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Economic Change in Olympus?

Economic Change to Olympus?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Olympus Need Economic Change?

    • Olympus Needs an Economic Change!
    • Olympus Does Not Need Economic Change!

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The main things I would like to see is the legal mines and traders closer to each other, You've gotta drive half way (more on some) across the map just to get to the trader after gathering with a processor in between.  That is actually more riskier will a hell of a lot less reward considering the drive and getting your nice vehicle robbed during that drive.  It's like the map is in favor of the illegal activities, they're all a lot closer to each other.


I don't think things should be the way they were before wipe, as far as prices and trunk space goes,  IMO the prices are good the way they are now at least as far as illegal items, however, I do think the weights of each item should have been left alone with trunk upgrades reduced to where they are now. Meth for example, no reason for it to take up 3 weight after processed and each ingredient weigh 2.  You can put so much into a zip lock bag, unlike the moonshine, makes sense they'll take 3, they're put into big glass jars. :)


I don't really post much, but these are some things that I've noticed pre wipe that might make things just a little better.  Just my 2cents.

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But as your stating it is people getting to that point. The prices themselves are not that out of line it hows players act in a sense. Unless we start out players with a massive amount of starting cash it will be harder for any new player. The problem here is if we raise the start amount then you have to deal with them trolls that come in to do nothing but troll then leave as they can afford to troll right off the bat. This is what used to happen all the time before the wipe. The intent of the legal prices where to allow solo and small groups to do them while the larger groups/gangs held over in the red zones and Warzone. The legal prices were meant to be low enough that it wasn't worth messing with people but high enough that people could still make small amounts of money at a time. No matter what prices we set things at if people just go around trolling, robbing, ect the price changes will do nothing to help.


This is almost one of them no win situations. If we raise prices then it will be easy and players will amass money and get bored, we keep them low and people get bored because new players don't want to put in some time. The large groups get bored because there isn't enough people on so they start to mess with other people, in turn people again don't want to waste there time. We moved things around so people weren't so clumped into small areas hoping it would reduce the amount of "crime" done. If we move them closer again then it goes back to people getting robbed to easy and money being worth nothing because its easy to make. We made illegal items worth alittle less but still able to make a good profit but yet people still want it higher, we raise it higher and we go back to easy money. We adjusted Heli costs to make it harder to get em so more ground vehicles would be used yet it still seems plenty of choppers are in the air. We created a Warzone to give gangs something to do besides rob the lonely new guys yet people are not happy with that because gangs can hold multiple cartels. The warzone seems to be empty alot of the time even though it was something alot of players stated they wanted.


We have tried multiple things to try and get things balanced but it seems it's either to hard for new players or to easy for long time players. There are multiple players with millions in cash yet we keep hearing it's to hard to make money, it doesn't make sense to us. I can't say adjusting item prices will do anything as we haven't done it but looking at the numbers it doesn't seem like it really is all that massively hard to make money. I started playing just like any other player and was able to make more then enough to stay well above just floating by only doing legal things solo. So again I'm not sure what else can actually be done at this point from a server standpoint. We raise prices and the rich get richer, we keep em were there at and people state its to hard to make money.

How do you think the new people on the servers feel when they cant make any money or when gangs are flying over drug zones and if you do have a good drug vehichle ur chances of getting robber are great.


Maybe if the community as a whole let the new players be for a bit they wouldn't be deterred when/if they lose something. Let them get them roots in and get established before they start getting smashed. Take the time out and if you see someone new, help em out. I've seen quite a few times when a fresh spawn has joined they get instantly gibbed by a long time player because they were bored even though the person didn't have anything worth taking. No matter what changes we make on a server side, we all need to be a community as well and try to help each other in some way. If you join some new game and right away get crapped on your gonna get a bad taste in your mouth. If you start a new game and run into helpful people your more app to think "Hey I might stick around awhile". 


Now as I've stated before I know this isn't just an issue with current player/gangs, we have our server side issues as well but for it all to come together we all need to put in something. I can promise we are doing what we can from a server side of things and will continue to do so.

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Before the wipe beginner and experienced players could make money quite easily. Even though experienced players were much richer than the beginner players, the beginners could still stand a chance against the big boys. From what I've discussed with other players new and experienced and from what can be seen in this thread and all over the forums, it seems like the population problems lie with the lack of money that players have. Casual players aren't interested in farming for hours just to have some fun later, I completely understand what you're saying when you say that you want the players to work for the good stuff.


