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Official Vigilante Proposal


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Vigilantes, regardless of what kind of boost they get, should get a boost. There is obvious interest in this role, but many people are deterred either due to the lack of ability to make decent money doing it or the effectiveness of vigilantes against rebels. A general feeling of hate surrounds vigilantes because of the number of vigilantes who do not RP properly. While this is unfortunate, disregarding the role of vigilante entirely based on the average quality of RP is a double standard when not also applied to rebels and even civilians. Later on I will go into this in more detail.

My proposal will, hopefully, provide vigilantes with the incentive and ability to do what they do; take bounties, and do it efficiently.

I will make the proposal first, then explain it below for those who just want the proposal. I would highly recommend reading the explanation of my thought process for each improvement before commenting on the proposal. This will save thread space from commenting on things that are already explained in the OP.

Please keep in mind that prices can be subject to change for balancing. The devs would better know what those prices would be.

Vigilantes will have a two-license tier system.

Tier 1 – $60,000:

            Access to all gear currently available to vigilantes.

Tier 2 – $150,000:

            Access to all gear currently available to vigilantes + access to the MXC 6.5mm rifle ($140,000) and a 50% bounty return on collected bounties, increased from 40%. Minimum bounty price for arrests increases to $80,000, up from $40,000.


Vigilantes also receive harsher punishments for failed RP and vigilante abuse.

First offense – 3 day ban

Second offense – 14 day ban

Third offense – Permanent ban


I believe that improving the quality of life for vigilantes will reduce the amount of failed RP, because it won’t be necessary to be able to get bounties. As it stands, it is disproportionately difficult for a vigilante to tase a geared rebel compared to a rebel killing a vigilante. This encourages vigilantes to use other means, including not engaging properly, to stand a better chance at being successful. If vigilantes don’t have to go to such lengths to get a bounty, and are on a better playing field for engaging high risk targets, then they won’t be tempted to break engagement rules.


The tier system:

The tier system will be a buffer for newer vigilantes to learn the ropes before earning better gear. This will also prevent new players who don’t care about the rules from accessing the higher tier gear, making them less of a nuisance. Vigilantes at tier 2 can also attempt to mentor the newer vigilantes, providing them guidance that they may not have gotten on their own before doing something wrong. This would be like a patrol officer in the APD mentoring a deputy, but it would not be required.


Access to the MXC:

After testing several weapon options, including weapons in the 5.56mm caliber and the Vermin .45 ACP, the MXC was the only weapon that provided an equilibrium between rate of fire, accuracy, and damage. Other weapons either weren’t accurate enough for damage to matter, or their damage was too small to make up for their rate of fire. Vigilantes need a better weapon for the tier system to mean something, and the MXC is the only weapon that doesn’t break the game while also rewarding higher tier vigilantes for their efforts and large financial investment. The MXC also doesn’t do much more damage than a 5.56, the MXC taking 3 shots to down a rebel in a GA Carrier Rig from 30 meters, while the 5.56 rifles did it in 5 shots from 30 meters. I did not consider any DLC weapons because if vigilantes are only getting one extra weapon, it needs to be one that everyone has access to.


Increased bounty returns:

If we’re going to be making all the new vigilante gear expensive so that not just any random new players can get their hands on them, full-time vigilantes need more financial compensation to make up the costs. Increasing bounty returns would help by giving boosts to their income from successful bounties, making higher risk bounties rewarding enough to pursue.


Increased minimum bounty prices:

To give newer vigilantes a chance to build up income to afford the tier 2 license, increasing the minimum bounty price will encourage vigilantes to leave the cities in pursuit of high risk bounties, giving newer vigilantes breathing room to work their way up in the cities. This will also incentivize tier 2 vigilantes to work with other vigilantes to counter groups of rebels when they enter cities and basically start taking over when the APD isn’t around to stop them.


Harsher vigilante punishments:

With great power comes great responsibility. Vigilantes being armed with a more powerful weapon can cause some people to abuse their power. Thus, vigilantes should be held to a slightly higher standard of RP, and face harsher punishments for breaking the rules. This should prevent people from abusing vigi gear, or at least shorten the process of getting vigi abusers off the server.

