If you are looking for a new graphics card or CPU, look into the following. A easy way to get an estimate on what you GPU and CPU can handle is by doing the following...
Start (button in the bottom left) =====> Right click on "Computer" =====> Click "Windows Experience Index" or "Get your rating" etc. =====>
after a few seconds you will get something that looks like this =====> http://puu.sh/eQ6JD/6e7b32bcf9.jpg =====> If your processor is under a 6.7 or so, that's what you need, if your gaming graphics are under a 7.0 or so, that is what you need. Below you can find some graphics cards and a great CPU for extremely cheap. Those are the best things to can get with your money, if you have a bigger budget go for a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403&cm_re=i7-_-19-117-403-_-Product
Good luck, have fun.
I posted the following in a separate post at ...
The AMD FX-8350 is most definitely the most bang for your buck. Under 200$, some motherboards cant hold it, but luckily mine could so i picked this baby up, performs like a beast, you shouldn't have any issues with it. At the moment I'm using a AMD R9 270x graphics card, if, again, you want the most bang for your buck, pick up a R9 270 or 270x and you wont have any trouble with any game. All recommendations/pointers if your interested in upgrading your PC, go crazy.
R9 270x link: http://www.newegg.co...N=-1&isNodeId=1
AMD FX-8350 8 core 4.0GHz CPU link: http://www.newegg.co...3-284-_-Product
PS: If you decide to get a 270x or a 280, make sure you have a good enough power supply because they are pretty power hungry compared to the 270.
Regards -