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The end of the "big" payday

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Let's all go back in time....


When the servers first started to be populated. When the servers were first going, my small gang and myself would be able to run 4-5 big trucks (Tempest, devices, hemitts, etc.) and do a dope run. We would each make over a mil in most cases. It was a bit risky due to APD and Virus camping drug dealers, but in most cases, the risk was worth it.


Let's fast forward to the now....


The servers seem to be pretty much populated. What i mean by this is the fact that most people have $$$ and are set OR people are just not interested in the (RP) part of the game and just want to fly around and look for others running drugs. On any given night, there are 3-4 gangs that just do nothing but fly around and search out other players doing their runs. Unless you are in the APD or in a larger gang, it must be WAY harder to make that $$$ now. On top of the heli's you have to avoid, there are the gangs that are buying houses in or around the red zones and just camp all day and all night.


The only "safe" way to do runs now is either in LARGE groups which mean small small splits, or small runs which equal the same result. Either way, you will need a titan or 2 JUST to make sure it is safe.


I was on APD a few nights ago, and some dudes had one hemitt transport and an offroad mining diamonds. Not 5 mins after we left them at the mine, we got a 911 distress call from this same group. I kid you not, there were FIVE choppers trying to rob ONE hemitt transport. Lucky for them, we were able to repel them enough for them to get away and not lose their truck.


Dangerous times Altis, make friends, join a gang OR join the APD. I have noticed that APD has been REALLY light this whole week, only 3-4 officers on per server at a given time. Which means... Kavala is safe guys!!! lol It is really tough to try and keep everyone safe on a server when you have to stay in Kavala all night and babysit the ones that have no friends, no life and nothing better to do than lockpick the APD offroad and run off laughing.


In most cases, there are only 2-3 constables on at a time. Where are all the cpls, sgts and higher ups? Where are all the other constables? lol


JOIN THE APD, help the problem not add to it! :)


Debow out.



  • Like 3

I think there's some misunderstanding here. For one, the groups of bandits you described..

What i mean by this is the fact that most people have $$$ and are set OR people are just not interested in the (RP) part of the game and just want to fly around and look for others running drugs. On any given night, there are 3-4 gangs that just do nothing but fly around and search out other players doing their runs. Unless you are in the APD or in a larger gang, it must be WAY harder to make that $$$ now. On top of the heli's you have to avoid, there are the gangs that are buying houses in or around the red zones and just camp all day and all night.

If I'm not mistaking, you're calling for more people to join APD to fight the groups of bandits? That's a fine idea, but APD isn't friendly towards drug runners either. Now, bandits that go around attacking people at say the diamond mine or any other legal areas - fuck them, legal is off-limits (except oil, we're just RPing being America). But bandits that go for players in the red zones, really, they're just doing the same thing APD would do. Really think about it for a minute.

When a group of bandits notices a person in a red zone, they'll go in. Either by landing a heli right in the zone, or sneaking up in some kind of vehicle. What would APD do?.. The exact same thing, except for the fact that they'd slap on their sirens, and yell APD. Both groups would then engage all of the players in the illegal zone - the bandits killing them, APD restraining them for further processing. In both situations, the drug runners lose their gear. Both groups would do away with the drugs that the runners had, and be rewarded for it. I guess the main difference is that bandits would steal any big trucks, APD would only steal them if they had over $500K in drugs in them. But APD would end the engagement by throwing the players in jail, unless they paid their bounty. Which is really worse?..


Now, I'm in the gang 'GUCC' - I'm not going to deny it, we're flat out, undeniably, bandits. If we're on and you're in the red zones on server #1, we're coming for your ass. However, we do frequently visit players in the green zone and tell them that if they ever get into some shit, to give us a text. It's bad, but really a group of bandits can react to a situation more effectively than the cops can, most of the time. Why exactly?..

Because #1, we're an air unit. We can go 200+ KM/h in a straight line to where you're being held up.. And we're on the east side of the map, not babysitting trolls in Kavala - we're never really more than 7-12KM (2-4 minutes) from any major zone. I mean really, by the time APD can get everyone organized into a vehicle and begin to respond to a big situation, a minute or so at least has to pass. Then there's travel time...

And #2 - we're Civs. We're not bound by the structure of APD. We do not need a Corporal with us to operate a heli, we do not need a Constable with us to leave town. And above all, we're dedicated to helping people if we've stopped them and basically gave them our business card because they were good RPers. We're not worn out and apathetic from a long day of dealing with shit from a bunch of (likely) dupers that have absolutely nothing better to do than endlessly fuck around in Kavala.

