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Should Vigis be able to taze cops?

Should Vigis be able to taze cops?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Vigis be able to taze cops?

    • Yes
    • no

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Just now, MrBoonie said:

You know exactly who I am referring about not the people giving actual opinions about this matter, but kids who just come on posts to bitch and complain and shit talk, so please don't try and portray yourself as some keyboard hero.

Haha if you read my posts there's no illusions about being a hero. In fact as demonstrated I clearly disagree vehemently with many opinions posted in this thread. But I hardly see how he's stooping to their levels. I disagree with bubbaloo's supposed logic,but unlike say for instance snare, he hasn't tried to attack my character in a failed attempt to prove a point. Or just outright said fuck off like ronswanson has.

23 hours ago, TheRandomOne said:

 In case you were unaware of why I called it a joke, it's because your entire post is pretty much attacking me and not my position. Which really only goes to prove a

I just realized that more than that first paragraph of that post was written to me. I could pick it apart but I'd rather just go for the Edit.

I see you like numbered list's and not walls of text so i'm just going to do this

  1. You attacked bubbaloo. I stick up for my friends which is the only reason i decided to respond to you in the first place.
  2. Why do you assume  you know me when I've never talked to you saying: "Also, you don't hate saying that, we both know you think you're a god at the game so of course you enjoyed your chance at a dig there."
  3.  If I wanted to attack you as a person I would just tell everyone to click your avatar on your profile (I'm assuming that's you???) MODS DON'T HURT ME JUST MAKING A POINT

So that's my issue with the rest of that post

Oh and one final thing why are you somehow shocked goat thinks you use circular reasoning when you literally had just used it in your response to me.

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1 hour ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

No it hasn't. This is my only time of bitching and moaning. I get a freebie once in a while. 

I can bitch and moan a little bit now. I'm not staff anymore :P 


14 minutes ago, Snare said:

I just realized that more than that first paragraph of that post was written to me. I could pick it apart but I'd rather just go for the Edit.

I see you like numbered list's and not walls of text so i'm just going to do this

  1. You attacked bubbaloo. I stick up for my friends which is the only reason i decided to respond to you in the first place.
  2. Why do you assume  you know me when I've never talked to you saying: "Also, you don't hate saying that, we both know you think you're a god at the game so of course you enjoyed your chance at a dig there."
  3.  If I wanted to attack you as a person I would just tell everyone to click your avatar on your profile (I'm assuming that's you???) MODS DON'T HURT ME JUST MAKING A POINT

So that's my issue with the rest of that post

Oh and one final thing why are you somehow shocked goat thinks you use circular reasoning when you literally had just used it in your response to me.

the way i talk on the forum is a shit representation of when i'm in voice i always sound like a dick bag over text :rolleyes:

  • Like 1
41 minutes ago, Snare said:

I just realized that more than that first paragraph of that post was written to me. I could pick it apart but I'd rather just go for the Edit.

I see you like numbered list's and not walls of text so i'm just going to do this

  1. You attacked bubbaloo. I stick up for my friends which is the only reason i decided to respond to you in the first place.
  2. Why do you assume  you know me when I've never talked to you saying: "Also, you don't hate saying that, we both know you think you're a god at the game so of course you enjoyed your chance at a dig there."
  3.  If I wanted to attack you as a person I would just tell everyone to click your avatar on your profile (I'm assuming that's you???) MODS DON'T HURT ME JUST MAKING A POINT

So that's my issue with the rest of that post

Oh and one final thing why are you somehow shocked goat thinks you use circular reasoning when you literally had just used it in your response to me.

Alright, let's have some fun.

1. I never attacked Bubbaloo I attacked his position on the topic. Unless you're referring to me calling him a broken record, which was poking fun at the fact I've literally debated this with him before. I have nothing personally against him, or anyone else I've argued with. In fact, I'd argue that I'd generally get along with most the people I've argued with. I don't bring personal feelings into a debate,or out of one,as they serve no purpose.

2. Because of the amount of times you try and bring up your superiority on the forums whether it's in a Montage thread or here or somewhere else. That's how I know. You're very easily predictable in that regard.

3. You're right, it is me. Why am I supposed to feel insulted by that? First of all, I look amazing there. Second, the thousands of people that came to that music festival I helped put on (where that picture was taken) definitely enjoyed it too, so I think I'll sleep easy tonight.


And I'm not surprised at someone trying to claim I'm using circular logic. When someone is grasping at straws they'll attempt to use any tactic, no matter how futile it is. Hence why when I asked to prove how, neither of you have been able to.


Now if you want to continue this discussion, feel free to PM me or discuss in TS when I'm home, this was horribly (yet entertainingly) off topic. I mean, I'm pretty confident you won't, but I implore you to anyways. 

2 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

I do agree that in certain aspects the APD could improve marginally, but look at this from the other aspect. The average APD squad (lets say 1 Corporal, 3 Patrol Officers, and 2 Deputies) are out-gunned, out-geared, and ANY situation is fought through attrition of the opposing force. The APD squad isn't meant to win the first couple waves. It is meant to slowly resolve the situation as more suspects are getting caught over time. What people are failing to understand is that civilians need to also learn how to handle this. Whether it is fleeing from the situation or taking steps to ensure that you can free your buddies that are restrained, there is a way to handle this. 

The problem with allowing cops to be restrained is that it eliminates the primary way that APD wins. It voids how Olympus cops normally act. With cops being restrained, it removes the simulation of waves and cops have to rely on winning the first couple waves regardless if they are out-gunned, out-geared, and are playing the attackers. 

So why does this work fine on Asylum? 

Here are a couple reasons (keep in mind I don't play Asylum, so this is just based off of what I know)

1) Cops don't fight civs as much there - therefore the issue isn't as present

2) Patrol Officers have lethals - they are able to deal with the situation instantly more often

This change isn't for Olympus. This is why some other steps and changes are currently under effect.

Yesterday, Last and I got into a 2v2 with a couple of deputies at the air terminal. I was tazed and Last killed the guy that tazed me. By the time I came out of my "shock", used a medkit to get from 10 health to 75 health and then used a blood bag to get back to 100, the cops were already back. Not new cops. The same cops.

That hurts.

I'll use me for an example. I haven't "gotten used" to no NLR. It sure is nice, but I would much rather prefer having a better loadout and lethals. I'm only a deputy, I have way more hours on civ than I do on cop, I know how it feels to get arrested, and I know how it feels to get kidnapped on cop. It's totally different. I haven't seen any robo-copping (except when someone goes afk on us) or shit talking, so I don't even know how that goes.

But, the topic is about tazing cops, so I'll say this - it's totally different from what civs face when a cop arrests them. You can fight off more than 1 cop single handedly because you will usually have WAY better gear. No matter how "overpowered" deputies apparently are, GA Carrier Rig with a 7.62 is way superior to what cops use to taze you. You can easily fight off 3 PO's and flee if you have a buddy with you, but there's absolutely nothing you can do when you're in the middle of kavala aids and a group of vigilantes say "hands up or be tazed".

I agree cops do have the upper hand in most situations, but that's how it's made to be. That was the intention of the developers. When they gave civs way better gear, I'm sure not giving cops NLR was something to consider. But, when they put in the spar in the vigilante shop, I'm sure none of them were thinking "this is going to be a great way to go rob every cop that's deployed in kavala"


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