  • Like 5

We could take the NATO gear out of rebel and give it to T2 vigilantes, being combat helmets uniforms the vests (which are the same armor level just different colors)

it would make it so you don't have people spend all that on a vigi license and wear a striped shirt hunting bounties

Just now, Nikoteen said:

Rob. A. Cop.

thanks for the constructive criticism, I'd love to see more of your ideas posted more, here's a link to our discussion board, you'll fit right in



  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, Nikoteen said:

Rob. A. Cop.

Please reference this thread's OP as to why this is not an acceptable excuse.


  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Bow said:

Can you change the font of the original post? Thanks.

Is that better? Not sure what you meant.

I mean just rob a cop for there shit its not hard at all i personally have loads of cop guns in my houses about 10mxs , 1 CMR , 1 type 115 and 3 mxms acquiring cop gear is very easy also whats stopping these vigis from getting rebel gear aswell any vigi can before they get there vigi license just buy a loadout at rebel before buying there vigi license.

  • Like 1

This server is boring! There are only 3 liable roles medic,cop,rebel. Vigilante is literally unplayable in its current state. The only reason people have against vigilantes receiving a buff is that vigilantes break rules. Anyone can break rules, rebel, cop, medic so why have vigilante nerfed. +1 buff vigi

1 hour ago, Tron said:

Vigilantes, regardless of what kind of boost they get, should get a boost. There is obvious interest in this role, but many people are deterred either due to the lack of ability to make decent money doing it or the effectiveness of vigilantes against rebels. A general feeling of hate surrounds vigilantes because of the number of vigilantes who do not RP properly. While this is unfortunate, disregarding the role of vigilante entirely based on the average quality of RP is a double standard when not also applied to rebels and even civilians. Later on I will go into this in more detail.

My proposal will, hopefully, provide vigilantes with the incentive and ability to do what they do; take bounties, and do it efficiently.

I will make the proposal first, then explain it below for those who just want the proposal. I would highly recommend reading the explanation of my thought process for each improvement before commenting on the proposal. This will save thread space from commenting on things that are already explained in the OP.

Please keep in mind that prices can be subject to change for balancing. The devs would better know what those prices would be.

Vigilantes will have a two-license tier system.

Tier 1 – $60,000:

            Access to all gear currently available to vigilantes.

Tier 2 – $150,000:

            Access to all gear currently available to vigilantes + access to the MXC 6.5mm rifle ($140,000) and a 50% bounty return on collected bounties, increased from 40%. Minimum bounty price for arrests increases to $80,000, up from $40,000.


Vigilantes also receive harsher punishments for failed RP and vigilante abuse.

First offense – 3 day ban

Second offense – 14 day ban

Third offense – Permanent ban


I believe that improving the quality of life for vigilantes will reduce the amount of failed RP, because it won’t be necessary to be able to get bounties. As it stands, it is disproportionately difficult for a vigilante to tase a geared rebel compared to a rebel killing a vigilante. This encourages vigilantes to use other means, including not engaging properly, to stand a better chance at being successful. If vigilantes don’t have to go to such lengths to get a bounty, and are on a better playing field for engaging high risk targets, then they won’t be tempted to break engagement rules.


The tier system:

The tier system will be a buffer for newer vigilantes to learn the ropes before earning better gear. This will also prevent new players who don’t care about the rules from accessing the higher tier gear, making them less of a nuisance. Vigilantes at tier 2 can also attempt to mentor the newer vigilantes, providing them guidance that they may not have gotten on their own before doing something wrong. This would be like a patrol officer in the APD mentoring a deputy, but it would not be required.


Access to the MXC:

After testing several weapon options, including weapons in the 5.56mm caliber and the Vermin .45 ACP, the MXC was the only weapon that provided an equilibrium between rate of fire, accuracy, and damage. Other weapons either weren’t accurate enough for damage to matter, or their damage was too small to make up for their rate of fire. Vigilantes need a better weapon for the tier system to mean something, and the MXC is the only weapon that doesn’t break the game while also rewarding higher tier vigilantes for their efforts and large financial investment. The MXC also doesn’t do much more damage than a 5.56, the MXC taking 3 shots to down a rebel in a GA Carrier Rig from 30 meters, while the 5.56 rifles did it in 5 shots from 30 meters. I did not consider any DLC weapons because if vigilantes are only getting one extra weapon, it needs to be one that everyone has access to.