There's nothing you can do short of making cop helis go 400M km/h to make ground units able to mobilize and handle a situation faster than a group of civs that's already patrolling that side of the map. It's just not possible, it's not expected of APD. But a good start would be for APD patrols to become more common. Hopefully with the changes to the jail in the next patch, APD will be focused on Pyrgos once again.. That'll help some of the problem, as really most of the game is focused on the east side of the map it seems. Give up on Kavala, let the trolls have it (They don't even want it. They're like dogs - if you try to take their toy, they'll pull twice as hard. Act uninterested?.. They'll drop it and walk off.) . APD is needed on the other 95% of the map.


Also please don't get the idea that this is an anti-APD post. We're all APD members in my gang, but this is the honest truth as I see it. Sitting in town on the other side the map, a good 5 minutes away from all of the legitimate, non-troll players is not an effective policing method. There is some great police work done when the large issues are in the Kavala area, but typically, they're not. We need APD to branch out. The issues aren't with the APD members themselves, but the restrictions that are placed on them. Maybe allow Constables who are competent pilots to fly/take a pilot's exam?

  • Like 1

I believe there is only about 4-5 corporals who play now. And 2 of them can't fly worth shit and would rather sit in kavala. So that leaves us maybe 3 corporals for the 3 servers. Constables need to be able to start flying or there needs to be more Corporals being promoted.

Let's all go back in time....


When the servers first started to be populated. When the servers were first going, my small gang and myself would be able to run 4-5 big trucks (Tempest, devices, hemitts, etc.) and do a dope run. We would each make over a mil in most cases. It was a bit risky due to APD and Virus camping drug dealers, but in most cases, the risk was worth it.


Let's fast forward to the now....


The servers seem to be pretty much populated. What i mean by this is the fact that most people have $$$ and are set OR people are just not interested in the (RP) part of the game and just want to fly around and look for others running drugs. On any given night, there are 3-4 gangs that just do nothing but fly around and search out other players doing their runs. Unless you are in the APD or in a larger gang, it must be WAY harder to make that $$$ now. On top of the heli's you have to avoid, there are the gangs that are buying houses in or around the red zones and just camp all day and all night.


The only "safe" way to do runs now is either in LARGE groups which mean small small splits, or small runs which equal the same result. Either way, you will need a titan or 2 JUST to make sure it is safe.


I was on APD a few nights ago, and some dudes had one hemitt transport and an offroad mining diamonds. Not 5 mins after we left them at the mine, we got a 911 distress call from this same group. I kid you not, there were FIVE choppers trying to rob ONE hemitt transport. Lucky for them, we were able to repel them enough for them to get away and not lose their truck.


Dangerous times Altis, make friends, join a gang OR join the APD. I have noticed that APD has been REALLY light this whole week, only 3-4 officers on per server at a given time. Which means... Kavala is safe guys!!! lol It is really tough to try and keep everyone safe on a server when you have to stay in Kavala all night and babysit the ones that have no friends, no life and nothing better to do than lockpick the APD offroad and run off laughing.


In most cases, there are only 2-3 constables on at a time. Where are all the cpls, sgts and higher ups? Where are all the other constables? lol


JOIN THE APD, help the problem not add to it! :)


Debow out.

*stands up and starts slow clapping*

See, I don't fully agree with you OP. If you're gonna run drugs as a civ, then you need to play smart and be aware. If you're going to use a hemmt or tempest, then you better have at least 3 team mates going with you or it's gonna be bad when you get caught.


And splits on drug runs aren't bad at all when in big groups, if everyone brings a big vehicle.


And you really don't need a titan at all. If you're gathering in a field, and a heli flies over... don't just drive right up to processing. You know they saw you, they know where you're going. Invest in binoculars, get a buddy on your team to walk up empty handed. Have someone on your group fly a chopper over. There's so much you can do to protect yourself on drug runs. Just never take out expensive vehicles if you're alone, because you're the easiest target. A convoy is quite a bit more intimidating.


As for everything you said about APD.... I pretty much agree with you. Altis is pretty lawless, I'm never worried about cops showing up at all. I'd love to see more of the cops and patrols to make things interesting.


Hell maybe we'll take Gucc's approach on server 2 and start acting as a rebel police force, heh.

Let's all go back in time....

When the servers first started to be populated. When the servers were first going, my small gang and myself would be able to run 4-5 big trucks (Tempest, devices, hemitts, etc.) and do a dope run. We would each make over a mil in most cases. It was a bit risky due to APD and Virus camping drug dealers, but in most cases, the risk was worth it.

Let's fast forward to the now....

