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tired of rdm's and admins doing shit about it

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have been rdmed a number of times and admins have seen it happen and people have submitted many videos and MAYBE 2 out of 10 people get what they deserve from rdming so i doubt ill play here again until this is fixed there is no excuse ive played on at least 10 different servers and rdming was never this bad without punishment on them

Don't blame the Admins they have personal life's and it's the Holiday's, this isn't there only job and the Admins are extremely busy so Don't blame them, if you don't like being Rdmed then Always record and be patent when you submit a Ticket.

We have half as much staff as some other similarly sized servers, we do what we can. If you don't like it here then find a new server, sorry bud.

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it's sad because any person can talk to an admin almost anytime of the day. It blows my mind that people are still crying like this. I'm a nobody yet had a question and an admin pulled me up and took care of this situation like dude you're stupid if you think they never do anything. 

I got perma banned over a misunderstanding and it took a month to resolve the issue, I stayed a month out of the game, and banned from the website. I knew it'd take time to fix and hades, ares, and Poseidon took real good care of me. Took forever but did I complain? No. So stfu and have fun dammit, do what you're supposed to do and it'll all work out

P.s. I also lost a few million from the account reset because of the ban, doubt you lost more than I have. Rub some dirt on it and play or go to a different server.

Ok so i have just had a look and i have found a whole one ticket submitted by you under that name/player Id. If you would like to pm me the tickets to the other 9 i would highly appreciate it. I have also processed the ticket i have found but cannot take action again the person because you need video evidence for RDM not ScreenShots.


If you would like to see what evidence you need in what circumstance please use this link



If you just want the answer pasted here then here you go.

  • Need at least 5 minutes before the situation in the video.
    • This is so we can see if in fact any RP was done or not.
  • Video must not be edited such as multiple mini clips
  • Volume must be heard. If voices are missing then it will be denied
  • The whole situation must be recorded allowing us to see everything that happened.
  • Video must be clear, if names or chat are unreadable it will not be accepted
  • The video must be uploaded to youtube or another service and a link to it included in the ticket


If submitting for cases of combat logging a screenshot can work as long as it has the following...


  • The screenshot must show the player being downed, restrained and disconnecting all within 1 screenshot
  • If this can't be shown in a screenshot then video is the next best option but must show the same information.
  • If logging after death, the death message and the DC must be shown in 1 screenshot.


For all other types of reports video proof is needed and must follow the same guidelines as RDM/VDM recordings.

Be sure to leave the videos up as we may need them for reference if an appeal is made. If the video is removed and a player appeals a ban, there ban may be removed due to the proof no longer being listed.




Now that is the proper instructions on how to submit the correct information we need to process someone, I would like to now answer a question or yours.



Admins/Developers are real people to, we have day/night jobs or in some cases both (me), it may take us a while to process tickets due to the fact we may not be in our house or have the ability to do so at work but be rest assured we will get the ticket done at some point in time. As for ingame for a admin/developer we do in fact like to play the game for the short time available, we are sometimes under different names or under our [OS] tagged names.

If you think that we should not play the game and just do our admin duty's then you are very much mistaken and in truth we would rather you find another server where in most cases it will be the same or try and make your own server.


As for that I would like you to have a nice day.

If i see you in game ill say hi if I dont i wont come looking for you.


Thank you

OP you make me frown :(


The staff do so much for you and everyone else, even now during the holidays busting their asses off instead of spending time with their families. Poseidon just pushed an update, hours are spent each day including now during holiday doing tickets and viewing player reports, managing forums, answering questions, watching people to make sure they don't act up, and getting complained at all the while.




But nah I understand, you had to wait a whole minute to respawn after you got RDM'd! Such a tragedy, I can't even fathom how you must have felt for that entire minute.

honestly, I get RMDed all the time, and unfortunately I am unable to record because of how bad this computer is, its tough for me to read the chat as it is, would be even worse if it was recorded.


My solution to the whole RDM problem, stay the hell out of towns unless you have friends :)

In the end all that money and all those vehicles are nothing but pixels on my screen. I play for fun, taking a game serious aint good for your health lol, ive got healing ulcers and grey hair to prove it.

You know I've kept this to myself but just to show you the amount of time we put into these servers I'll state something for you. This is just coming from, not the other staff. My wife and I are on the verge of leaving each other, 11 years together btw.. Not because we don't get along, not because we fight about stupid things but because I dedicate to much time to this community. She feels I give this community more attention then I give to her, so ya I think myself and the rest of the staff do our damnest to try and make things work here for everyone.  In the last couple weeks I have been MIA because I am trying to fix that but at the same time the damage is already done. She understands to a point why I put so much time into this community but at the same time she doesn't. I'm tired of people who think we do nothing but sit with a stick in our asses doing nothing.The next time someone wants to complain that the staff don't do shit maybe open your eyes, look at the rules and make sure your at least doing your part. We can't be everywhere at every moment. We also rely on your reports to take care of issues. If you don't give us anything then we can't give you anything, as simple as that.

  • Like 6

Hearing that just boggles my mind, thank you Hades for all of the work you do, and all the other staff. Hope everything works out with your wife man :)

  • Like 1

I think I'm going to RDM you for making this post. You better think twice before walking on the Kavala streets punk.

You know I've kept this to myself but just to show you the amount of time we put into these servers I'll state something for you. This is just coming from, not the other staff. My wife and I are on the verge of leaving each other, 11 years together btw.. Not because we don't get along, not because we fight about stupid things but because I dedicate to much time to this community. She feels I give this community more attention then I give to her, so ya I think myself and the rest of the staff do our damnest to try and make things work here for everyone.  In the last couple weeks I have been MIA because I am trying to fix that but at the same time the damage is already done. She understands to a point why I put so much time into this community but at the same time she doesn't. I'm tired of people who think we do nothing but sit with a stick in our asses doing nothing.The next time someone wants to complain that the staff don't do shit maybe open your eyes, look at the rules and make sure your at least doing your part. We can't be everywhere at every moment. We also rely on your reports to take care of issues. If you don't give us anything then we can't give you anything, as simple as that.

:( the feels are real.

If it makes your feel better myself Kraken and half of RPD got banned for bombing ten people with a suicide vest...admins did their job and they did it right happy holidays you salt shaker ;)

If it helps, admins punished someone i sent a video of combat logging which in my opinion is worse than combat loggin :)

If it makes your feel better myself Kraken and half of RPD got banned for bombing ten people with a suicide vest...admins did their job and they did it right happy holidays you salt shaker ;)


But on the real though, Admins just don't hop on when you wan them to take care of something that happen to you bro, you have to put in a ticket and video stating your cause bruh. I mean "YOU AIN'T CHRIS SMOOVE BABY!" lmao

If it helps, admins punished someone i sent a video of combat logging which in my opinion is worse than combat loggin :)

I don't get it...

just saying i have friends who have posted videos of many people rdming and combat logging an they are still playing today so im sorry that u took it the way u did but in my eyes it seems like nothing is getting done since these videos are up and these people that have clearly broken the rules are still here

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