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APD Handbook Update 7/19/17

Guest G.O.A.T.

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Guest G.O.A.T.

This rule change is effective immediately, and is also tentative. Possible additional updates in the near future to this post.

Chapter I - Professional Standards

  1. Conduct
    1. Officers are allowed to conduct themselves casually with civilians, so long as they do not go out of their way to excessively insult a civilian or go outside the boundaries set forth by the server rules.
    2. Officers are expected to treat all players with respect.This is a two way street.
    3. Officers of lower rank are expected to obey the directions of higher ranking officers.
    4. Street language is not frowned upon in the APD, you may RP freely as so long as you don't cross the lines of harassment, racism, and other extreme vulgarities.
  2. Role Playing
    1. Officers are expected to role play every scenario they encounter.
    2. Officers are expected to maintain their character in every scenario they encounter.
  3. Meta Gaming
    1. Meta-Gaming - is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.  Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
    2. Officers are not to use information used while playing as a civilian to carry out their duties.
    3. Officers are not to use information used while playing as a cop to use as a civilian.
  4. Individual Officer Redeployment
    1. APD members may respawn to a HQ if there are (5) five or less officers on the server. 
      1. Exception - An active Blackwater Robbery.
  5. Server Redeployment
    1. Server Redeploy should be conducted by Corporals and higher when it appears that officer placement is unbalanced.
      1. Corporals must be on the server at the time of the redeploy.
    2. Full APD Redeploy are conducted by Sergeants and higher to redistribute an unbalanced APD force between all of the servers.
      1. Senior APD must only be in Teamspeak to complete this task.
    3. All officers are expected to follow redeploy instructions.  Repeated infractions may result in removal from the force.

Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft

  1. Aircraft Patrols
    1. Recon Patrol - recon patrols can be performed individually by a Corporal or higher feeding information to their ground counterparts.
      1. These patrols can not directly engage with criminals on the ground.
      2. Recon patrols can be done with any helicopter/plane in the APD arsenal so long as the pilot is the only inhabitant.
      3. For the Caeser BTT Plane only, you can perform recon over redzones without using lights and sirens, but you still cannot engage.
      4. When given permission by an online Corporal or higher, Patrol Officers are allowed to conduct a Recon Patrol (any aerial vehicle at their disposal).
    2. Rapid Response (Hummingbird/Orca/Caeser BTT) Patrol - these patrols are lead by a Corporal or higher.   These patrols are tasked with rapidly responding to major calls and patrolling high crime areas (Illegal Zones).
      1. Minimum Crew - Pilot + One Gunner - Corporal or higher must be present
    3. Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher.  These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity.
      1. Minimum Crew - Pilot + one Gunner - Sergeant or higher must be online.
    4. Caeser BTT Fixed Wing Patrol - The Fixed Wing Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. For standard patrols, the APD may employ the use of parachutes. 
      1. Minimum Crew - Pilot - Corporal must be present.
    5. Helicopter Transport Provision - During emergency situations where rapid deployment of officers is required the APD member in charge of the Helicopter is authorized to fill the helicopters to maximum passenger capacity for deployment to ensure swift resolution of the incident.
    6. Helicopter Weapons Free - The APD member in command of the helicopter patrol is responsible for its weapons and is the sole officer who can give the order to fire.  Any improper use of an Armed Helicopters weapon assets will result in the Officer who fired and the officer in charge’s review by Senior APD.
    7. Exception - Any officer who is ordered to ensure a helicopter is removed from an area so it does not fall into the hands of criminals or rebels may fly the helicopter alone at any rank directly to a safe location.
  2. The Ghosthawk
    1. The Ghosthawk’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt.
    2. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot is to be notified by text message 1 time to land the vehicle, or be shot and given 10 seconds to comply. (Exception You can fire upon an illegal ground vehicle (including APD hunters and striders), if given 1 text message and 10 seconds to comply. If an aircraft is over water and receives a text from a Ghost hawk it must attempt to land at the nearest body of land. If an aircraft continues to fly out to sea it can be shot down over the water.)
    3. If a landed aircraft is texted to stay landed and and begins to take off after the text is sent the Ghost hawk may fire upon the aircraft without waiting the full 10 seconds.
    4. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon by an titan the Ghost hawk remains guns hot regardless of wave rule until the engagement has been broken for more then 5 minutes.
    5. If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding using other vehicle to intentionally ram the stolen Ghosthawk.)
    6. If hostile action is taken against the Ghosthawk, the Ghosthawk may return fire with lethal force without sending a warning text first.
    7. The Sergeant or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns.
      1. Exception: If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation any Sergeant and above may decide to use the Ghost hawk GUNS HOT provided they notify a member of the opposing force to leave or surrender prior.
    8. Once a single Ghost hawk meets guns hot requirements, all Ghost hawks in the area of engagement may go guns hot without prior warning.
    9. For FEDS, JAILBREAKS, and BLACKWATER ONLY - Standard ghosthawk rules apply during a Federal reserve robbery, Jailbreak, and blackwater until a prerequisite is met. Once the prerequisite is met, the ghosthawk may respond to the Federal reserve robbery/Jailbreak/Blackwater with GUNS HOT against all hostile robbery/jailbreak participants.
      1. The prerequisite that must be met: The ghosthawk may only be authorized for use with GUNS HOT in the wave following the detonation of the bomb. (Example: If the bomb blows on wave 5, wave 5 MUST FINISH before the Ghosthawk can come out on Wave 6)
      2. Once rebels leave the Fed/Jailbreak/Blackwater, the Ghosthawk ceases fire and resets to normal ghosthawk rules. They must re-engage the fleeing rebels with proper texts.
        1. If the rebels fire upon the Ghosthawk at any point, before/during/after it goes GUNS HOT, the Ghosthawk does not have to re-engage.
        2. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and the Ghosthawk was GUNS HOT prior to restart, the Ghosthawk may return to the situation (after restart) GUNS HOT at the rebels still at and/or fleeing the fed. This is because many groups abused restart by doing feds for instance 30-45 minutes prior to restart in which they would fill up a truck with gold and then they couldn't be touched after, so they'd fire haphazardly at a ghosthawk which put the cops at a disadvantage after restart for the getaway.
  3. Hummingbird
    1. The Hummingbird’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt.
    2. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message up to 1 times to land/park the vehicle, or be shot.
      1. If the suspects surrender and APD attempt to land to arrest and the APD are fired upon by the suspects while landing then Hummingbird’s guns may be used without further text.
    3. While an APD member using a Hummingbird comes under fire by players within another Helicopter or ground unit, the Hummingbird gunners may immediately return fire without a text first.
      1. Ground units must still be sent the proper text before gunners can fire from the Hummingbird’s bench seats if APD are engaging.
      2. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns.
    4. If an APD hummingbird enters an are of engagement and/or is in the area where an active gunfight between APD and civs is taking place, the hummingbird may fire upon engaged ground units without sending a text (including ground vehicles).
  4. M900
    1. Patrol Officers and higher are permitted to utilize the M900 for transportation to federal events/terror.
    2. Any use other than transportation to a federal event/terror will need the authorization of an online Corporal or higher.
3 minutes ago, Ham said:
  1. When given permission by an online Corporal or higher, Patrol Officers are allowed to conduct a Recon Patrol (any aerial vehicle at their disposal).

Time to steal civilian's aerial vehciles.

Casually find a blackfish 

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@Peter Long did I not tell you this was going to be the update like a week and a half ago??? I'm actually like a genius. 


Also, if there's a corp+ online, are they still allowed to pull them for transport?

Guest G.O.A.T.
11 minutes ago, DINGUSDEAN said:

@Peter Long did I not tell you this was going to be the update like a week and a half ago??? I'm actually like a genius. 


Also, if there's a corp+ online, are they still allowed to pull them for transport?

Yes. PO's are always allowed to pull them for transport to Federal events, but are allowed to pull them at any time for any reason with the approval of an online corp+

2 hours ago, Sociopathic said:

Nice, when POs beg to do air patrols I can have them pull their helis ;)

but you tell everyone no :bigcheefface:

So Po's are technically allowed to do red zone heli patrols if they ask a cpl+? If so, some type of rule should be written about min amount of people in the heli to do so?


Interesting rule changes, but Po's are def gonna be asking to do heli patrols in their m900's 24/7 now. Should be interesting. 

