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Swimming Vs. Running

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As some of you know I leave for bootcamp June 21st. I’ve been working hard getting in shape and have been doing a lot of running. My legs are always in a lot of pain as I just recently started. I’ve seen some people recommend I swim for a whole body workout and it will be just about as good if not better than running. What do you guys think. 

Swimming is Great. Ik I'm a fatass but hear me out. Swimming is indeed a full body workout. It is way better then running. Running is high impact on your joints and ligaments. I dont have accesses to a pool or I would swim everyday. But I do do the elliptical for 30min to an hr a day. That is not a heavy impact cardio like ruining so maybe try that.  

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If your trying to get in shape, all you have to do is move your body actively for a certain period of time to burn calories. If your trying to gain muscle, I suggest hiring a trainer that will give you a diet based off your body type. (Ectomorph, endomorph. Etc.) Reallistically I hate running because I tend to get problems in my knees but I think swimming is very fun so I will probably swim more than run. Point is, as long as your moving your body burning calories and staying off of junky food (I'm sure I don't need to explain junky food) you will lose weight. I go to the gym daily and try to eat healthy Monday to Friday. On saturdays and sundays I don't go to the gym and I can eat what I want.

Another thing: when you describe your legs being in pain, do you mean it as a healthy pain like soreness or a piercing pain in your knee or ankle? 

Edited by Yayo
30 minutes ago, Yayo said:

Another thing: when you describe your legs being in pain, do you mean it as a healthy pain like soreness or a piercing pain in your knee or ankle? 

its more like shin splints. but not very severe.

Swimming is the shit. take it from someone who had to learn how to wipe their ass properly again. running is good too, but I think long term swimming is better. 

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