Unfortunately the server's population has slowly been decreasing since the wipe. As I write this at roughly 7:00PM PST, there are 28 players on server 1 and 21 players on server 2. This number is made up of 39 civilians, 0 medics and 10 cops. Within 2 hours this number both server will drop to around 10 players each, as they do every week day. Yes there will be more players during the weekend, but even then the server population will only reach a maximum of 60-65 players between both servers. Let's say that during this time there's a server event taking place, that could possibly push the number of players between both servers up to a maximum of 75-80 if we're lucky.


I know that a lot of work has been put into the servers in an attempt to bring the community back to what they used to be, but unfortunately it just hasn't been working. Our population problem is not because of the lack of content, we have plenty of unique features that everyone in this community truly appreciates. Dedicated members of the community want to stay here no matter what, it's the new players that would rather move onto another server then stay here and grind instead of having fun. Without a steady stream of new players joining and staying on the server, there's no one to make up the population. Yes our most dedicated members will stay till the bitter end like myself, but that will only go so far. If dedicated members do decide to leave there will be no one to fill their shoes.


Numerous well thought out attempts at recovering the community have unfortunately failed, no one blames you or anyone else for that. The community tried something new, and unfortunately it didn't quite work out. What I'm trying to say here Hades is that something needs to be done about our server's economy before it's too late. I've personally been around for just under 8 months, and like many other members of the community I don't want to see this community die just because we branched out and tried something new. It's time to reflect back on what has worked and what hasn't, that is where the key to success lies. I'm hoping that you and the other staff will put a tremendous amount of thought into what has been said in this thread, just as you have with everything else. That way hopefully something can be changed, that way our issues can be solved. 

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The nature of the players hasn't changed. There have always been gangs robbing the newbies since I've been on this server. As a matter of fact, there is far less RDM and combat logging now compared to when we were actually really popular so logically in terms of the rules players should feel even more welcome.


I'm not convinced it's an issue of players making it hard on other players, that's always been a constant on our server and didn't hurt the population before.


I think it fits into the real issue. I think before when people had money, getting hit by a gang like that or robbed or arrested didn't hit the pocket as hard so people could actually pick themselves back up.



Right now people try to make money, the rest of us are searching for interaction rebel and cop alike and trying to find someone to rob is always an objective. You rob someone now in the middle of their grind they will be set back so far and quit.



I definitely understand the argument about things being too easy, but I and those of us who advocated for that are the hardcore guys. The silent majority are casual players who don't have the time to deal with that nonsense. I think those of us who advocated for a tougher economy may have been wrong, we probably didn't take into consideration the effect it would have on the casual players.


Yeah maybe sometimes we'd get bored then, but damn, it's a hell of a lot more boring now with a fraction of the people to play with.


Bottom line the argument or the economy looks nice on paper, but it kind of seems moot at this point. I think the poll at the top of this thread speaks enough

But as your stating it is people getting to that point. The prices themselves are not that out of line it hows players act in a sense. Unless we start out players with a massive amount of starting cash it will be harder for any new player. The problem here is if we raise the start amount then you have to deal with them trolls that come in to do nothing but troll then leave as they can afford to troll right off the bat. This is what used to happen all the time before the wipe. The intent of the legal prices where to allow solo and small groups to do them while the larger groups/gangs held over in the red zones and Warzone. The legal prices were meant to be low enough that it wasn't worth messing with people but high enough that people could still make small amounts of money at a time. No matter what prices we set things at if people just go around trolling, robbing, ect the price changes will do nothing to help.


This is almost one of them no win situations. If we raise prices then it will be easy and players will amass money and get bored, we keep them low and people get bored because new players don't want to put in some time. The large groups get bored because there isn't enough people on so they start to mess with other people, in turn people again don't want to waste there time. We moved things around so people weren't so clumped into small areas hoping it would reduce the amount of "crime" done. If we move them closer again then it goes back to people getting robbed to easy and money being worth nothing because its easy to make. We made illegal items worth alittle less but still able to make a good profit but yet people still want it higher, we raise it higher and we go back to easy money. We adjusted Heli costs to make it harder to get em so more ground vehicles would be used yet it still seems plenty of choppers are in the air. We created a Warzone to give gangs something to do besides rob the lonely new guys yet people are not happy with that because gangs can hold multiple cartels. The warzone seems to be empty alot of the time even though it was something alot of players stated they wanted.


