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It would only make sense, right?

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I was thinking, all these huge updates that will be rolling out are really going to impact gameplay. Like; fixing bugged house ownerships, item duping, money duping, as well as a fresh new map that's going to COMPLETELY change the way were used to playing. It would only make sense, that when this huge update rolls out, that the server got wiped as well? Not our play times, or kills/deaths, not personal stats, but things like houses we own, currency, things like that. To fully have a fresh start would be amazing! everyone starting new, with a new altis, a new chance. Without there being a bunch of people with huge pockets of money due to glitching, and houses that are owned by many, and all the people out there who have duped their gear in their house so many times, that they never need to go to a rebel outpost again. anyway. My point being, it looks like, if there isn't going to be a full server wipe, it would be awesome if one did happen! Anyone agree/disagree? I'm totally curious as to how others feel about this.

There has been a talk about potential server wipes but nothing is official. We must wait until Hades or Poseidon posts and tells us. 

There has been a talk about potential server wipes but nothing is official. We must wait until Hades or Poseidon posts and tells us. 


I've heard of the talk, What are your thoughts on a server wipe?

I've heard of the talk, What are your thoughts on a server wipe?

Good and bad. 


Good - cleans up the server, from all of months of stored information. Also cleans up houses, storage information, that haven't been used in months. A good wipe would help the server run more efficiently and lag free.


Bad - Everyone has worked very hard for the properties, items, money, vehicles  that they have. Having a server wipe would erase everything they have worked for. As someone that doesn't play as much, because of family, it can take me 2X, 3X, etc as long to buy another house, car, heli, gear up, etc than someone that plays more frequently. Having a wipe would suck for me because it would take me much longer to get all my stuff back, because of not playing as much as others. It has taken me months to get where I am at, if that makes sense.


There is good and bad in it, we will await to see what happens.

Good and bad. 


Good - cleans up the server, from all of months of stored information. Also cleans up houses, storage information, that haven't been used in months. A good wipe would help the server run more efficiently and lag free.


Bad - Everyone has worked very hard for the properties, items, money, vehicles  that they have. Having a server wipe would erase everything they have worked for. As someone that doesn't play as much, because of family, it can take me 2X, 3X, etc as long to buy another house, car, heli, gear up, etc than someone that plays more frequently. Having a wipe would suck for me because it would take me much longer to get all my stuff back, because of not playing as much as others. It has taken me months to get where I am at, if that makes sense.


There is good and bad in it, we will await to see what happens.

breh. the bad isn't that bad. All ya gotta do is play cop every time you log on and cash in them bounties!! :D :D ;D

breh. the bad isn't that bad. All ya gotta do is play cop every time you log on and cash in them bounties!! :D :D ;D

True, but I was just stating both sides of the situation.

Im calling that if theres a restart, there will be a "blackwing incident" 

good and bad. good to have everyone on the same playing field from the begining again. im with the bad aspect of it tho as that im like wrice4 as that i dont have much time to play with a newborn and working nights and just life in general making it so i dont have much free time. still cant wait for this update to come out tho!

good and bad. good to have everyone on the same playing field from the begining again. im with the bad aspect of it tho as that im like wrice4 as that i dont have much time to play with a newborn and working nights and just life in general making it so i dont have much free time. still cant wait for this update to come out tho!

*raises fist*

Those are all really good views. I actually had not considered the people who don't have allot of time to play, but love to play. That makes sense to me, I mean. If I didn't have allot of time to play, I would want to actually play on the new map, without having to start over again. I'm personally on the reset team. But. I totally can see why some would feel otherwise.

you guys ever play rust? They restart the server every couple of months. No one bitches or whines about it either.

you guys ever play rust? They restart the server every couple of months. No one bitches or whines about it either.


LOL, the only ones that make it that long are the dedicated ones. Most community servers are wiped at least monthly in that game due to how easy it is to amass items. I used to run a rust server and it was much harder to get items but ppl got so used to getting stuff quickly that it only had a small base. When it was big I was able to go almost 4 months before I did a wipe and that was only because of an update that broke the game with the mods I was using.

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LOL, the only ones that make it that long are the dedicated ones. Most community servers are wiped at least monthly in that game due to how easy it is to amass items. I used to run a rust server and it was much harder to get items but ppl got so used to getting stuff quickly that it only had a small base. When it was big I was able to go almost 4 months before I did a wipe and that was only because of an update that broke the game with the mods I was using.

I always enjoyed playing on servers with wipes i am aware that some didnt though.

you guys ever play rust? They restart the server every couple of months. No one bitches or whines about it either.

Please state who is bitching or whining.....because it seems like we are discussing both sides of the spectrum.


Reading comprehension.............

Please state who is bitching or whining.....because it seems like we are discussing both sides of the spectrum.


Reading comprehension.............

There has been various other threads where people complain about server wipe.

There has been various other threads where people complain about server wipe.

I, nor anyone in this thread, had complained about it. I thought you were specifically talking about us. We were just stating both sides. I have no problem with a wipe, will just take me months to get where I'm at now cuz I am only able to get on once or twice a week.
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