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Parker R

Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Parker R

  1. I mean.... This thread does say "UNBAN REGICED!!!"
  2. Whats ur fucking point??? you duped and you should be banned
  3. Yeahhhh.... cause im angry....??? A fuckin Men
  4. Wow.... This kid gets a second chance.... Sick..... @McDili For the same reason??? wow fucking mind blowing
  6. A perm is a perm...? he got a second chance #FREEMYNIGGASGANGGANGGANG
  7. what makes it okay to unban people like Rust or 3 Rip...?
  8. can i take ur order nigga? im assuming you want sausage.... kinda like ur fingers.
  9. good thing that camera is blurring cause you ugly as hell boiii
  10. that place in the picture kinda reminds me of a no NLR zone
  11. Here is the gyazo, PM me some offers https://gyazo.com/c2167b21d8f0e2bba30295b548cb4c80
  12. i wouldnt want to play with retards -1
  13. https://gyazo.com/4c30efa1dc2324b4dfd0b84ff3e4c78c hit me up with some offers
  14. houses are still for sale... buy them... thanks
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