We have tried multiple things to try and get things balanced but it seems it's either to hard for new players or to easy for long time players. There are multiple players with millions in cash yet we keep hearing it's to hard to make money, it doesn't make sense to us. I can't say adjusting item prices will do anything as we haven't done it but looking at the numbers it doesn't seem like it really is all that massively hard to make money. I started playing just like any other player and was able to make more then enough to stay well above just floating by only doing legal things solo. So again I'm not sure what else can actually be done at this point from a server standpoint. We raise prices and the rich get richer, we keep em were there at and people state its to hard to make money.


Maybe if the community as a whole let the new players be for a bit they wouldn't be deterred when/if they lose something. Let them get them roots in and get established before they start getting smashed. Take the time out and if you see someone new, help em out. I've seen quite a few times when a fresh spawn has joined they get instantly gibbed by a long time player because they were bored even though the person didn't have anything worth taking. No matter what changes we make on a server side, we all need to be a community as well and try to help each other in some way. If you join some new game and right away get crapped on your gonna get a bad taste in your mouth. If you start a new game and run into helpful people your more app to think "Hey I might stick around awhile". 


Now as I've stated before I know this isn't just an issue with current player/gangs, we have our server side issues as well but for it all to come together we all need to put in something. I can promise we are doing what we can from a server side of things and will continue to do so.

But if we start helping others out that will ruin the majority of banditing, lets say even if we started to only rob the rich, when can we start robbing the poor agian, once we start the server will once agian decrease. If we are kind to the poor this will take a great deal of RP out of the game, the country of Altis I believe is a poor rundown country with roofless rebels that only make it worse, just because the economics are bad and it isnt our falt we should cut down on our role play and help the poor out?

Lets just take a look at what so far the server is wanting all though only a few voted and i wish that more would have, it is clear from the so far results that the members of this great server want a better economy, Your the admin yes, but if you want people to play your server you are going to have to look at what the majority of them want, to a extent.

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But if we start helping others out that will ruin the majority of banditing, lets say even if we started to only rob the rich, when can we start robbing the poor agian, once we start the server will once agian decrease. If we are kind to the poor this will take a great deal of RP out of the game, the country of Altis I believe is a poor rundown country with roofless rebels that only make it worse, just because the economics are bad and it isnt our falt we should cut down on our role play and help the poor out?

Lets just take a look at what so far the server is wanting all though only a few voted and i wish that more would have, it is clear from the so far results that the members of this great server want a better economy, Your the admin yes, but if you want people to play your server you are going to have to look at what the majority of them want, to a extent.


I'm not saying not to rob or pillage people, I'm just saying that if it is obvious someone is new then give them alittle more slack then you would someone who has had time to build up. If they come into something that pisses em off right away there most likely not gonna return.


I'm also saying that I know it isn't just this causing the issues. Its just one of the things that can be leading to it. I have also said that I have heard and understand that a good amount of players are not happy with the way the economy is at this point. While some areas I agree with others I don't and that is fine just as you don't have to agree with me on everything. I've done what I can in regards to getting some things changed. The easy stuff has been done such as increasing the amount Vigi's and APD make. Some of the other changes can take a bit longer as they require a bit more work. I've added to the Trello as well to increase the prices of legal items since it seems alot of people want this. Once Poseidon reviews it and has a chance to go over things then he will have the final call on it. Again I know it's not just a single thing causing these issues, I'm just putting things out on the table that also effect it.

  • Like 1

I'm not saying not to rob or pillage people, I'm just saying that if it is obvious someone is new then give them alittle more slack then you would someone who has had time to build up. If they come into something that pisses em off right away there most likely not gonna return.


I'm also saying that I know it isn't just this causing the issues. Its just one of the things that can be leading to it. I have also said that I have heard and understand that a good amount of players are not happy with the way the economy is at this point. While some areas I agree with others I don't and that is fine just as you don't have to agree with me on everything. I've done what I can in regards to getting some things changed. The easy stuff has been done such as increasing the amount Vigi's and APD make. Some of the other changes can take a bit longer as they require a bit more work. I've added to the Trello as well to increase the prices of legal items since it seems alot of people want this. Once Poseidon reviews it and has a chance to go over things then he will have the final call on it. Again I know it's not just a single thing causing these issues, I'm just putting things out on the table that also effect it.

