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Hospitals - Frame issues - video proof

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I know people have been complaining about this for some time now. I was not sure if anyone had taken the time to actually go and take video evidence of it, along with posting their PC specs as well. 

This is my rig and is only about 60 to 90 days old so.
 i7 6700k
MSI Nvidia 1060
SSD(arma loaded on it)
(CPU is water cooled if that makes any difference)

I want to say that I do not know anything about "behind the scenes" designing/scripting that goes into the server. What I can tell is that this is an issue for me with a decent and fairly new computer.
Hate to see what it does for those less fortunate that cant afford a new PC or have the option to get one for whatever reason. From 60 to 40 frames you can notice but still play. From 25-30 to drop to 10-15 well that happens to be nearly unplayable, I used to be there. 

Both Videos are 2:30 long. Show the same route take from outside of render distance to render in on the main airfield R&R HQ I show my settings in both to confirm the settings are the same for both, as well as time for restart, one is right before and right after a restart. 

This first video here is the one right after the restart, you can see I start at 60 frames then once I fly to the hospital I start to drop and end up in the mid to upper 30 FPS, then they begin to level back out once I begin to fly away from hospital. 

This second video is right before a restart, same path was taken and I start with 6 frames as well. When entering render distance on the hospital my game actually freeze frames for a short moment and then comes back, I drop down to the low of 28 FPS from 60 where I started. This only ever happens at hospitals as most of us know. 

The designing looks good sure but who would want to sacrifice performance for this? Highly considering that we already have enough issues causing the texture bugs that currently no one can fix. 

This isn't intended to start flame, but I took the time to do it and I'm tired so if you say anything negative you can fuck yourself, I don't have the patience for shit. 

If helps it helps, if it cant help then oh well. 

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9 minutes ago, Domo Arigato said:

bigPat the scientist +1

Not a scientist by any means. Its just that I got texture bugged 1 too many times right next to a hospital. Everyone knows its not the only place nor the only reason but it is one that we can fix and potentially remove one of the factors from the situation. 

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5 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

You do realize that you flew into a location with more people than your "starter" location. No shit your frames will drop a little.

Here we go again.... I didn't watch the entire vid but from what I can tell there was only a medic, his vehicle and a quilin. That doesn't acquire a 30 fps drop and nor is that "a little" by any means because his frames were sliced in half.

EDIT: I do see that there are a couple more vehicles flying around, but regardless that's not what causes frame drop

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I'll do the same I get like 120-130 FPS with 4k render. When I render in a hospital I go from 120ish to like 40 in a matter of seconds. In order to increase FPS and Performance just reduce the items and props at the hospitals and remove the prowler from the server.  


ASUS 1070 8gb performance edition

16bg of ram

240ssd OS and arma both on it

1tb seagate hdd

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9 minutes ago, Phizx said:

Here we go again.... I didn't watch the entire vid but from what I can tell there was only a medic, his vehicle and a quilin. That doesn't acquire a 30 fps drop and nor is that "a little" by any means because his frames were sliced in half.

EDIT: I do see that there are a couple more vehicles flying around, but regardless that's not what causes frame drop

The other players around the location plus the 8 NPC's that have to load in the general area (Airport and Hospital). It's really not a huge surprise that there is a frame drop. Its not just the hospitals -___-

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2 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

The other players around the location plus the 8 NPC's that have to load in the general area (Airport and Hospital). It's really not a huge surprise that there is a frame drop. Its not just the hospitals -___-

Why didn't anyone complain about the Airport before we moved hospitals? Or feds for that matter?

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5 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

The other players around the location plus the 8 NPC's that have to load in the general area (Airport and Hospital). It's really not a huge surprise that there is a frame drop. Its not just the hospitals -___-

Hospitals are an issue, you can't deny it. This is an issue we can actually fix, why not fix it?

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6 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

I'll do the same I get like 120-130 FPS with 4k render. When I render in a hospital I go from 120ish to like 40 in a matter of seconds. In order to increase FPS and Performance just reduce the items and props at the hospitals and remove the prowler from the server.  


ASUS 1070 8gb performance edition

16bg of ram

240ssd OS and arma both on it

1tb seagate hdd

Did they give you a steak with your pc too? Jesus christ

Just now, Domo Arigato said:

Hospitals are an issue, you can't deny it. This is an issue we can actually fix, why not fix it?

Because they're hard headed and they don't want Muthinator to quit because something he created isn't being used

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Heres what we're saying. You admins openly say this isent a serious rp server so all the little details arent needed they dont enhance rp cause theres very little on the server theyre causing players to drop frames and teture bug.

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1 minute ago, Auri said:

Here is what we're saying. You admins openly say this isn't a serious rp server, so all the details aren't needed as they dont enhance rp because theres very little on the server. They're only causing players to drop frames and texture bug.