2 hours ago, Badger! said:

So Po's are technically allowed to do red zone heli patrols if they ask a cpl+? If so, some type of rule should be written about min amount of people in the heli to do so?


Interesting rule changes, but Po's are def gonna be asking to do heli patrols in their m900's 24/7 now. Should be interesting. 

No, they can not do patrols to stop people, they can only use the M-900 to do recon, meaning only one officer, the pilot, and one helicopter. The pilot can't land at a redzone and stop someone, only can relay information to ground units to direct them to the place. If he lands or has more than one officer in the heli, then he can get demoted or removed for breaking recon patrol rules. 

4 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Yes. PO's are always allowed to pull them for transport to Federal events, but are allowed to pull them at any time for any reason with the approval of an online corp+

Ok. makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.

4 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Yes. PO's are always allowed to pull them for transport to Federal events, but are allowed to pull them at any time for any reason with the approval of an online corp+



Is this not contrary to what you had said? Just trying to be 100% clear.. Any time for any reason with the approval of an online corp sounds like a heli patrol is not out of the question.

@G.O.A.T. Not trying to bug, mind clarifying?

Guest G.O.A.T.
Just now, Badger! said:



Is this not contrary to what you had said? Just trying to be 100% clear.. Any time for any reason with the approval of an online corp sounds like a heli patrol is not out of the question.

@G.O.A.T. Not trying to bug, mind clarifying?

Don't mind clarifying at all.

Corporals can authorize a heli patrol of any kind with any aerial vehicle available to them at their disposal. This has been common knowledge for awhile, albeit not written down. 

Ideally, the Corporal+ would be managing the patrol. Should a rule break occur on the patrol authorized by the Corporal+, disciplinary action may also occur for the Corporal+. All situational.

To simplify:

Corporals+ can authorize the use of any helicopter in the APD arsenal (M900, Hummingbird, Orca, etc) to any rank. But if the PO wants to conduct a patrol, they must first get authorization from a Corp+.

Let me know if this needs further clarification and I'll try to make another post.

1 hour ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Don't mind clarifying at all.

Corporals can authorize a heli patrol of any kind with any aerial vehicle available to them at their disposal. This has been common knowledge for awhile, albeit not written down. 

Ideally, the Corporal+ would be managing the patrol. Should a rule break occur on the patrol authorized by the Corporal+, disciplinary action may also occur for the Corporal+. All situational.

To simplify:

Corporals+ can authorize the use of any helicopter in the APD arsenal (M900, Hummingbird, Orca, etc) to any rank. But if the PO wants to conduct a patrol, they must first get authorization from a Corp+.

Let me know if this needs further clarification and I'll try to make another post.

Let's say a PO wants to do recon and a CPL+ Auths it, if they break a rule could the CPL be punished?

If not, if a PO that WAS a CPL asks to do recon in one of their helis (Orca/Hummingbird) and a CPL+ Auths it would it then become their fault?

13 minutes ago, Sociopathic said:

Let's say a PO wants to do recon and a CPL+ Auths it, if they break a rule could the CPL be punished?

In this position you are a full fledged independent member of APD. Entrusted with lethal rounds and Hummingbird patrol helicopters. At this level of APD you should be proficient at rules and role-play. Corporals are responsible for those APD members on the server with them and may be held accountable for their actions if they knowingly disregard lower ranked members not following the rules.

1 hour ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Ideally, the Corporal+ would be managing the patrol. Should a rule break occur on the patrol authorized by the Corporal+, disciplinary action may also occur for the Corporal+. All situational.


26 minutes ago, falcon said:

In this position you are a full fledged independent member of APD. Entrusted with lethal rounds and Hummingbird patrol helicopters. At this level of APD you should be proficient at rules and role-play. Corporals are responsible for those APD members on the server with them and may be held accountable for their actions if they knowingly disregard lower ranked members not following the rules.


Key word, knowingly disregard. I've been told if you let a lower rank use your heli and they break a rule with it, it's on you. Just curious if you authorizing them to use theirs would put you in the same liable position. 

But thanks for quoting a part of the handbook anyways. 

Just another thing to clear up so people can not use "I didn't know" If said Cpl+ goes offline are you to halt your Recon and return to the nearest HQ or may you continue until ordered/shot down/want to stop. 

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