Thankyou for listening to what we have to say, the prices werent the only thing, i dont think it should be like it use to be because truthly that was to easy to make money, I know that this is a very touchy subject and I hope the right desisions are made. -thankyou admins

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so much qq, now you just simply need some sort of skill to make it. i see no problem with the economy at all, i support Olympus 100% in their descission.

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Yeah because money is the real problem,  What do you think is going to happen if there is a economic change? I know it will make it easier for rebels to fund themselves so they can rob & cause chaos. Then again, it is always a rebel's fault for robbing new players  , but lets take a look at the cops for once as well lol, do you really think a cop is going to let a poor guy or a new person go because they were caught with drugs or something illegal? No. Let's stop pointing fingers and crying every chance you all get because to me it just looks like a bunch of baddies crying over nothing.


Also, "Asylum" has a money cap of 1 mill.

At least the cops don't steal and chop your vehicle. They are also a lot easier to out maneuver than most rebels from plenty of past experiences.

You're right and you also keep your insurance, but you still lose your drugs.

Players are looking for reasons why the server is losing members and I personally think it's the little things and not what majority of the people are whining about (money and robberies)

I do not agree at all, in the old days with burban rolling in cash and robbing at every and all red zones, there where still 3 servers that were usually full, without robbing alts and Rp is nothing for many arma 3 players.
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  • Admin

     So...true story.. I hopped into another server who shall remain nameless... I did this because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. All the hype of that other place is because of the lack of enforcing the rules. RDM is crazy. The feeling of the community in place just feels disgusting. Players are ***holes. It's a whole different environment. No matter the features they might have, I would never enjoy that server full of idiots over Olympus. 


     I think that the admins will make changes as they see fit. I know for a fact they are not going to let the server die. They may not cater to all our request but they know it is in their best interest to make this work again. I used to get mad before that I could not get in on any of the two servers because of the over population. Now I get mad I have almost no one to play with, other than my fellow cops who always find the time to play ( thank you thank you ). 


I agree that it may be getting a little too difficult for new players to get on. An example: the other night I was patrolling with a deputy. This Civ was going a little too fast and no headlights with a gasoline truck. We pulled him over and talked to him. He was by himself and when he talked he sounded so depressed. A little bit later we ran into him going into a legal area, we stopped again and thanked him for having a legal job.


The fact of the matter is, he did not sound happy at all, or excited. He was definitely not having any fun. Maybe because he knew that doing that run was only going to get him a certain amount of money and not enough. 


Most of the people I have pulled over have been nice upstanding people and even though they have had charges on them I have felt kind of bad when taking their hard earn equipment because I get a feeling they are not coming back. 


There are some of us hardcore role players that might enjoy the economy as it is. The fact of the matter is the majority of players don't. And like someone mentioned before, we hardcore role players need those casual players to survive. Like Jorbis mentioned, please re-think what made this server work two months ago. Because honestly? I started playing here after the wipe and there were a lot of people, so I don't know what happened. If it is confirmed that the economy was what slowly turned people away then it should be dealt with in a timely manner. 


The rules? those are fine. This is what sets Olympus apart from other servers. The admins are always on top of that and I think that this is what should be really enforced, and loosen down the realism of the economy. After all ladies and gentlemen, it is but only a game and we are all here to have fun and not feel like we are back on our desks working our 9-6 job. No offence to the incredible staff at Olympus I am just stating what I have seen and/or heard. 


Anyone else is more than welcome to comment on this as I am not leaving Olympus any time soon. I want to see it flourish, see it full and most of all get madly pissed off because the servers are so full I can't get in. This is what we all want. Just my 2 cents. 

  • Like 1

So...true story.. I hopped into another server who shall remain nameless... I did this because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. All the hype of that other place is because of the lack of enforcing the rules. RDM is crazy. The feeling of the community in place just feels disgusting. Players are ***holes. It's a whole different environment. No matter the features they might have, I would never enjoy that server full of idiots over Olympus. 


     I think that the admins will make changes as they see fit. I know for a fact they are not going to let the server die. They may not cater to all our request but they know it is in their best interest to make this work again. I used to get mad before that I could not get in on any of the two servers because of the over population. Now I get mad I have almost no one to play with, other than my fellow cops who always find the time to play ( thank you thank you ). 


