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Locked Honeybooboo Loved by many Hated by none.

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April fools boys we all know i'm hated for being the best to ever play on this server, but hey the best are always hated. But hey at least i'm loved by many such as Warfare, Moob, Cleevs, Moose, and Armend. This list goes on but i'll stop right there since they are probably the best players i know of besides myself. For more info on how to be amazing at this game hit up my boy Big Bad Adam. He also has a new mixtape coming out if anyone wants a preview i'll post on here in a couple of hours.


Much Love, 



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My favorite olympus screenshot is BigBadAdam being slung by virus's ghosthawk in a hatch back. My favorite video him is heli ramming, he is the best person on olympus by far.

Alright just gotta ask, why the constant shit posts? For real? You quitting or just woke up and decided to be a asshole.

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lol i'm here for good boys and i just find it incredibly funny on how easily people get butthurt on here i play some april fools post and everyone starts crying. Clemenza good luck on serg buddy you've been a cop for a long time hopefully after a million minutes they will feel bad for you and just give it to you already.. 

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lol i'm here for good boys and i just find it incredibly funny on how easily people get butthurt on here i play some april fools post and everyone starts crying. Clemenza good luck on serg buddy you've been a cop for a long time hopefully after a million minutes they will feel bad for you and just give it to you already..

Sounds like projection to me, bud. Ring me when you make Sgt. I may be in my 60s by then.

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