Increased bounty returns:

If we’re going to be making all the new vigilante gear expensive so that not just any random new players can get their hands on them, full-time vigilantes need more financial compensation to make up the costs. Increasing bounty returns would help by giving boosts to their income from successful bounties, making higher risk bounties rewarding enough to pursue.


Increased minimum bounty prices:

To give newer vigilantes a chance to build up income to afford the tier 2 license, increasing the minimum bounty price will encourage vigilantes to leave the cities in pursuit of high risk bounties, giving newer vigilantes breathing room to work their way up in the cities. This will also incentivize tier 2 vigilantes to work with other vigilantes to counter groups of rebels when they enter cities and basically start taking over when the APD isn’t around to stop them.


Harsher vigilante punishments:

With great power comes great responsibility. Vigilantes being armed with a more powerful weapon can cause some people to abuse their power. Thus, vigilantes should be held to a slightly higher standard of RP, and face harsher punishments for breaking the rules. This should prevent people from abusing vigi gear, or at least shorten the process of getting vigi abusers off the server.

One more thing I might add is the penalty for buying a Vigilante license while you have a Rebel license, I think there should be an up-charge of around $150,000 to keep Rebels from purchasing MXC's for cheap.

Edited by Cheshyre

But why wouldn't vigilantes just want to apply for cop? At least if they are cop and they catch someone they have the chance to receive 100% of the bounty if the person pays their ticket and if not, oh well they still get 40% or whatever for sending them to jail. Not only that, they also get a sting, mx, po7, .45, mxm, mx sw, mar 10, type 115 and a spar or whatever all of those guns are. AS WELL as being able to progress their knowledge of rules, earn promotions and have the ability to earn more cash when searching vehicles with contraband in them.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Tron said:

Vigilantes, regardless of what kind of boost they get, should get a boost. There is obvious interest in this role, but many people are deterred either due to the lack of ability to make decent money doing it or the effectiveness of vigilantes against rebels. A general feeling of hate surrounds vigilantes because of the number of vigilantes who do not RP properly. While this is unfortunate, disregarding the role of vigilante entirely based on the average quality of RP is a double standard when not also applied to rebels and even civilians. Later on I will go into this in more detail.

My proposal will, hopefully, provide vigilantes with the incentive and ability to do what they do; take bounties, and do it efficiently.

I will make the proposal first, then explain it below for those who just want the proposal. I would highly recommend reading the explanation of my thought process for each improvement before commenting on the proposal. This will save thread space from commenting on things that are already explained in the OP.

Please keep in mind that prices can be subject to change for balancing. The devs would better know what those prices would be.

Vigilantes will have a two-license tier system.

Tier 1 – $60,000:

            Access to all gear currently available to vigilantes.

Tier 2 – $150,000:

            Access to all gear currently available to vigilantes + access to the MXC 6.5mm rifle ($140,000) and a 50% bounty return on collected bounties, increased from 40%. Minimum bounty price for arrests increases to $80,000, up from $40,000.


Vigilantes also receive harsher punishments for failed RP and vigilante abuse.

First offense – 3 day ban

Second offense – 14 day ban

Third offense – Permanent ban


I believe that improving the quality of life for vigilantes will reduce the amount of failed RP, because it won’t be necessary to be able to get bounties. As it stands, it is disproportionately difficult for a vigilante to tase a geared rebel compared to a rebel killing a vigilante. This encourages vigilantes to use other means, including not engaging properly, to stand a better chance at being successful. If vigilantes don’t have to go to such lengths to get a bounty, and are on a better playing field for engaging high risk targets, then they won’t be tempted to break engagement rules.


The tier system:

The tier system will be a buffer for newer vigilantes to learn the ropes before earning better gear. This will also prevent new players who don’t care about the rules from accessing the higher tier gear, making them less of a nuisance. Vigilantes at tier 2 can also attempt to mentor the newer vigilantes, providing them guidance that they may not have gotten on their own before doing something wrong. This would be like a patrol officer in the APD mentoring a deputy, but it would not be required.


