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Olympus Life Servers are Extremely Understaffed on the R&R Team

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So my application for the R&R team gets denied the first time, the wait time is 2 weeks to re-apply. The servers are understaffed for the R&R team and I think that whoever takes it serious should be accepted and also the last box you have to fill in doesn't even tell you what you are supposed to fill in.  


12 minutes ago, LoganBoBo55 said:

the last box you have to fill in doesn't even tell you what you are supposed to fill in.  

If you click the link on the application that it asks you to read before applying it says "Applicants must provide a detailed narrative explaining why they want to join the R&R." The last box is the only place for that prompt.

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In the big white description box explain why you would want to be in the R&R and why you should be accepted into the R&R. Doesn't have to be such a long explanation but write a few sentences at least.

14 minutes ago, lou25000 said:

this man cant even read properly i dont want him trying to save lives

Thats why you give him a rook on medic hehe

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Luckily you caught me early enough in the day, right in that sweet spot between drinking and crawling into my scotch bottle to live there.

Your first application was incomplete as you failed to follow directive 4: "Applicants must provide a detailed narrative explaining why they want to join the R&R." You were given the standard treatment we give all applicant who fails to follow directives, a 2 week cool down.

You are a persistent fellow, but failed to follow the directions in your first failed application, primarily of waiting 2 weeks. So you reapplied again only a couple days later, albeit with more effort, a good application I must say, but you were still unable to grasp the most basic of instructions and guidance. Therefore, your cool down was further extended. I will pay you the compliment of emphasizing in bold and not in all caps, lest you feel like the R&R is treating you like @DeadPool #MedicSelfRev.

You have to wait until April 15, 2018 before you can reapply. Do NOT reapply any sooner that April 15th.

I hear my scotch calling to me, So I bid you good day.

(201 medics) So were not hurting for medics there sparky.

  • Like 7
6 minutes ago, Mercury said:

Luckily you caught me early enough in the day, right in that sweet spot between drinking and crawling into my scotch bottle to live there.

This is the longest and most constructive post I’ve ever seen you write.




So keep drinking even more.

  • Like 4
  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Dangus said:

It’s for an "essay" about why you want to be in the R&R.

write about your mexican homies in the last box

4 hours ago, LoganBoBo55 said:

So my application for the R&R team gets denied the first time, the wait time is 2 weeks to re-apply. The servers are understaffed for the R&R team and I think that whoever takes it serious should be accepted and also the last box you have to fill in doesn't even tell you what you are supposed to fill in.  

If you were taking this seriously, you wouldn’t have left an empty box...:pog:

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