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Hospitals - Frame issues - video proof

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8 minutes ago, Strafe said:

Admins,mods,devs stop tip toeing around the issue and adress it. We get there are other variables. Theres a tipping point though before the new hospitals we had no texture bugs at airfield. So saying "The npcs are playing a part." they might be but the new hospitals are obviously the major effect. Custom textures are cool and all but when they effect gameplay there should be a line drawn.

Theyre from custom textures the hospital is littered with them needlessly 

I got a nasty texture bug at Sofia rebel the other night, one at the black market near Pyrgos, and one near DP 5. Maybe we should just remove all buildings and objects from the map? Lets all drive around in white cars, medics can have grey, and APD can have black. I would advise you to do some research on the Arma 3 texture bug that everyone in the Arma 3 community is experiencing before you go flapping your gums about stuff that you know absolutely nothing about.

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1 minute ago, DaneG said:

Nobody is "tip toeing". It has been addressed previously and we removed things like the Offroad from the Car Garage, the Ghosthawk from the hangars and even the M-900's off of the entrance to the hospital. Those are just a few listed and oh look, they're all custom textures that have been removed and mostly suggestions from the community. Getting rid of it all together is not even an appropriate option, cause if we had that attitude towards every FPS dropping place, we may as well remove the whole map and the whole server while we're at it. Stop blaming the hospitals solely, just because everyone else is

Then why dont we fix the things you guys are saying also causing these things we dont need a medic working on a truck in a garage. We dont need all these skins.

Alright you guys are right. The server is perfect how it is we dont need to fix anything we get 111 player per day on each server consistently its hard to fix these things. I understand now. Thank you for clarifying why olympus is a perfect server and every bug on olympus is bohemias fault.

All of the vehicles around the hospitals were removed with no change.  Again we have been removing more and more and it has not made a difference.  Honestly, the area has a lot of stuff and who knows.  The hospital building by itself may still cause issues.  There really is not a whole lot around these hospitals anymore.  It does look like a lot but there are less things around the hospital then other customized areas on the map.  IDK man.  You guys think nothins been done but stuff has been removed.  Every time we remove stuff nothing changes.  Every faction has their areas and they are a part of what makes each faction unique and fun for those who play it.  Saying just delete it all is not a realistic solution as it would not remove the problem.  You just watched two videos with displayed settings where one there is no difference and the second there is a brief pause.  Again to me it looks like the pause was probably caused by the ghost hawk loading in.  I am pretty sure it would lag if you just put a pink paint texture on it.  Its calling for a file and displaying a graphic according to what its calling upon.  No matter what the graphic is, it is going to take up pixels.  I dont know if it really matters what color or arrangement the pixels are in.  Certain vehicles that are textured are causing a lot of problems.  That is a known issue and again its now apparent that its not just Olympus.  Anyways again its a horse thats been beat to a flat pancake because everyone is choosing to blame the big bad hospitals.

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I don't have time to argue with people that seem to not just give the community or most of the community for the most part, what they want. 
I wont be wasting my time reading these paragraphs that all say the same thing and that have all said the same thing since this issue had started been complaining about. 

Again, I didn't want to start up flame but this seems to have.
In my eyes, many many many people of the community just want the hospitals to be "simplified" I guess is the best way to put it. So why not just give us what we want? 
This has been made a much bigger deal then it needed to be in the first place. I intended to help but everyone just wants to argue about it, everyone get your head out of your asses. 


39 minutes ago, Strafe said:

Admins,mods,devs stop tip toeing around the issue and adress it. We get there are other variables. Theres a tipping point though before the new hospitals we had no texture bugs at airfield. So saying "The npcs are playing a part." they might be but the new hospitals are obviously the major effect. Custom textures are cool and all but when they effect gameplay there should be a line drawn.

U literally have no clue what your saying

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You know, there is a lot that I could come back to this post and say right now but I am choosing not to do so. 

This isnt really a talk anymore, So Ill be tuning out and letting the rest of youz all bitch back and forth at each other. 

not worth my time. 
Ill be the bigger person here and say, its just a video game. Lighten up for fucks sake and just give the community what they want. 

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But my question is... what is the point of "simplifying" the hospitals if it shows that even after removing shit the frames still drop and texture bugs still happen. 

I got texture bugged today at a rebel raid. Rebels have almost nothing in them. The ghost hawk came in and bam. Game turned to shit. 

I have Fps drops in every city. Especially in Kavala. If we are going to start "simplifying" then we might as well just remove the altis life code and just turn this into koth. That sounds "simple" enough. 

If I may add. Most of you say "I only get it on Olympus". You want to know why? This is the server you play the most on. I am sure you just don't spend enough time playing those other shitty servers in order to get a texture bug. 