Access to the MXC:

After testing several weapon options, including weapons in the 5.56mm caliber and the Vermin .45 ACP, the MXC was the only weapon that provided an equilibrium between rate of fire, accuracy, and damage. Other weapons either weren’t accurate enough for damage to matter, or their damage was too small to make up for their rate of fire. Vigilantes need a better weapon for the tier system to mean something, and the MXC is the only weapon that doesn’t break the game while also rewarding higher tier vigilantes for their efforts and large financial investment. The MXC also doesn’t do much more damage than a 5.56, the MXC taking 3 shots to down a rebel in a GA Carrier Rig from 30 meters, while the 5.56 rifles did it in 5 shots from 30 meters. I did not consider any DLC weapons because if vigilantes are only getting one extra weapon, it needs to be one that everyone has access to.


Increased bounty returns:

If we’re going to be making all the new vigilante gear expensive so that not just any random new players can get their hands on them, full-time vigilantes need more financial compensation to make up the costs. Increasing bounty returns would help by giving boosts to their income from successful bounties, making higher risk bounties rewarding enough to pursue.


Increased minimum bounty prices:

To give newer vigilantes a chance to build up income to afford the tier 2 license, increasing the minimum bounty price will encourage vigilantes to leave the cities in pursuit of high risk bounties, giving newer vigilantes breathing room to work their way up in the cities. This will also incentivize tier 2 vigilantes to work with other vigilantes to counter groups of rebels when they enter cities and basically start taking over when the APD isn’t around to stop them.


Harsher vigilante punishments:

With great power comes great responsibility. Vigilantes being armed with a more powerful weapon can cause some people to abuse their power. Thus, vigilantes should be held to a slightly higher standard of RP, and face harsher punishments for breaking the rules. This should prevent people from abusing vigi gear, or at least shorten the process of getting vigi abusers off the server.

1. CPLs don't even get %50 of bounties.

2. If Vigis get MXCs, make them 150k and make the minimum bounty 200k since their targets would be rebels.

3. If you are gonna add a tier 2 license, make it a whitelistable one that you have to earn and won't be allowed to use if you abuse it.

3 minutes ago, Bow said:

But why wouldn't vigilantes just want to apply for cop? At least if they are cop and they catch someone they have the chance to receive 100% of the bounty if the person pays their ticket and if not, oh well they still get 40% or whatever for sending them to jail. Not only that, they also get a sting, mx, po7, .45, mxm, mx sw, mar 10, type 115 and a spar or whatever all of those guns are. AS WELL as being able to progress their knowledge of rules, earn promotions and have the ability to earn more cash when searching vehicles with contraband in them.

Because not everyone wants to kiss the police force ass. Vigilantes work alone and we dont have to follow cop rules, just vigilante rules.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Sociopathic said:

1. CPLs don't even get %50 of bounties.

2. If Vigis get MXCs, make them 150k and make the minimum bounty 200k since their targets would be rebels.

3. If you are gonna add a tier 2 license, make it a whitelistable one that you have to earn and won't be allowed to use if you abuse it.

1. so? Why does everything have to be worse than cop. I mean like everyone say, oh cop doesn't get this, and mx' are only for cops, etc.

2. Minimum bounty at 200k would be dumb, because engine who has a 200k bounty isn't going to chill in Kavala, they're going to be elsewhere, and yes vigi's should go elsewhere but they aren't required. So 200k would nearly force them to go outside the cities, and mostly likely fight fpgangs of people. And I do think mxc's should be more, ugh 175k, so rebels and people can't buy and resell for a profit, or get their hands on a shitload of mxc's for cheap.

3. No, why would you whitelist a civilian spot. Doesn't make sense. Vigi is meant for people who don't want cop, whitelist spot, but just want to get a little money, whitelisting would discourage people from wanting to get tier 2

Just now, Barrack Obama said:

Because not everyone wants to kiss the police force ass. Vigilantes work alone and we dont have to follow cop rules, just vigilante rules.

Implying most vigilantes even follow vigilante rules.

The reason you work alone is the problem here. With 2 people you can easily arrest anyone you want, an MX won't help against rebels who have MK1's and Carrier Rigs / GA's. If MX's was even considered for Vigi's then it should be something which requires you to be white listed after you have proven yourself to be a worthwhile Vigi. Something like 100+ arrests with 0 bans for Fail RP/Vigi Abuse and even then the gun should be $150k. You shouldn't be able to get a better gun than a deputy without a higher amount of work than they put in.

