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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. Duuuuude buckie you try to talk shit but your insults are honestly terrible dude insult me about being in the 5th grade when your usin 5th grade insults.
  2. So.. ive been inactive on Arma 3 for a bit rust kinda took over. But with recent family events and school just starting im kinda being forced to take a break. No one probably gives a shit but if someone does then k. But yea im being forced to put nearly all my gaming on hold not just olympus. Ill be back hopefully by 2017. So yea ill be active on fourms but in games will be different. So see ya olympus and more than likely gaming as a whole for a while. Also if you want to add me on steam here ya go http://steamcommunity.com/id/poshmanatee/ . Strafe out.
  3. Ill stop by with 600k on my chest... TFW your not joking
  4. There is none it freezes if i alt tab it black screeens and i have to close it through task manager
  5. Thats kinda the main reason of this post. I would play if my game dident crash every 10 minutes. And im done reporting, Ive been dicked by admins to many times i had 1 mill im comp open only got 380k in comp ive roughly had about 5 mill in comp open and only been comped roughly 2.3 mill. Ive damn near quit the server many times but where the fuck am i gonna go? When i still played olympus hella hard and was in NW i went on fuck loads of altis life servers and mass rdmed. And then theres the few people who like me Marty, :: Nova ::, :: Box :: , and many other who im not sure want to be named as friends. The server is fun but ya know i was able to talk to people without saying "Im prob going to crash in like 4 minutes." Or constantly looking around for some pdub warrior to rdm me. This is a roleplay server right? Not king of the hill? Maybe ive been joining a team deathmatch server this entire time.
  6. Sorry that your trying to give the rdmers a reason to rdm and sorry that im 14 and cant control my age nor voice. Maybe hire more testers than? a $1200 toaster? Watched vid dident help. And now i dont know what you guys do on a daily basis cause i never see shit get done on a daily basis. I said the server is toxic never did i say i wasent toxic have you seen me on rust chat? im helpful as fuck but some random who decides to break rules pisses me off. Fuck yea im toxic idfc. I posted this not as a insult but to inform admins and devs that the server is broken for some players including me yea sure the way i worded made me sound fucking stupid and entitled but when your running a server that has 100's of players a day ideally you would want the server to work on all those players machines.
  7. Crashed 2 times ONLY on olympus in 20 minutes got rdmed 2 times in 20 minutes how the fuck did the server get so bad in 2 days? Jesus admins do what your tag implies you do and fix the fucking server its honestly toxic, rdm filled, and broken this only happened after these past 2 updates.
  8. https://www.twitch.tv/slyfoxy7477 https://www.twitch.tv/slyfoxy7477 https://www.twitch.tv/slyfoxy7477 (Cringe name i know ive had it for fucking years)
  9. oooooh super tempting how much you looking for?
  10. Yea bug reports take a long time to be seen ive had one open for a bit and just a little bit ago it was "Resolved"
  11. Thank you for clarifying like i said i did that when taxis were just added
  12. You can sell it. You may also be able to get a admin to remove for you.
  13. I used to do it a long ass time ago like back when taxis were added. Im not 100% sure if its bannable now but thats what i used them for. If your not gonna taxi alot dont bother the messages you get are fucking annoying.
  14. Buy a taxi license so you can charge kids taxi fares to not kill them etc
  15. Wait does that mean everyone now has access to large boxes?
  16. HYPOTHETICALLY ive never spoken to him so i cant say whether or not im just using him as a example
  17. The admins have misgendered me many times id like to see a entire new admin set come in as ive been triggered many times due to these current admins.
  18. So theres good players on olympus im not gonna name any names in this entire post as to not start any beef that dosent need to be started (i also dont wanna be shit on by huge ass gangs) but i was talking with some people and we as a small party came to the conclusion said "Being a good player dosent make you a good person" But is this true? Like honestly ok in this area im going to use 3rip as ive never talked to him hes shit on me twice as a cop though. So lets say HYPOTHETICALLY 3rip was a asshole but he was a good player and he owned a gang called ISK (I shit on kids) would people join ISK cause they like 3rip as a person or would they join cause they dont want 3rip or anyone in his gang whos decent+ to shit on them? This probably made no sense but ive been wondering about this for a while and wanted to see what everyone thought about it.
  19. ; - ; but my olympus drug is harmful i wanna play csgo but then drug runs and making kids mad shows up and i cant help it peter im gonna start a support group.
  20. Will you ban me for 3 days so i can play other games and not have this crack addiction of a game on my hands?
  21. Thats not me in the vid.. Thats box the kid who thought that kill was good Yes. Legit no one knows who you are. No comment on the second part.
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