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Hospitals - Frame issues - video proof

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11 minutes ago, Strafe said:

Turn olympus into a wasteland server 2017?

Or, how about you guys go play on someone else's Wasteland server and leave Olympus Altis life for the people that respect and appreciate the server for what is has/what it is.

If you were just joking I apologize, the problem is that there are quite a few people in this community that are tired of the server but they choose to hang around anyways and they bitch and whine because the staff chooses not to cater to their every wish and then they get upset and throw a pissy fit.

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Just now, Tman15tmb said:

Or, how about you go play on someone else's Wasteland server and leave Olympus Altis life for the people that respect and appreciate the server.

Going to run out of likes Tman! I've liked you so much today I will take you out on a date. But I'll make sure we sit on the floor and mimic eating because the objects will cause real life frame loss and possible texture bugs. 

3 minutes ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

Going to run out of likes Tman! I've liked you so much today I will take you out on a date. But I'll make sure we sit on the floor and mimic eating because the objects will cause real life frame loss and possible texture bugs. 

Get off my dick Bubba. haha

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3 hours ago, Phizx said:

Not reading this entire thing because I know it would be you stating the fact that it's not just the hospitals. How about you try testing the old hospitals? Move everything back to how it was months ago.

Of course other areas have these issues, but when you have the main airfield, an air HQ right across from the hospital and the fed within a 2km radius it gets pretty @Hectic when it comes to frames. On top of all these structures, a couple police vehicles and a ghosthawk is all it takes to completely ruin your experience. I've said this plenty of times... When it comes to performance I much rather have a sign in the middle of salt flats as a hospital than these big bulky useless buildings.


15 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

Or, how about you guys go play on someone else's Wasteland server and leave Olympus Altis life for the people that respect and appreciate the server for what is has/what it is.

You didnt know?  The community runs Olympus of course, not the devs or designers or admins or mods that put in countless hours everyday.  Its so much easier to piss and moan and cry and blame something that you have no idea if its actually causing issues or not.

WHAT!  You didnt make the changes that I want and delete everything!  Time to get mad and go cry on the forums.  I am done trying to explain it to fuck tards that wont except anything other then a fucking NPC and a sign in the middle of the desert that says hospitals. What a joke.

The R&R is a part of the server so stop crying about it.  If your piece of shit computers wont run the game right then go do something else or change your settings.  Go play a gutted server that doesent have anything on it.  I know, lets downgrade the server so that we can appease all the cry babies.  What a great idea.  I have a descent computer but its by no means top notch and it runs fine in that area.  I also get the same shit issues everyone else gets at random times in random places and guess what, about 95% of the time I am no where near any hospital.

Hmmmm, do you know what I noticed.  Having a bunch of cop cars in one area causes lag and texture bugs.  Fuck it lets remove the cop textures and give em civ cars.  We will do it for the medics as well because textures are evil!  Shit just having a lot of vehicles in one area causes performance drop.  Ive got it!  Lets just remove all the vehicles so everyone can walk around.  I got a texture bug running once though.   We better remove Red Gull and Coffee so you cant run very long.  But wait!  Trees and grass and walls and buildings cause issues too.  Fuck it, lets remove those so that we get 200+ FPS! Whats that you say?  Your eyes dont generally pick up on anything above 40-60FPS.  Shit fam, I need that 200 FPS though.  My eyes are special and I can see the difference.

It may not have occurred to some of you but some people play servers based on how they look and the interesting things they have to offer.  Not so they can go around saying "hands up or die, hands up or die" to every player they see.

This is a bad joke at this point.  Two videos just showed how there is a small drop in frames but its still completely playable.  And thats flying an Orca directly at the hospital its self and sitting there.  The hole area could be empty around the airport and you would still get frame drops.  Should we remove the airport terminal and Fed as well?  How About the APD HQ?  We can put a sign right next to the R&R sign in the middle of the desert that says "APD".

Nah, lets just keep bitching about one thing despite the fact that Arma got tore the fuck up after the Tanoa update and performance and texture bugs occur anywhere at any time for reason that the game developer does not even know.  Read the stuff that Jesse linked... Bohemia doesent even know WTF is going on and they made the game.  what makes any of you experts that can determine that its all being caused by one building, a handful of walls, a few decor items, and some NPC's?  The fact is that you dont know and your on a freeking witch hunt and a select few jump on the cry baby ban wagon.  Fun fact.  Roughly 35-40% of of the stuff around the Athira Hospital has been removed over the course of the last few months and guess what.  It made no difference.  What if we did remove the entire thing and it still didnt make a difference.  Oh I know, I am sure you would all find something else to piss and moan about in no time...

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I got a texture bug in a cop strider in the middle of the sea between pyrgos and mushroom cartel, so I think we should remove the water...


no but, texture bugs happen for no reason at all apparently, whole frame drops happen at places with more people and npc's and shit like that. I feel we can agree some textures are bitches though, cop strider/ghost hawk/prowler/jeep. Same R&R vehicles as well. People say it's hospitals, but people fight at them and vehicles and people are all over he hospital, and then they get texture bugged and blame the hospital. Hospitals don't help but they also aren't a primary cause. 


People need to know the difference between causation and correlation. Two different things. Bohemia is trying to find the causation of the texture bugs and frame drops and this community is correlating things with texture bugs and frame drops. All games (of arma size) lag when you're in places of high density and there's a lot of coded in shit and what not. For all we know, it could be a very broad/widely used item or thing or sound that Bohemia overlooked that causes this. It is also difficult to know because it doesn't seem to happen every time. It is always random.