6 minutes ago, Barrack Obama said:

Because not everyone wants to kiss the police force ass. Vigilantes work alone and we dont have to follow cop rules, just vigilante rules.

server stack is real any time a sgt or lt is on, independent play is really fun and can be useful for having a proper ambush or attack on players

Just now, DANGUSDEAN said:

1. so? Why does everything have to be worse than cop. I mean like everyone say, oh cop doesn't get this, and mx' are only for cops, etc.

2. Minimum bounty at 200k would be dumb, because engine who has a 200k bounty isn't going to chill in Kavala, they're going to be elsewhere, and yes vigi's should go elsewhere but they aren't required. So 200k would nearly force them to go outside the cities, and mostly likely fight fpgangs of people. And I do think mxc's should be more, ugh 175k, so rebels and people can't buy and resell for a profit, or get their hands on a shitload of mxc's for cheap.

3. No, why would you whitelist a civilian spot. Doesn't make sense. Vigi is meant for people who don't want cop, whitelist spot, but just want to get a little money, whitelisting would discourage people from wanting to get tier 2

1. I wasn't saying they shouldn't get it, I was stating the fact that CPLs don't even get that much.


2. His whole argument for increasing the bounty for tier 2 is to give tier 1s a chance to make money, and let's be real, 200k isn't that much, that's like 6 regular kills. Anyone scatting in Kavala would rack that up pretty quick.

3. To prevent abuse, I'm not saying make it hard, just know the short list of Vigi rules and the rules of engagement and your good to go, the whitelisting part is to prevent more heavily armed vigilantes from abuse.

2 minutes ago, Bow said:

Implying most vigilantes even follow vigilante rules.

The reason you work alone is the problem here. With 2 people you can easily arrest anyone you want, an MX won't help against rebels who have MK1's and Carrier Rigs / GA's. If MX's was even considered for Vigi's then it should be something which requires you to be white listed after you have proven yourself to be a worthwhile Vigi. Something like 100+ arrests with 0 bans for Fail RP/Vigi Abuse and even then the gun should be $150k. You shouldn't be able to get a better gun than a deputy without a higher amount of work than they put in.

Upgrading to a MXC from a Sting would be a massive game changer for vigilantes. Also, I agree with Dang on not whitelisting a civilian spot. Like I said in OP, if we stop making the vigi's life so ridiculously hard, they might be more inclined to follow the rules.

4 minutes ago, Bow said:

But why wouldn't vigilantes just want to apply for cop? At least if they are cop and they catch someone they have the chance to receive 100% of the bounty if the person pays their ticket and if not, oh well they still get 40% or whatever for sending them to jail. Not only that, they also get a sting, mx, po7, .45, mxm, mx sw, mar 10, type 115 and a spar or whatever all of those guns are. AS WELL as being able to progress their knowledge of rules, earn promotions and have the ability to earn more cash when searching vehicles with contraband in them.

The Vigilante role is for people who don't want to be a cop, this is a discussion for pros/cons and balance issues with buffing Vigilante, the debate of "It's easier to be a cop just do that" is not even a valid argument in this topic.


5 minutes ago, Sociopathic said:

1. CPLs don't even get %50 of bounties.

2. If Vigis get MXCs, make them 150k and make the minimum bounty 200k since their targets would be rebels.

3. If you are gonna add a tier 2 license, make it a whitelistable one that you have to earn and won't be allowed to use if you abuse it.

1. Do Corporals have to pay for all of the gear that a Vigi does?

2. That won't help anything, Vigi groups will just keep a Tier 1 Vigi around to turn in smaller bounties for them.

3. Cops have tons more regulations, responsibilities, and privilege.  There is no point in white-listing a bounty hunter, most of them are in it to fight rebels, make money, and keep Rebels from terrorizing cities, Cops are meant to protect citizens and uphold justice.

21 minutes ago, Bow said:

But why wouldn't vigilantes just want to apply for cop? At least if they are cop and they catch someone they have the chance to receive 100% of the bounty if the person pays their ticket and if not, oh well they still get 40% or whatever for sending them to jail. Not only that, they also get a sting, mx, po7, .45, mxm, mx sw, mar 10, type 115 and a spar or whatever all of those guns are. AS WELL as being able to progress their knowledge of rules, earn promotions and have the ability to earn more cash when searching vehicles with contraband in them.