I agree that it may be getting a little too difficult for new players to get on. An example: the other night I was patrolling with a deputy. This Civ was going a little too fast and no headlights with a gasoline truck. We pulled him over and talked to him. He was by himself and when he talked he sounded so depressed. A little bit later we ran into him going into a legal area, we stopped again and thanked him for having a legal job.


The fact of the matter is, he did not sound happy at all, or excited. He was definitely not having any fun. Maybe because he knew that doing that run was only going to get him a certain amount of money and not enough. 


Most of the people I have pulled over have been nice upstanding people and even though they have had charges on them I have felt kind of bad when taking their hard earn equipment because I get a feeling they are not coming back. 


There are some of us hardcore role players that might enjoy the economy as it is. The fact of the matter is the majority of players don't. And like someone mentioned before, we hardcore role players need those casual players to survive. Like Jorbis mentioned, please re-think what made this server work two months ago. Because honestly? I started playing here after the wipe and there were a lot of people, so I don't know what happened. If it is confirmed that the economy was what slowly turned people away then it should be dealt with in a timely manner. 


The rules? those are fine. This is what sets Olympus apart from other servers. The admins are always on top of that and I think that this is what should be really enforced, and loosen down the realism of the economy. After all ladies and gentlemen, it is but only a game and we are all here to have fun and not feel like we are back on our desks working our 9-6 job. No offence to the incredible staff at Olympus I am just stating what I have seen and/or heard. 


Anyone else is more than welcome to comment on this as I am not leaving Olympus any time soon. I want to see it flourish, see it full and most of all get madly pissed off because the servers are so full I can't get in. This is what we all want. Just my 2 cents.

Wow well that is just about the best comment do far!
  • Admin

Wow well that is just about the best comment do far!

Thanks man! I really do hope it gets noticed even more! I am glad we are all trying to pitch in. 

  • Like 1

     So...true story.. I hopped into another server who shall remain nameless... I did this because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. All the hype of that other place is because of the lack of enforcing the rules. RDM is crazy. The feeling of the community in place just feels disgusting. Players are ***holes. It's a whole different environment. No matter the features they might have, I would never enjoy that server full of idiots over Olympus. 


     I think that the admins will make changes as they see fit. I know for a fact they are not going to let the server die. They may not cater to all our request but they know it is in their best interest to make this work again. I used to get mad before that I could not get in on any of the two servers because of the over population. Now I get mad I have almost no one to play with, other than my fellow cops who always find the time to play ( thank you thank you ). 


I agree that it may be getting a little too difficult for new players to get on. An example: the other night I was patrolling with a deputy. This Civ was going a little too fast and no headlights with a gasoline truck. We pulled him over and talked to him. He was by himself and when he talked he sounded so depressed. A little bit later we ran into him going into a legal area, we stopped again and thanked him for having a legal job.


The fact of the matter is, he did not sound happy at all, or excited. He was definitely not having any fun. Maybe because he knew that doing that run was only going to get him a certain amount of money and not enough. 


Most of the people I have pulled over have been nice upstanding people and even though they have had charges on them I have felt kind of bad when taking their hard earn equipment because I get a feeling they are not coming back. 


There are some of us hardcore role players that might enjoy the economy as it is. The fact of the matter is the majority of players don't. And like someone mentioned before, we hardcore role players need those casual players to survive. Like Jorbis mentioned, please re-think what made this server work two months ago. Because honestly? I started playing here after the wipe and there were a lot of people, so I don't know what happened. If it is confirmed that the economy was what slowly turned people away then it should be dealt with in a timely manner. 


The rules? those are fine. This is what sets Olympus apart from other servers. The admins are always on top of that and I think that this is what should be really enforced, and loosen down the realism of the economy. After all ladies and gentlemen, it is but only a game and we are all here to have fun and not feel like we are back on our desks working our 9-6 job. No offence to the incredible staff at Olympus I am just stating what I have seen and/or heard. 


Anyone else is more than welcome to comment on this as I am not leaving Olympus any time soon. I want to see it flourish, see it full and most of all get madly pissed off because the servers are so full I can't get in. This is what we all want. Just my 2 cents. 

*cough* *cough* Asylum xD

  • Like 1

So...true story.. I hopped into another server who shall remain nameless... I did this because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. All the hype of that other place is because of the lack of enforcing the rules. RDM is crazy. The feeling of the community in place just feels disgusting. Players are ***holes. It's a whole different environment. No matter the features they might have, I would never enjoy that server full of idiots over Olympus. 


