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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. @ Lucien & I are hosting a babytron listening party on 10/16 9PM CST in oly discord group #2. RSVP in the replys so we know how many hot dogs to cook.

    1. jig


      ill bring the crocs and wock

  2. Is this the thread where i say bring back uncapped coin flips
  3. Lefty loosy righty tighty man how many times do we have to teach you
  4. I was recently thinking about making a similar thread. But linka said it best "Hello gamers, for those who don't know me I come on here to shit post or make mental health awareness posts as I don't play anymore. I think it's incredibly important to focus on mental health as well as physical health, because both effect your daily life. (Good mental and physical health = being good at arma) I have personally been diagnosed with ADHD, Depression, and Anxiety. These things were not fun to deal with, and I still struggle with them everyday. However, I try my best and I decided to share with all how I handle it so hopefully a lot of you going through the same things can see you are not alone. Dealing with mental health, in my opinion, is the same as dealing with a sports injury. It's something you didn't expect and it just hit you. Now you cannot just go back to how things were, as you are dealing with new struggles every day. From how I have lived, Once I beat a hurdle- a new problem with my mind occurs and it's extremely frustrating. However, this is not a reason to say fuck it and just let it happen. Mental health is something that not only effects you, but also those around you. Now, I think with mental health you should be selfish. You should be focused on yourself. You should not aim to get better for others- as it does not attack the problem at the core. Which is you as a person. I am not an expert in the field at all and everything I have said has been from personal experience. This thread is for those HOPEFULLY going to be used as a reminder that those you play with every day could be going through something. Please check in on them, and know when the line has been crossed from being toxic and shit talking to straight up bullying and harassment. Being an asshole isn't cool, and being good at a decade old game with 2,000 concurrent players it not a reason to have an ego and talk down to people. Please use this thread to talk about your experiences or others experience's, and don't be afraid to reach out for help. (P.S. If you need someone to talk to privately- shoot me a pm on forums and I will be here for anyone who needs serious help. I think passing on the goodness that others have shown to me is important.)" Dont be afraid to talk to a professional or a friend about your mental health.
  5. Mako knew i was closing in on concrete evidence of his admin abuse so he banned me for a month for allegedly vdming his hawk.
  6. this right here is a bargain brother i would scoop it up immediately
  7. he didnt use my discount code and he made my sub run out
  8. this guys a cheater dont buy from him
  9. happy birthday @ Heinz Gormittz this man was a innovator

    1. goooooon


      Holy shit I remember him, he’d always hand out guns outta his truck in kavala

  10. johnny goose


    going on 10 months subbed up zzzz learn to closet cheat @everyonewhosescriptingbanned
  11. johnny goose


    u posted this ironically right
  12. johnny goose


    who r u and why r u banned
  13. jeez doc wanna ratio + l me too while ur at it bro literally said "report me"
  14. yea i understand the 2 videos you shared. You said "scribble no revive" at 0:55, There was no "or die" or any sort of threat if they did revive. After this at 1:01 you said "wait, no revive" again without any sort of threat afterwards. The first time you killed him was arguably crossfire. Most staff would probably let the first death slide but after he got revived and you immediately shot him without warning when he wasn't reviving anyone. Look at the bottom of the screen, it says "action cancelled" the medic moved away once he saw you aiming at him albeit he was at 100%. Had it actually had gone thru he wouldve gotten a notification for his revive amount.
  15. revenge man i have watched you do this time and time again. you need to say "Or die" to be able to kill someone. You run around giving out demands without saying or die/or be shot/etc.
  16. Im selling this tight femboy bussy to the highest bidder
  17. if u cant closet cheat then get off the server losers. Been subbed up 8 months with no ban
  18. i just want to announce @ Lucien  @ Zeuse  & I are proudly getting married in a 3 way poly relationship. Wedding will be at 8PM CST 10/2/22 on church cap. I expect everyone to be there with gifts.

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