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About Thanatos

  • Birthday 10/19/1996

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. http://puu.sh/icSgL/fcebe1c269.png .............../
  2. Gary, .........\ l /________________________]_ .........-__////_(____)_______________0_--bang ------ .........) @ ___9mm___ _______\_/ ......../-------/( __ // ......./ xxx /___// ....../ xxxxx // ...../ xxxxx // HANDS UP!! PANTIES DOWN!! ..../____ _//
  3. Thanks for the support...
  4. I was stupid and called someone an inappropriate word.
  5. ****DISCLAIMER**** ****I'M NOT A RAPPER**** Yo, My name is Hades I get all the ladies Cause I drive a Mercedes I miss Thanatos, The best Olympus VIP His hurtful words sting like a bee And his actions make me want to scream like a banshee Despite the fact, I want to subtract, His name from the ban list It's giving me a brain cyst Thanatos, The name, We're playing a blame game We all have our bad days It makes me want to set the world ablaze Just like my boy Hades God of the underworld This is what he wants A world were everyone is burning It's very concerning *Chorus* Unban me Hades, I'll make it worth your while Even if I have to walk a quarter mile, It would make me smile *Chorus* Don't even start me with Poseidon He would make a better president than Joe Biden The god of script, Equipped to encrypt the conscript Thanatos, The best Patrol Officer anyone has ever seen, Despite him only being sixteen, He endured all the trolls Had a few LoLs Now his heart is a black hole Enough with all these rhymes Like ringing chimes in my mind But they help get me through hard times *Chorus* Unban me Hades, I'll make it worth your while Even if I have to walk a quarter mile, It would make me smile *Chorus* I wanted to record me singing it but I couldn't right now babe <3
  6. Exactly right, get people with months of experience with the server.
  7. Scroll wheel in the heli, drop ropes.
  8. If you are looking for a new graphics card or CPU, look into the following. A easy way to get an estimate on what you GPU and CPU can handle is by doing the following... Start (button in the bottom left) =====> Right click on "Computer" =====> Click "Windows Experience Index" or "Get your rating" etc. =====> after a few seconds you will get something that looks like this =====> http://puu.sh/eQ6JD/6e7b32bcf9.jpg =====> If your processor is under a 6.7 or so, that's what you need, if your gaming graphics are under a 7.0 or so, that is what you need. Below you can find some graphics cards and a great CPU for extremely cheap. Those are the best things to can get with your money, if you have a bigger budget go for a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403&cm_re=i7-_-19-117-403-_-Product Good luck, have fun. I posted the following in a separate post at ... The AMD FX-8350 is most definitely the most bang for your buck. Under 200$, some motherboards cant hold it, but luckily mine could so i picked this baby up, performs like a beast, you shouldn't have any issues with it. At the moment I'm using a AMD R9 270x graphics card, if, again, you want the most bang for your buck, pick up a R9 270 or 270x and you wont have any trouble with any game. All recommendations/pointers if your interested in upgrading your PC, go crazy. R9 270x link: http://www.newegg.co...N=-1&isNodeId=1 AMD FX-8350 8 core 4.0GHz CPU link: http://www.newegg.co...3-284-_-Product PS: If you decide to get a 270x or a 280, make sure you have a good enough power supply because they are pretty power hungry compared to the 270. Regards - Thanatos
  9. *Duck Noise*
  10. The AMD FX-8350 is most definitely the most bang for your buck. Under 200$, some motherboards cant hold it, but luckily mine could so i picked this baby up, performs like a beast, you shouldn't have any issues with it. At the moment I'm using a AMD R9 270x graphics card, if, again, you want the most bang for your buck, pick up a R9 270 or 270x and you wont have any trouble with any game. All recommendations/pointers if your interested in upgrading your PC, go crazy. R9 270x link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=R9+270x&N=-1&isNodeId=1 AMD FX-8350 8 core 4.0GHz CPU link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284&cm_re=AMD_CPU-_-19-113-284-_-Product PS: If you decide to get a 270x or a 280, make sure you have a good enough power supply because they are pretty power hungry compared to the 270.
  11. Thank you Olympus staff for creating and maintaining such a magnificent server. Ignore the haters that complain about how you do your jobs, its obviously working or hundreds of people wouldn't play on it every day. Keep it up.

    1. Hades


      Well ty very much. Its nice to see players do enjoy what we are trying to do here. We don't get to hear it often but when we do it gives us hope that we are at least heading in the right direction.

    2. Frost
  12. Thank... You...
  13. I've seen cops try to respond to things "stealthy" as well, they will wait until the last second to put on lights and sirens so they don't get in trouble for responding to something without lights and sirens, but they do this so you don't try to evade and drive away when you hear then, they want bounties not a car chase <3. Regards - Thanatos
  14. I use a Naga for all of my games as well, just an idea... Macro your push to talk in Teamspeak, but even better, macro your Redgull and earplugs to 2 of your 12 buttons on the side of that thing. Regards - Thanatos
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