The servers seem to be pretty much populated. What i mean by this is the fact that most people have $$$ and are set OR people are just not interested in the (RP) part of the game and just want to fly around and look for others running drugs. On any given night, there are 3-4 gangs that just do nothing but fly around and search out other players doing their runs. Unless you are in the APD or in a larger gang, it must be WAY harder to make that $$$ now. On top of the heli's you have to avoid, there are the gangs that are buying houses in or around the red zones and just camp all day and all night.

The only "safe" way to do runs now is either in LARGE groups which mean small small splits, or small runs which equal the same result. Either way, you will need a titan or 2 JUST to make sure it is safe.

I was on APD a few nights ago, and some dudes had one hemitt transport and an offroad mining diamonds. Not 5 mins after we left them at the mine, we got a 911 distress call from this same group. I kid you not, there were FIVE choppers trying to rob ONE hemitt transport. Lucky for them, we were able to repel them enough for them to get away and not lose their truck.

Dangerous times Altis, make friends, join a gang OR join the APD. I have noticed that APD has been REALLY light this whole week, only 3-4 officers on per server at a given time. Which means... Kavala is safe guys!!! lol It is really tough to try and keep everyone safe on a server when you have to stay in Kavala all night and babysit the ones that have no friends, no life and nothing better to do than lockpick the APD offroad and run off laughing.

In most cases, there are only 2-3 constables on at a time. Where are all the cpls, sgts and higher ups? Where are all the other constables? lol

JOIN THE APD, help the problem not add to it! :)

Debow out.

So you would rather have a perm ghost hawk flying around ?

I agree with this a bit, i am only a constable on the force but i try to patrol as much as i can. I hate sitting inside cities, it is boring i would rather drive around in a hatchback trying to help people. It is hard without a heli but i try to manage. It should be constables can get little birds, corporals get orcas and then sergeants get ghost hawk. Life would be so much easier in altis.  

  • Like 1

Personally, the little bird shouldn't be based on rank.


Another option would be a higher up (or a constable if needed due to people's real lives, which come first) that is authorized to "certify" APD constables or higher for flight. This of course would require more stringent regulations when it comes to air patrols being that it could very well be a constable flying around, but with more stringent regulations comes higher punishments. Someone messes up when flying, give them a warning. They do it again? Ground them for a few days. They just don't get it and screw up a third time, revoke their flight privileges and have them sell their chopper. (Yes this is a loss in money, maybe they shouldn't have f***ed up THREE times)


It could work where an "instructor" who is whatever rank (again, real lives) is tasked with heading up the Airial Unit for APD. Someone wants to join up, they apply. If they're accepted, they go out with an instructor who interviews them in flight (or before, whatever) and gives them control of the bird. At that point, its up to the applicant to perform various actions such as touch and goes, handling tests, pursuit, etc. Point is, not everyone can fly (as mentioned by Jamal) and those who can might not be able to. Birds should be a privilege granted by certification, not a right based on rank.


PS: I think this is what you were looking for Thomas.


*stands up and starts slow clapping*



Personally, the little bird shouldn't be based on rank.


Another option would be a higher up (or a constable if needed due to people's real lives, which come first) that is authorized to "certify" APD constables or higher for flight. This of course would require more stringent regulations when it comes to air patrols being that it could very well be a constable flying around, but with more stringent regulations comes higher punishments. Someone messes up when flying, give them a warning. They do it again? Ground them for a few days. They just don't get it and screw up a third time, revoke their flight privileges and have them sell their chopper. (Yes this is a loss in money, maybe they shouldn't have f***ed up THREE times)


It could work where an "instructor" who is whatever rank (again, real lives) is tasked with heading up the Airial Unit for APD. Someone wants to join up, they apply. If they're accepted, they go out with an instructor who interviews them in flight (or before, whatever) and gives them control of the bird. At that point, its up to the applicant to perform various actions such as touch and goes, handling tests, pursuit, etc. Point is, not everyone can fly (as mentioned by Jamal) and those who can might not be able to. Birds should be a privilege granted by certification, not a right based on rank.


PS: I think this is what you were looking for Thomas.




their should be tests to see is an APD member is good enough to fly. LIke have a higher up who is good at flying test them on their flying skills. Then if they do good enough allow them to get a little bird to use.

  • Head Admin

The flip side of letting Constables access hummingbirds would be the outcry from everyone saying the OMG I CANT DO DRUGS THERE IS ALWAYS A COP CHOPPER WRECKING MY DAY.