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14 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

The other players around the location plus the 8 NPC's that have to load in the general area (Airport and Hospital). It's really not a huge surprise that there is a frame drop. Its not just the hospitals -___-

Clearly, no one ever said once that the problem is "just the hospitals" its just a CLEAR issue that we CAN fix, and will HELP with the texture bug issue. 

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Just now, Tman15tmb said:

I'm not denying hospitals cause frame issues but the other players in the same location do not help your case in trying to prove its only the hospitals that cause frame drop. 

Ok we get it stop tip toeing around the issue and address it. I know i sound like a dick but jesus this is the only server that ive seen that texture bugs we're telling you how to fix it untill 64 bit comes out.

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4 minutes ago, bigPat said:

Clearly, no one ever said once that the problem is "just the hospitals" its just a CLEAR issue that we CAN fix, and will HELP with the texture bug issue. 

Considering your title says "Hospitals - Frame issues - video proof" when there are other causes contributing to your frame issues makes me think you're just trying to target the hospitals.

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Oh here we go again with another FPS drop post...

Hospitals don't just cause the issue and it HAS been addressed many times (removing a few things from hospitals at a time that cause the most FPS Drops) and yet again, go look around the map, its not just Hospitals that cause it; I have a fairly decent PC and most of my texture bugs aren't at a hospital. If people want to constantly complain about FPS drops due to the Hospitals, what about Hunting Grounds, Kavala Square or even vehicles such as Prowlers? Stop hating on Hospitals alone cause it's the forum "trend".

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Admins,mods,devs stop tip toeing around the issue and adress it. We get there are other variables. Theres a tipping point though before the new hospitals we had no texture bugs at airfield. So saying "The npcs are playing a part." they might be but the new hospitals are obviously the major effect. Custom textures are cool and all but when they effect gameplay there should be a line drawn.

1 minute ago, DaneG said:

Oh here we go again...

Hospitals don't just cause the issue and it HAS been addressed many times (removing a few things from hospitals at a time that cause the most FPS Drops) and yet again, go look around the map, its not just Hospitals that cause it; I have a fairly decent PC and most of my texture bugs aren't at a hospital. If people want to constantly complain about FPS drops due to the Hospitals, what about Hunting Grounds, Kavala Square or even vehicles such as Prowlers? Stop hating on Hospitals alone cause it's the forum "trend".

Theyre from custom textures the hospital is littered with them needlessly 

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When you did it the second time there was an APD ghost haw, a medic ghost hawk, and other various vehicles around the area.  also, your settings wont change whats spawning it at the hospital.  The stuff that has been added spawn no matter what.  Everything causes issues these days with Arma.  I am pretty sure it could just be a hospital sitting there and it would cause the same issues.  I get the same pauses on other parts of the map as everyone else does.  Clearly this has been shown to be an issue that exists on almost all Life servers.  It also is a known fact that it can occur anywhere at any time.  A lot of it is caused by textures.  I doubt it has anything to do with the texture other then its pulling and loading a texture thats not native to the game.  Honestly I am really tired of taking flack for something that at this point I really dont think can be pin pointed to one thing.  Has anyone ever bitched about the Neochori APD HQ?  FYI I optimized the amount of objects around it and it still has almost double the amount of stuff then the most decorated HQ.  Anyways, I am trying to keep this civil but honestly your video shows a second of lag and I think it has more to do with the ghost hawks then anything else.  But keep complaining and hating if that makes you feel better.


Also, the hospital does not have custom textures.  It has the same objects and signs that you find anywhere else on the map.  In fact, the check points and APD facilities have almost as many signs.

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The OP clearly states hospitals aren't the only cause. You cannot deny they fuck with people's systems, to alleviate the already texture bug high environment Bohemia has left us with, take out all the unnecessary stuff in the hospital. It looks great, but we need the extra performance. It's not that big of a deal.

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5 minutes ago, Strafe said:

Admins,mods,devs stop tip toeing around the issue and adress it. We get there are other variables. Theres a tipping point though before the new hospitals we had no texture bugs at airfield. So saying "The npcs are playing a part." they might be but the new hospitals are obviously the major effect. Custom textures are cool and all but when they effect gameplay there should be a line drawn.

Theyre from custom textures the hospital is littered with them needlessly 

Nobody is "tip toeing". It has been addressed previously and we removed things like the Offroad from the Car Garage, the Ghosthawk from the hangars and even the M-900's off of the entrance to the hospital. Those are just a few listed and oh look, they're all custom textures that have been removed and mostly suggestions from the community. Getting rid of it all together is not even an appropriate option, cause if we had that attitude towards every FPS dropping place, we may as well remove the whole map and the whole server while we're at it. Stop blaming the hospitals solely, just because everyone else is

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