     I think that the admins will make changes as they see fit. I know for a fact they are not going to let the server die. They may not cater to all our request but they know it is in their best interest to make this work again. I used to get mad before that I could not get in on any of the two servers because of the over population. Now I get mad I have almost no one to play with, other than my fellow cops who always find the time to play ( thank you thank you ). 


I agree that it may be getting a little too difficult for new players to get on. An example: the other night I was patrolling with a deputy. This Civ was going a little too fast and no headlights with a gasoline truck. We pulled him over and talked to him. He was by himself and when he talked he sounded so depressed. A little bit later we ran into him going into a legal area, we stopped again and thanked him for having a legal job.


The fact of the matter is, he did not sound happy at all, or excited. He was definitely not having any fun. Maybe because he knew that doing that run was only going to get him a certain amount of money and not enough. 


Most of the people I have pulled over have been nice upstanding people and even though they have had charges on them I have felt kind of bad when taking their hard earn equipment because I get a feeling they are not coming back. 


There are some of us hardcore role players that might enjoy the economy as it is. The fact of the matter is the majority of players don't. And like someone mentioned before, we hardcore role players need those casual players to survive. Like Jorbis mentioned, please re-think what made this server work two months ago. Because honestly? I started playing here after the wipe and there were a lot of people, so I don't know what happened. If it is confirmed that the economy was what slowly turned people away then it should be dealt with in a timely manner. 


The rules? those are fine. This is what sets Olympus apart from other servers. The admins are always on top of that and I think that this is what should be really enforced, and loosen down the realism of the economy. After all ladies and gentlemen, it is but only a game and we are all here to have fun and not feel like we are back on our desks working our 9-6 job. No offence to the incredible staff at Olympus I am just stating what I have seen and/or heard. 


Anyone else is more than welcome to comment on this as I am not leaving Olympus any time soon. I want to see it flourish, see it full and most of all get madly pissed off because the servers are so full I can't get in. This is what we all want. Just my 2 cents.

This should be put in a plaque and kept on boards where the teamspeak amd inormation are given in the servers. Lol

  • Like 1

This should be put in a plaque and kept on boards where the teamspeak amd inormation are given in the servers. Lol


I think this conversation between the server is going to make the difference, there are 500 views who knows how many of those viewers have quite because of this problem and now they miget reunite themselves with the server knowing that it is being fixed/worked on :)

People also have to keep in mind GTA 5 just came out. It's not all to blame on the economy. Yes I agree legal prices should be bumped up but that isn't going to stop people leaving this server for a different gaming community. The only things I foresee keeping this server alive is an influx of new items, new areas, or new features. Unfortunately that's the human nature of things, we can never settle for what we have because we are always looking for something better.

People also have to keep in mind GTA 5 just came out. It's not all to blame on the economy. Yes I agree legal prices should be bumped up but that isn't going to stop people leaving this server for a different gaming community. The only things I foresee keeping this server alive is an influx of new items, new areas, or new features. Unfortunately that's the human nature of things, we can never settle for what we have because we are always looking for something better.

You do have a good observation about gta5 but sadly I can't completely agree, see some people I have been talking to aren't saying they are leaving for a different game, but for a new server, I'm not saying people aren't leaving for a new game is hurray that 120 people don't disappear in the matter of 2 or 3 weeks like that

Economic change is not the problem, however I agree that Legal things do need a boost. Perhaps since Oil has so many different vehicles you should add a 2nd process into oil where you can make jet fuel. 



The real problem is that the new map layout sucks. Nobody cares for it, the old map was better.


The patrol routes suck as cop, the new routes suck on civ (example weed??).

  • Like 3

Huh, even though I somewhat disagree, its hard to ignore the overwhelming support for this change.

Face the fact no one likes to do drug runs for fun we have to sit and basically wait till a cop or another rebel comes over to ruin your day but if that doesn't happen you made little money and that little money go towards stuff that can make you happy aka having fun, since we shouldn't rob newbs we can only rob casuals but guess what everyone is in Kavala, so you buy rooks and kill cops cause that is the only fun, BUT the cops get all upset cause they never got there nap and cant handle rebel fun.