Thats said though I personally do agree that Constables should be able to access Hummingbirds.  Maybe Zeros proposal of Hummingbirds for Constable amd Orcas for Corporals isn't such a bad idea.  Hummingbirds for scouting and fast response, and Orcas for OH LAWDY WE GETTING SHOT AT.

Speaking of apd, my GPU died and i am supposed to take my ride along before tommorow. Otherwise i would be on being the best cadet evur.



Everyone earns their spot, when you earn it you'll get it.



And yes, I'm aware thats not what the OP intended.


I enjoy your idea of what is essentially flight school, but the reality is that it's not worth the time nor effort to do it, If we're doing training sessions


for constables daily so they can fly, we get into an issue like we have with ridealongs, where there are 30 people asking and simply not enough


time to do them, and then people get pissy because player "x" got his but player "y" joined first. Its just too messy for a very, very, very small




their should be tests to see is an APD member is good enough to fly. LIke have a higher up who is good at flying test them on their flying skills. Then if they do good enough allow them to get a little bird to use.


That's essentially my entire post...


The flip side of letting Constables access hummingbirds would be the outcry from everyone saying the OMG I CANT DO DRUGS THERE IS ALWAYS A COP CHOPPER WRECKING MY DAY.


Thats said though I personally do agree that Constables should be able to access Hummingbirds.  Maybe Zeros proposal of Hummingbirds for Constable amd Orcas for Corporals isn't such a bad idea.  Hummingbirds for scouting and fast response, and Orcas for OH LAWDY WE GETTING SHOT AT.


I seriously doubt the Orca would be given to APD as that would require yet another skin to be created, further boosting the mission file size. Plus there is already the Ghosthawk.


And yes everyone reading this is thinking "But the Ghosthawk has guns John, the Orca doesn't." Unless the pilot unlocks the GH, no one can get on the guns, making them a decoration for most air patrols.


Speaking of apd, my GPU died and i am supposed to take my ride along before tommorow. Otherwise i would be on being the best cadet evur.


Shoot a message to a Senior APD member and alert them to your situation. If tomorrow marks day 3 of being a cadet, you're fine. Its a 3-day minimum as a recruit.




Everyone earns their spot, when you earn it you'll get it.



And yes, I'm aware thats not what the OP intended.


And Snake, this isn't about being a Corporal. Its about accessibility around the island and quicker response times.

The flip side of letting Constables access hummingbirds would be the outcry from everyone saying the OMG I CANT DO DRUGS THERE IS ALWAYS A COP CHOPPER WRECKING MY DAY.


Thats said though I personally do agree that Constables should be able to access Hummingbirds.  Maybe Zeros proposal of Hummingbirds for Constable amd Orcas for Corporals isn't such a bad idea.  Hummingbirds for scouting and fast response, and Orcas for OH LAWDY WE GETTING SHOT AT.


Perhaps make it a rule that Hummingbirds could only be deployed as a response unit, and not as a patrol unit.


I mean, something's gotta be done to get cops to respond better across the map. There's not even a challenge to avoid cops, you can pretty much just be complacent in knowing that if you don't go to Kavala you might not even see a cop the entire day.

Perhaps make it a rule that Hummingbirds could only be deployed as a response unit, and not as a patrol unit.


I mean, something's gotta be done to get cops to respond better across the map. There's not even a challenge to avoid cops, you can pretty much just be complacent in knowing that if you don't go to Kavala you might not even see a cop the entire day.

I couldn't agree with this enough. Really, going into Kavala is a lot more intense while geared/with a bounty than going into any red zone.. It's bizarre.





Everyone earns their spot, when you earn it you'll get it.



And yes, I'm aware thats not what the OP intended.


I enjoy your idea of what is essentially flight school, but the reality is that it's not worth the time nor effort to do it, If we're doing training sessions


for constables daily so they can fly, we get into an issue like we have with ridealongs, where there are 30 people asking and simply not enough


time to do them, and then people get pissy because player "x" got his but player "y" joined first. Its just too messy for a very, very, very small



You're right about the flight school point. There wouldn't be a crazy amount of high-up officers that would be allowed to train constables for it/would be willing to/have the time to, ontop of both playing the game and already doing ridealongs and so on. So the idea of flight school being a prerequisite to a constable flying can go ahead and be tossed.. But what's the solution? There's, IMO, a big problem with APD when they can't reliably respond to emergency texts from 10+KM away. 

And again it's not the individual players, most of APD are really good at handling situations/etc.. Terror is dealt with on a regular basis and banished, the same with Fed robberies. But a team of Cadets/Constables just do not have the resources needed to respond to where they're actually needed, outside of Kavala. I'd absolutely love to be in a team on APD that responds to emergency texts (and currently do my best to), instead of one that just babysits other peoples kids. 