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Well I just went through another round of removing more stuff.  If you think about it, and really think about it, if we gave the community every damn thing that it asked for this would be one fucked up server.  People would drive tanks around and fly attack helis.  How much fun would that be.  If you are gonna bitch about something be reasonable and listen to what is being said.  I took the time to watch your videos, read your post, respond to it, and make more changes despite the fact that I have read countless ones like it and made drastic changes that have not made a difference for performance.  I did that and again I went through and removed more stuff.  At this point there are probably between 40-50 decor pieces left at the hospital.  There is more then that in Kavala square. The rest is NPCs, walls, lights, and the hospital its self.  According to Poseidon the lights really dont have any effect on performance.  There are a metric ass ton of walls everywhere on Arma so I dont see them causing many issues.  There really are no special items around the hospitals other then the structure itself, and its scripted in.  As people are saying frames drop and texture bugs happen everywhere.  The only concern is is that when they occur around the hospitals people freak out and go on the forums and rant about it.  Dont get all butt hurt because you are not getting the answers that you want to hear. Again if you dont want to pony up and talk about it and you just want to opossum up and not read anyone's responses then dont bother bringing shit up.  

1 minute ago, Muthinator said:

Well I just went through another round of removing more stuff.  

Thanks, all I needed to see. Have a good one. 

58 minutes ago, bigPat said:

I don't have time to argue with people that seem to not just give the community or most of the community for the most part, what they want. 
I wont be wasting my time reading these paragraphs that all say the same thing and that have all said the same thing since this issue had started been complaining about. 

Again, I didn't want to start up flame but this seems to have.
In my eyes, many many many people of the community just want the hospitals to be "simplified" I guess is the best way to put it. So why not just give us what we want? 
This has been made a much bigger deal then it needed to be in the first place. I intended to help but everyone just wants to argue about it, everyone get your head out of your asses. 


Excuse me?? If you weren't prepared to listen to other peoples views and opinions then you shouldn't have started this topic. I'm getting really sick of the "give us, give us, give us" type of attitude that is going around the community. The community does not decide what comes and goes unless the staff ask for your opinion. That decision is up to the developers and designers who work their ass off trying to create the best possible performance while trying to add new things to the server so it doesn't look or feel stale. Telling everyone who has an opposite opinion of yours to "get your heads out of your asses" makes you sound like a child.

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@Muthinator You keep missing the point because you want to defend your creation to the death; your hospitals look great, they do. But, they cause performance issues. Are they the only things that do? No. Are they something we have the power to fix? Yes! They won't fix the texture bug issue because that's a larger issue, but it just possibly might help alleviate the texture bug in certain areas. This is all about trying to get as much performance as we can considering we can't permanently fix the issue.

10 hours ago, Muthinator said:

All of the vehicles around the hospitals were removed with no change.  Again we have been removing more and more and it has not made a difference.  Honestly, the area has a lot of stuff and who knows.  The hospital building by itself may still cause issues.  There really is not a whole lot around these hospitals anymore.  It does look like a lot but there are less things around the hospital then other customized areas on the map.  IDK man.  You guys think nothins been done but stuff has been removed.  Every time we remove stuff nothing changes.  Every faction has their areas and they are a part of what makes each faction unique and fun for those who play it.  Saying just delete it all is not a realistic solution as it would not remove the problem.  You just watched two videos with displayed settings where one there is no difference and the second there is a brief pause.  Again to me it looks like the pause was probably caused by the ghost hawk loading in.  I am pretty sure it would lag if you just put a pink paint texture on it.  Its calling for a file and displaying a graphic according to what its calling upon.  No matter what the graphic is, it is going to take up pixels.  I dont know if it really matters what color or arrangement the pixels are in.  Certain vehicles that are textured are causing a lot of problems.  That is a known issue and again its now apparent that its not just Olympus.  Anyways again its a horse thats been beat to a flat pancake because everyone is choosing to blame the big bad hospitals.

Not reading this entire thing because I know it would be you stating the fact that it's not just the hospitals. How about you try testing the old hospitals? Move everything back to how it was months ago.

Of course other areas have these issues, but when you have the main airfield, an air HQ right across from the hospital and the fed within a 2km radius it gets pretty @Hectic when it comes to frames. On top of all these structures, a couple police vehicles and a ghosthawk is all it takes to completely ruin your experience. I've said this plenty of times... When it comes to performance I much rather have a sign in the middle of salt flats as a hospital than these big bulky useless buildings.

Didn't we have a thread that had pages and pages of videos showing that the hostpital was the main reason and nothing was ever done about it.

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2 hours ago, Joel said:

Didn't we have a thread that had pages and pages of videos showing that the hostpital was the main reason and nothing was ever done about it.

If you didn't pay attention to the objects that were removed from the hospitals I can imagine you would have little understanding and you would assume nothing was done about it.

4 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

If you didn't pay attention to the objects that were removed from the hospitals I can imagine you would have little understanding and you would assume nothing was done about it.

So the cereal boxes and the man working on a truck inside the hospital with walls wrapped all the way around the hospitals are gone? 

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12 minutes ago, Joel said:

So the cereal boxes and the man working on a truck inside the hospital with walls wrapped all the way around the hospitals are gone? 

The fuck are you talking about? You mean the NPC where medics pull out their vehicles??

Yeah lets remove all NPC's from the map. Lets just replace everything with signs because clearly most of you could care less about what the map looks like and your just here to bitch and play wasteland. Might as well remove all structures that are not part of vanilla Altis, including rebels, black markets, cartels, police HQ's, jail, the Fed, Black Water, might as well toss in legal and illegal processing areas because those cause too much lag.

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5 minutes ago, Strafe said:

Turn olympus into a wasteland server 2017?

Because logic. 

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