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Taser range overpowered?

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I want to know your guys thoughts on the taser range as of right now. I had an incident where I had gotten tased by an officer around 400 feet away from me while driving away from him. Now I'm not upset or anything. However it did really get me thinking if it's to overpowered? Here's the point of my argument;

If the cop had a lethal weapon, we could've had a gun battle. If I had gotten shot once I would've lost a bit of health but that's no biggie. It would essentially be a fair fight. However when a cop hits you once or a few times with a taser. You're done for. You have no other options but to sit there and reflect on life. I think it's ridiculous how an officer can tase you from that kind of range. It's personally annoying. I know other people have had these experiences as well, and you're hopeless because then the officer will roll up, and pull you out & restrain. If he had a lethal weapon I most likely would've gotten away. (Keep in mind he was outside of his vehicle). I know officers always use tasers, and that's fine. The point of this is this thread is to find out what other people think about the taser range, and if it's too OP.

TLDR; The range for a taser goes wayyyy to far, and is definitely overpowered. Let me know what you think.

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1 minute ago, Jay said:

You only get tased when a lethal amount of damage is dealt to your character I think

That could be quite possible, however it's a taser it should not reach that far. At most maybe 100 feet, but 400 feet while I'm driving away from this cop ehhhh.

I understand the lethal amount damage, etc. If they wanted to do that why not just kill me. 

Edited by Sean1
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2 minutes ago, Sean1 said:

I want to know your guys thoughts on the taser range as of right now. I had an incident where I had gotten tased by an officer around 400 feet away from me while driving away from him. Now I'm not upset or anything. However it did really get me thinking if it's to overpowered? Here's the point of my argument;

If the cop had a lethal weapon, we could've had a gun battle. If I had gotten shot once I would've lost a bit of health but that's no biggie. It would essentially be a fair fight. However when a cop hits you once or a few times with a taser. You're done for. You have no other options but to sit there and reflect on life. I think it's ridiculous how an officer can tase you from that kind of range. It's personally annoying. I know other people have had these experiences as well, and you're hopeless because then the officer will roll up, and pull you out & restrain. If he had a lethal weapon I most likely would've gotten away. (Keep in mind he was outside of his vehicle). I know officers always use tasers, and that's fine. The point of this is this thread is to find out what other people think about the taser range, and if it's too OP.

TLDR; The range for a taser goes wayyyy to far, and is definitely overpowered. Let me know what you think.

Taser variants of the weapon do the EXACT same damage but instead of killing you when you hit 0 HP they taze you, so essentially your point is invalid. So to put in in your own words "you had a gun battle", while loosing fair and square. If he had a lethal weapon you would have died. So in conclusion you loose both ways. :hmm:


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Just now, deadmansreturn said:

if it helps think of it as getting knocked out with a rubber bullet

It's okay only lost a full rebel loadout, alongside with my entire gang being tased while driving too. It's a rough life! #NERFTHETASERS

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Just now, Main said:

Taser variants of the weapon do the EXACT same damage but instead of killing you when you hit 0 HP they taze you, so essentially your point is invalid. So to put in in your own words "you had a gun battle", while loosing fair and square. If he had a lethal weapon you would have died. So in conclusion you loose both ways. :hmm:


Actually no it's not. Taser caps you at 10 health when you get tased. The cop could've tased me 100 times, and I still wouldn't be dead. It caps at 10.

Just now, Kevlar said:

You’d rather die?

Then get arrested, yes.

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2 minutes ago, Sean1 said:

That could be quite possible, however it's a taser it should not reach that far. At most maybe 100 feet, but 400 feet while I'm driving away from this cop ehhhh.

I understand the lethal amount damage, etc. If they wanted to do that why not just kill me. 

I mean in the end it is a video game in a world where we can create our own rules. If we want some way to tase people from so far then we can have it even if it isn't realistic.

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I do agree with this though I think there should be the only tasers cops get should be pistols and they should have lethal ARs that would make it perfect.

2 minutes ago, Sean1 said:

Actually no it's not. Taser caps you at 10 health when you get tased. The cop could've tased me 100 times, and I still wouldn't be dead. It caps at 10.

Then get arrested, yes.


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Just now, Kevlar said:

I do agree with this though I think there should be the only tasers cops get should be pistols and they should have lethal ARs that would make it perfect.


See that would be fair, I'm glad you understood where I am coming from. It is very ridiculous getting tased from that far of a range, and then getting arrested.