I completely agree. Vigi's are dumb, and I am one on occasion. We have a tier 3 vest and a Sting, which if you are a good enough shot, ez bounty ez life. In my experience of being a vigi can be frustrating. But that's the point. You aren't supposed to make tons of cash from it, if you REALLY want to make money from taking bounties you have to apply for cop. As I have said in the past posts about this, think about all the time and effort cops go through JUST to get the MX, or any promotion in the force. And if you just have some cash you can skip that completely. Plus, you can just buy a shit ton of rebel gear and put it in your houses then go get an MXC. That is actually such easy fucking bounties and way too abusable. If you are anything better than a silver in CS when it comes to shooting it would be way too easy! We can't have vigis more powerful than they already are period end of story.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, Cheshyre said:

The Vigilante role is for people who don't want to be a cop, this is a discussion for pros/cons and balance issues with buffing Vigilante, the debate of "It's easier to be a cop just do that" is not even a valid argument in this topic.


1. Do Corporals have to pay for all of the gear that a Vigi does?

2. That won't help anything, Vigi groups will just keep a Tier 1 Vigi around to turn in smaller bounties for them.

3. Cops have tons more regulations, responsibilities, and privilege.  There is no point in white-listing a bounty hunter, most of them are in it to fight rebels, make money, and keep Rebels from terrorizing cities, Cops are meant to protect citizens and uphold justice.

1. Yeah, they do.

2. I said that Tier 2s should have 200k bounties to encourage them leaving the city and letting Tier 1s have the cheaper bounties.

3. My point exactly, vigilantes have little regulation and you say give them fuckin MXCs? If we are making this a Teired system, then the higher tiers should be a whitelist system simply to prevent abuse, you abuse it, you get removed.

Cops regulation is insane compared to Vigis, with Vigis, you have to submit a player report that tends to take anywhere from 3-7 days in my experience then they get banned, cop reports typically get replies within hours.

26 minutes ago, Sociopathic said:

1. CPLs don't even get %50 of bounties.

That's because CPLs, as well as any other APD officer, only have to buy their gear ONCE, and never have to buy it again unless they get robbed of it. Plus, cop gear is super cheap. They don't need the extra money.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Sociopathic said:

1. Yeah, they do.

2. I said that Tier 2s should have 200k bounties to encourage them leaving the city and letting Tier 1s have the cheaper bounties.

3. My point exactly, vigilantes have little regulation and you say give them fuckin MXCs? If we are making this a Teired system, then the higher tiers should be a whitelist system simply to prevent abuse, you abuse it, you get removed.

Cops regulation is insane compared to Vigis, with Vigis, you have to submit a player report that tends to take anywhere from 3-7 days in my experience then they get banned, cop reports typically get replies within hours.

If this were to happen,which it won't, I would want this. If you are gonna have huge fucking guns for a vigi make it so that their minimum bounties are fairly high.

The system in the server currently is balanced. If you want real bounties go deal with the regulations and limitations of cop. THAT IS HOW THIS THING WORKS

Something I would like someone to explain to me is why rebel's are allowed to have 7.62 rifles, and vigilantes can't have so much as a 6.5mm CQB gun. If someone were to provide a convincing argument for why rebels get the privilege of overwhelming firepower with no questions asked, and no one else does, I'd be impressed.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Merpfer said:

If this were to happen,which it won't, I would want this. If you are gonna have huge fucking guns for a vigi make it so that their minimum bounties are fairly high.

The system in the server currently is balanced. If you want real bounties go deal with the regulations and limitations of cop. THAT IS HOW THIS THING WORKS

*TRIGGERED* "Join the APD if you want an MX" *TRIGGERED*

The point of playing Vigilante is being a fucking Vigilante, not a cop. If you join the APD you're not a Vigilante you're a cop, I see this argument every time this topic comes up and it's just ridiculous that people can't comprehend the point of "Vigilantes are under powered, maybe we should give them a fair opportunity to win a fight?" the point is to change Vigilante, not become a cop, that argument is just a straight up invalid response.


This is copypasta from an earlier thread, but I'm sure you didn't read through it based on what you just said.

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