay. was just bringing up to see if it was getting abused

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