So honestly, let the devs and designers do their work cause the more time they spend arguing on the forums, the less time they could work or fix other problems. People say it's just this server, and I agree it does happen more often on this server, but I have gotten texture bug playing alone on a scenario I downloaded. Can you say it's the hospitals fault. Or the 0 custom textures the scenario had. No, you can't. No one knows what it is. Were correlating texture bug and frame drops with hospitals, but who knows what it could fucking be. None of you are Bohemia developers, or Olympus developers and designers, so shut the fuck up and let them work. Don't bitch, moan, or cry, play the game, and if you texture bug or crash, restart and keep playing, this is just a fuvking game that has consumed a lot of your lives...... including mine... lol

Just now, MillerLite said:

buncha god damn philosophers on this sever now!!!!!!!!!!!!! aint nobody got time to read dis

Maybe if you did people would understand the devs can't do much nor do they know what to do to help prevent texture bugs and frame drops.

On 2/5/2017 at 3:25 PM, Muthinator said:


WHAT!  You didnt make the changes that I want and delete everything!  Time to get mad and go cry on the forums.  I am done trying to explain it to fuck tards that wont except anything other then a fucking NPC and a sign in the middle of the desert that says hospitals. What a joke.


WHAT! You guys don't like the useless skins I make to texture bug the entire server? Well too bad because I'm a designer, my penis is a lot bigger than all of you,  and I put countless hours so I refuse to change it. Done talking to designers/devs that are too full of their own creations to make changes for the better of the server.


On 2/5/2017 at 3:25 PM, Muthinator said:


The R&R is a part of the server so stop crying about it.  If your piece of shit computers wont run the game right then go do something else or change your settings.  Go play a gutted server that doesent have anything on it.  I know, lets downgrade the server so that we can appease all the cry babies.  What a great idea.  I have a descent computer but its by no means top notch and it runs fine in that area.  I also get the same shit issues everyone else gets at random times in random places and guess what, about 95% of the time I am no where near any hospital.

Even people with beefed rigs get the same issue? How about you buy one for everyone that needs a better computer? 


On 2/5/2017 at 3:25 PM, Muthinator said:

you know what I noticed.  Having a bunch of cop cars in one area causes lag and texture bugs.  Fuck it lets remove the cop textures and give em civ cars.  We will do it for the medics as well because textures are evil!  Shit just having a lot of vehicles in one area causes performance drop.  Ive got it!  Lets just remove all the vehicles so everyone can walk around.  I got a texture bug running once though.   We better remove Red Gull and Coffee so you cant run very long.  But wait!  Trees and grass and walls and buildings cause issues too.  Fuck it, lets remove those so that we get 200+ FPS! Whats that you say?  Your eyes dont generally pick up on anything above 40-60FPS.  Shit fam, I need that 200 FPS though.  My eyes are special and I can see the difference.


Or you can give them a simpler texture. All that needs to show is that they are APD... But no lets have a decent skin that will texture bug people as soon as they are within distance to be engaged... Smart.

On 2/5/2017 at 3:25 PM, Muthinator said:


It may not have occurred to some of you but some people play servers based on how they look and the interesting things they have to offer.  Not so they can go around saying "hands up or die, hands up or die" to every player they see.


Some people also player servers that they can ACTUALLY play, you know... Performance wise. Besides, without that "hands up or die" or just the PVP aspect is what makes Arma.

On 2/5/2017 at 3:25 PM, Muthinator said:


This is a bad joke at this point.  Two videos just showed how there is a small drop in frames but its still completely playable.  And thats flying an Orca directly at the hospital its self and sitting there.  The hole area could be empty around the airport and you would still get frame drops.  Should we remove the airport terminal and Fed as well?  How About the APD HQ?  We can put a sign right next to the R&R sign in the middle of the desert that says "APD".


The first run drops him to 35 FPS with NOTHING in the area right after restart. Wait until 20-30 minutes till restart and have an APD prowler drive through the front gate, then tell me its playable.

On 2/5/2017 at 3:25 PM, Muthinator said:

This is a bad joke at this point.  Two videos just showed how there is a small drop in frames but its still completely playable.  And thats flying an Orca directly at the hospital its self and sitting there.  The hole area could be empty around the airport and you would still get frame drops.  Should we remove the airport terminal and Fed as well?  How About the APD HQ?  We can put a sign right next to the R&R sign in the middle of the desert that says "APD".

The R&R is a joke far worse beyond this one. Just sayin...

On 2/4/2017 at 10:22 PM, Muthinator said:

Pretty sure we didnt have texture bugs until the Tanoa update came out.

I agree with Muth

But texture bugs are not his fault its Arma 3's

So stop haten until you can do it yourself.

On 2/5/2017 at 2:18 PM, Tman15tmb said:

The fuck are you talking about? You mean the NPC where medics pull out their vehicles??

Yeah lets remove all NPC's from the map. Lets just replace everything with signs because clearly most of you could care less about what the map looks like and your just here to bitch and play wasteland. Might as well remove all structures that are not part of vanilla Altis, including rebels, black markets, cartels, police HQ's, jail, the Fed, Black Water, might as well toss in legal and illegal processing areas because those cause too much lag.

Might as well play wasteland I guess, I mean at least I won't get texture bugged on there.

Just now, TroyOGG said:

I agree with Muth

But texture bugs are not his fault its Arma 3's

So stop haten until you can do it yourself.

Supporting the dev team won't get you unpermed, just letting you know xD

2 minutes ago, Phizx said:

Supporting the dev team won't get you unpermed, just letting you know xD

i've been supporting them since before i was banned

im just supporting whats true.


16 hours ago, MillerLite said:

*slurp* pls dont perm me *slurp* *slurp* 

do you play?

or do you do you just logon to ruin gangs and leave?

Edited by TroyOGG

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