1 minute ago, Jay said:

I mean in the end it is a video game in a world where we can create our own rules. If we want some way to tase people from so far then we can have it even if it isn't realistic.

Brings me to my next topic "APD play way to reckless" no strategies nothing, just a yolo squad because they just get all their gear back if they die anyway, but for the poor rebels that spent time & sweat to get money to buy a rebel loadout to be tased by some cop from 400 feet away. 10/10 phenomenal gaming experience.

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1 minute ago, Sean1 said:

See that would be fair, I'm glad you understood where I am coming from. It is very ridiculous getting tased from that far of a range, and then getting arrested.

When dealing with like civilization you can you you’re taser pistol and when you’re actually dealing with rebels use your lethal AR. I will say If you ever become a cop you will realize how fun the tasers feels but it does need a change as far as I’m aware Olympus is the only server with the AR taser system.

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Just now, Kevlar said:

When dealing with like civilization you can you you’re taser pistol and when you’re actually dealing with rebels use your lethal AR. I will say If you ever become a cop you will realize how fun the tasers feels but it does need a change as far as I’m aware Olympus is the only server with the AR taser system.

I plan on applying later down the road. For know though I'm enjoying my time as a rebel, making money. Becoming very financially stable. The cops were dealing with rebels, they should've used their lethal AR, I'd rather not get tased for some bs. I can imagine how satisfying it is for that one officer to think; "Wow easy money". 

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4 minutes ago, Sean1 said:

I plan on applying later down the road. For know though I'm enjoying my time as a rebel, making money. Becoming very financially stable. The cops were dealing with rebels, they should've used their lethal AR, I'd rather not get tased for some bs. I can imagine how satisfying it is for that one officer to think; "Wow easy money". 

I mean I feel as though cops wouldn’t have to much of a problem with the change of no more taser assault rifles. If they uncapped the lethal money and gave deputies bad lethal weapons.

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Just now, Kevlar said:

I mean I feel as though cops wouldn’t have to much of a problem with the change of no more taser assault rifles. If they uncapped the lethal money and gave deputies bad lethal weapons.

That sounds reasonable, I know a lot of people complain about cops being over the top way to overpowered, but to be honest their isn't much about them that is way to overpowered, there is just some things, and they can be tweaked easily. Atleast I would hope so.

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30 minutes ago, Sean1 said:

I want to know your guys thoughts on the taser range as of right now. I had an incident where I had gotten tased by an officer around 400 feet away from me while driving away from him. Now I'm not upset or anything. However it did really get me thinking if it's to overpowered? Here's the point of my argument;

If the cop had a lethal weapon, we could've had a gun battle. If I had gotten shot once I would've lost a bit of health but that's no biggie. It would essentially be a fair fight. However when a cop hits you once or a few times with a taser. You're done for. You have no other options but to sit there and reflect on life. I think it's ridiculous how an officer can tase you from that kind of range. It's personally annoying. I know other people have had these experiences as well, and you're hopeless because then the officer will roll up, and pull you out & restrain. If he had a lethal weapon I most likely would've gotten away. (Keep in mind he was outside of his vehicle). I know officers always use tasers, and that's fine. The point of this is this thread is to find out what other people think about the taser range, and if it's too OP.

TLDR; The range for a taser goes wayyyy to far, and is definitely overpowered. Let me know what you think.

yea tasers are op lol cops r dumb


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1 minute ago, rapidaax said:

Is it just me or am I seeing these types of posts everyday....?

Yea, you probably are. It's the general chat where people can talk about anything, so why not talk about anything.

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1 minute ago, Sean1 said:

Yea, you probably are. It's the general chat where people can talk about anything, so why not talk about anything.

Dude, you're a dumb fucking monkey. Found a picture of you retard.


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Just now, Sean1 said:

What a great Civ Rep that you are. Did mommy & daddy take away your computer? Go outside and go get some light or some shit

Mommy and Dady take away my computer? I'm fucking replying to you on my computer... k.

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10 minutes ago, rapidaax said:

Is it just me or am I seeing these types of posts everyday....?

no joke man -

its a game- sure tasers in real life wouldn't reach that far, but also people would give up if they are in a compromising position.. tasers are implemented to promote role play between cops and civilian..a very low % of civs actually put their hands up while armed and engaged by apd (unless they have a low/no bounty)... 

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