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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. johnny goose


    3m / 15 Cool 200k per person
  2. johnny goose


    "you retards seriously throw all your money in 5 bets then complain the casinos rigged."
  3. you retards really just throw all your money in like 5 bets then complain that the casinos rigged

  4. @Ryan 50m 07 gp for a unban final offer

  5. dont act like you wouldntve been all over this thread about 6 months ago
  6. Ryan can warn be but cant even respond to me requests for a 1v1 for a unban

    1. monster


      he just doesn't want to upset you when you lose.

    2. MarveL


      Hes been dealing with personal stuff for half a year. hes on the front lines fighting covid for his community

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      not a hate post 4heads ik hes a big man doin big tingz

      Also @m o n s t e r id drop @Ryan in any game but hes too scared :feelsbadman:

  7. dont shoot at someone and expect to not get shot back. You might see it as "clearly not aiming at him" but all him and his gang know is that a shot landed less then a meter from him w/o any form of engagement in a non red zone. Personally i would call you a 4head and teach you how to engage properly. TLDR - Dont shoot at someone then bitch when they shoot back
  8. finally beat that bitchass case @ChillX @Madnesss

    1. ChillX
    2. Madnesss


      looking for a glock wit a beam in the owasso area will pay extra if you got a beam wit it

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @Madnesss drop my addy next please uwu

  9. @Ryan ETA on unban?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. evannnn


      is that why you post status updates about it constantly


    3. johnny goose
    4. evannnn


      idk everytime i open the forums i see you somewhere


  10. RIP to my boy i still be listening to bmth for him Also +1 oly and the community does kinda act like a drug addiction if you take a step away from the game and look at it.
  11. if u dont know these niggas u aint a og sorry bout it


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      October 11, 2015

      February 23, 2015

      February 27, 2016

      Sorry we're not OG enough Mr.2014 

      @Millennium i really wonder what hes up to now

    3. SPBojo


      Wasn't referring to the people, simply referring to the year the videos were made in, aka 2016 clips 😞


      Oh and Mobundo still plays every now and then, very rarely but if your lucky you have a chance at running into him 🙂 

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      permed so i cant see him :feelsbadman:

  12. no that was my 3rd or 4th perm. Im currently permed for backpacking a wall
  13. like when @Peter Long permed me for sneaking into a GW and sui vesting a whole gang
  14. you know im winning when i spent $50 on runescape bots

  15. Its not that hard. Ive been permed for 3 months and i could still list off every item a cop can charge you with for being illegal. But to put it in ape terms. If u buy at bad man store assume its bad man item.
  16. ill trade you a years of weight watchers for it all fatty
  17. @ChillX retard
    @Madnesss fatty

    1. Madnesss


      u find a glock yet??

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @Madnesss you find a gym membership you can afford yet?

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