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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  2. Im legally required to agree with hatchbacks
  3. if i lose i will shoot up a shopping mall and spray paint "olympus mecca for gamers" on the wall before offing myself. This is your only warning mako. Â For legal reasons im joking
  4. @ rabid would you go on a date to reburger with me lol

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Farrel


      i would get forums banned for this 

    3. 555555555


      @ jig What type of a father I am doesnt concern a fat yankee who spent his whole teenage on arma 3 lil nigga dont talk to me lmao 

      Also, how are u an obese depressed kid coming and calling a masculine guy "fat" ? xd

    4. jig


      Yeah im the complete opposite of depressed and being fat but ok man cheer yourself up. I actually go outside and play sports retard. I feel bad for your kid truly unfortunate for the little guy.

  5. call me stupid but whats so bad about glocks?
  6. i have 2 armed hurons i can sell u both for 24m
  7. or the third option a shit ton of cocaine to produce more olympus videos to milk ryan dry
  8. Prolly cus it leaked its house locations
  9. I cant wait to see what hawk has in store
  10. day 1 of bugging @ Ryan the Owner  to keep bugging @ FooWu  to stop bugging @ Bubbaloo Burrito to transfer him a ghawk

  11. good night at the casino last night?
  12. @ Noble biggest thing i would consider is battery life. I recently got a HP Omen second hand with a 1650 and a i7 for around $400. If your on a budget i would browse offerup & fb marketplace as they have some great deals on there. The one thing i noticed after i bought my laptop though was that battery life sucked, i looked into everything but battery life and its the one thing i regret.
  13. These tempest changes are clearly a targeted attacked towards anti, it will now have to play 7 hours a day to drag its self over the hills during its mushroom runs
  14. by getting off arma and living ur life mr 6 hours a day on average on arma
  15. gz u cut down to 31 hours this week, gonna sit here and act like you havent put 100+ hour weeks in before anti?
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