At the end of the day though - how can we make it so all officers can respond to emergencies in a timely manner, without putting a huge burden on higher-up officers? We don't necessarily have to lock down 100% of drug trafficking, but I'd love to be able to help, say, the group of people mining diamonds or running oil on their first day of Altis Life from bandits. 


  • Like 1

What I would love to see done... which might not even be an issue once the new patch hits... is this:


Less presence needed in Kavala... either from making it a safe zone or whatever we have to do. Also this post was mainly meant just to chat about how much the servers are so much more different now from back then. Just last night, we tried to do some moonshine, and guess what, bandits in a chopper... lol lost 3 tempest devices.. but meh it's what makes the game fun, if there weren't bandits, there wouldnt be risk, no risk = boring.


When i am the only constable on the server and have 2 cadets, we should be patrolling trying to cover as much area as we can, not sit in Kavala to give the trolls something to do.


Debow out.

  • Like 1

I have simpler answer - make prygos the main city in altis this way we are already in the middle of the map and response times will be a lot faster patrols would be more offern - this way you will fix a lot of the problems close to the fed robberys makes more sense to do this than say " constables should have helicopters " you know it would be abused and you would have 10 hummingbirds flying around anyway

I never thought choppers at lower ranks was the answer. More APD PERIOD would be the answer. 3 cops per server even WITH a hummingbird is still bad. Would be nice to see a cpl / sgt play more often IN the channels not in private channels on teamspeak. Makes no sense for senior APD to be in private channels while in game unless they are doing some sort of like ride along or air patrol unit. Just nice to have more APD than a few, last night, i had to work most of the night, but i had noticed there were like 10 cops on each server! i was like F*** ya!~ :P

  • Like 1

I have simpler answer - make prygos the main city in altis this way we are already in the middle of the map and response times will be a lot faster patrols would be more offern - this way you will fix a lot of the problems close to the fed robberys makes more sense to do this than say " constables should have helicopters " you know it would be abused and you would have 10 hummingbirds flying around anyway



The problem now is 100% response times. I had to drive 14km today to go from Kavala to Pyrgos to help out the unit in that city. Let's just say the ride was a long one. Also pygros isn't in the middle. Maybe you are thinking Athira?

ok let's say kavarla - Sophia is like 22km maybe more ?

Prygos - karvala 14km see my point ? Also it would fix the forums posts on the issue with rebels free roaming without seeing police all sever makes more sense in my eyes

The problem now is 100% response times. I had to drive 14km today to go from Kavala to Pyrgos to help out the unit in that city. Let's just say the ride was a long one. Also pygros isn't in the middle. Maybe you are thinking Athira?


Cops can respawn at any HQ with their gear, and there's an HQ at each major city + the airfield, so it's not 100% response times. Response time is part of the issue, but the other two issues are babysitting kavala 24/7, and as Debow said, not enough cops period.


I know that based on what I've heard, I would probably not want to be a cop. It sounds like a shitstorm of BS to deal with regularly, and a lot obligatory assignments coupled with a stringent entry process. Of course, that's only speculation and I could very well have no clue about what I'm talking about. But while being a cop probably has its perks, it sounds pretty stressful.

Cops can respawn at any HQ with their gear, and there's an HQ at each major city + the airfield, so it's not 100% response times. Response time is part of the issue, but the other two issues are babysitting kavala 24/7, and as Debow said, not enough cops period.

I know that based on what I've heard, I would probably not want to be a cop. It sounds like a shitstorm of BS to deal with regularly, and a lot obligatory assignments coupled with a stringent entry process. Of course, that's only speculation and I could very well have no clue about what I'm talking about. But while being a cop probably has its perks, it sounds pretty stressful.

Mcdil when 6 or more cops are on you cant respawn at all

Mcdil when 6 or more cops are on you cant respawn at all


Why can't you respawn? Forgive me but I'm not informed, I just noticed sometimes that cops will suicide and respawn somewhere else. Why does it change when there's 6 or more cops? Is the respawn just a mechanic you can use when you're undermanned?

We little cadets can handle the kavala madness, you corp's should be doing the big stuff instead of camping the square with us :)

Why can't you respawn? Forgive me but I'm not informed, I just noticed sometimes that cops will suicide and respawn somewhere else. Why does it change when there's 6 or more cops? Is the respawn just a mechanic you can use when you're undermanned?

We can only use it when we are understaffed 6 or less only if you do it after you get in trouble. Kinda sucks when you're a cadet, not like im alowed to drive to pygros from kavala.....

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