(This Most likely makes NO SENSE cause i'm really tired and i'm going to read this when i wake up and edit it say Wow i agree with everyone cause i'm embarrassed by my stupidity) 




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This should be put in a plaque and kept on boards where the teamspeak amd inormation are given in the servers. Lol

Lol, I agree!. Maybe a nice little message to our players when they log on. I have seen it on other servers and I think that in particular might do some good to ours too. 


ikr!! :P

I think this conversation between the server is going to make the difference, there are 500 views who knows how many of those viewers have quite because of this problem and now they miget reunite themselves with the server knowing that it is being fixed/worked on :)

I hope you are right. I invite all of you's! Join us tonight. Kill us!, Rob us!, take us hostage! Make our virtual lives a living hell! ( All for just a little good, honest, clean, funny, smelly, outrageous fun! ) 

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See the real problem is changing peoples mentality about the economy, I've had 0 issues with money since the wipe. But if I start getting low on money I don't run out and get the mk18, full 180k load out. I'll rock the p dub or something for a little bit and get myself back up there. Burban leaving had nothing to do with the economy, it had to do with many other issues. I mean stealth used to roll around with a titan as his basic load out. Asylum that you guys are talking about I find to be way harder to make money then on here but the difference is you don't see everyone walking around in full mk 18 load outs and seeing helicopters flying around is MUCH more rare. So I have a hard time believing its the economy keeping people away.


One thing I will agree with is, I hate the new map, it feels very off for some reason. Think the old map with a few changes like the cartels would be good. Another thing would be to spread out the cartels to different corners of the map. The cartels are to easy to defend being that close where peoples have given up fighting for them, and other gangs really only capping them when the other gang who owns it isn't around. So the war zone ends up being a very boring capping simulator with very little "war" in the zone.


I've stated before, I believe one of the issues is the aggressive bans. I believe that is  one thing that needs to be addressed. Lowering the days to 1, 3 , 7, 14, perm (and make it kinda case by case) and it resets every few months, Obviously exploiting and major stuff is auto perm. I think when someone does one small mistake and gets 7 days for it is crazy. 7 days in the gaming world is huuugggeee. So the reason why I've seen most big groups leaving lately has nothing to do with the economy, it has to do with friends getting banned, said friends go play with there banned friends for a few days somewhere else, get established over there (or bribed) and never come back.


Now when big groups leave it lowers the amount of players on the server, which in turn puts you down on the server list, which in turn makes people not see the server as well. I know I found olympus from when I wanted to try altis life I had to spam for 45 minutes to get into asylum said screw this and joined the 2nd most popular server. 


Unfortunately whatever it is, it has a snowball effect. The lower the population the harder it gets to log on. Which in turn keeps the population getting lower. I play this game pretty much 100%for the RP, I know the other day I logged on Sassy and I drove back and fourth from pygros to athira looking for someone to interact (which we didn't feel like trolling in kavala) with for about 30 minutes, found one person the whole time which was a cop and just ended up having to go play GTA because there was no one to interact with. 


I wish I had an easy solution for the issues but I honestly do no believe the economy is it. I personally know I was very bored before the wipe because I had more money then I knew what to do with and I only had 17 mil couldn't imagine how boring it was for the actual rich people. I do know right now you have the player base basically split between 2 different servers, You have GTA V out, you have people who have finals and stuff to study for. So i'm praying we see a resurge of players in the summer. I love this server and community very much and it pains me to see it going through this down time.

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In all fairness hades you make a very valid point but running a successful Hemmt box run is about 5% considering more than half the players at any given time are trying to find people to rob, and seeing how a Hemmt Box is the largest vehicle both physically and inventory wise it is such a huge target, also you are probably trying to protect yourself with a full set of gear while you are doing your run.


As far as the economy goes, I really enjoy it. For me I make about 1mil every 45min if I want to and if I am alone. I love that everyone is not running around with mk18s like before. Trunk space makes sense in the post wipe. However I do believe that the economy is a major reason new players do not stick around, something must be done about this.


What I propose:

Make being a rebel even more expensive and a civilian less expensive. I would say anything above a TRG needs to be more expensive along with everything else a good rebel is made of.  Make an mk18 really hurt the pocket. This is considering that the market gets a little easier but not where it was before and really really try to entice people to do legal things and not become a rebel. I think this might increase enjoyment of the server for everyone, let me know what you guys think. Haters gonna hate

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