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R&R Handbook Update 08/31/2020

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Not too much here that has changed. Guidelines for Airdrop & Art Gallery Robbery have been added, along with some equipment listing updates. @Medic @Senior R&R Member


 Changes Appear In Red/Green

Chapter III - Illegal Zones

 1.  Medics, at or above the rank of Basic Paramedic, are authorized to respond to calls for service located within any illegal area.
2.  EMT's must be escorted by an Altis Police Department (APD) officer or higher ranking medic to enter an illegal area.
3.  Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged.
     However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below:
     3.1. Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, Rebels, and at active Federal Events (Jailbreak/Federal Reserve Robbery/Blackwater Robbery).
     Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned. Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at these locations are all considered ground units.
     3.2.  Illegal areas defined:
          3.2.1. Rebel Outposts
          3.2.2. Active Jailbreaks/Federal Reserve Robberies/Blackwater Robberies/Active Bank Robberies/Active Art Gallery Robberies.
          3.2.3. Illegal gathering and processing areas
          3.2.4. Drug Dealers
          3.2.5. Black Markets
          3.2.6. Cartels (Within 1 km of the cartel's cap point)
          3.2.7. War Zone (Large landmass labeled as War Zone)
     3.3. Forms of acceptable engagement within illegal areas:
          3.3.1. EMS text
          3.3.2. Direct chat
          3.3.3. Warning shots (Aerial Vehicle's Only)
4. Medics taken into illegal areas during hostage situations cannot be killed by their captors unless APD negotiations have failed, they refuse to provide medical services, or they attempt to escape.
5. Special Circumstances:
     5.1. Federal Reserve: Medics must not enter the Federal Reserve, Telos, or the immediate area around the Federal Reserve during an active robbery unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
     5.2. Maximum Security Prison: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the prison, beach, or land, bridge while an active prison break is in progress unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
     5.3. Blackwater: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the Blackwater facility while an active robbery is in progress unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
     5.4. Rebel Outposts: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, any rebel outpost while an active rebel raid is in progress unless they are actively assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
     5.5. Cartels and Warzone: Medics who are flying within 1 KM of a cartel, or within any part of the Warzone must be given 3 warning shots or an EMS text with a warning along with sufficient time to react and leave the area before lethal force is authorized.
              - 5.5.1. Medics who are on the ground within a 1km radius of a cartel or any part of the War Zone can be killed without engagement.
5.6 Bank: Medics must not enter or loiter around the Bank, immediate office buildings, houses, construction site, power plant, docks or plaza areas during an active bank robbery unless assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
5.7. Art Gallery: Medics must not enter or loiter around the Art Gallery or the surrounding areas during an active robbery unless assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
5.8. While hostage, R&R members are not allowed to revive medics at the Federal Reserve, Blackwater, Jail, and Banks.
6. Medics that are assisting the APD are not allowed to enter and assist civilians between APD waves unless taken hostage.
7. If a medic has arrived at a rebel outpost to revive a civilian, and it becomes apparent that the APD is conducting a rebel raid, the medic must leave the area and contact the APD to ascertain whether or not responding officers would like R&R assistance during their engagement.
8. Altis is inherently a dangerous island.  Medics are not required to respond to any calls for service within illegal areas. 
     Those who choose to enter an illegal area are acknowledging and accepting the inherent risk.  Medics shall evaluate the situation and use discretion while operating within illegal areas. 
9. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest or airdrop events. If you are in the area of a conquest or airdrop event when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY.


Chapter IV - Equipment

1. Items and Physical Equipment
     1.1. Medics may only use items and equipment available for purchase at R&R facilities, general stores, and legal markets.
     1.2. Under no circumstances should a medic pick up any items from the ground that are not theirs. Items include, but are not limited to, firearms, ammunition, currency, food, drinks, and briefcases.
      1.3. The flare gun should not be used for illegal or violent activity (e.g., shooting someone, and gas station robberies). Doing so will result in disciplinary action.
2. Uniforms
     2.1. Medics shall only wear the uniform that they are issued, which matches their assigned rank.
     2.2. Basic Paramedics+ may purchase diving gear from the R&R clothing vendor. Dive equipment shall only be worn when responding to, or operating within the water and must  be removed when the water activities are complete.
     2.3. Search & Rescue+ may purchase the CBRN Firefighter uniform, black bandolier sling vest, air tank and gas mask from the R&R clothing vendor. All of these equipment items must be worn together, or not at all. Medics are not permitted to mix and match fire rescue equipment/ clothing with other R&R equipment/ clothing.
             - 2.3.1. Exception: The air tank may be substituted for the standard medic backpack.
     2.4. Medics shall only wear clothing items that are available at the medic clothing store.
3. Vehicles
     3.1. Medics may only operate civilian and APD ground vehicles to the extent necessary to open roadways or clear spawn points.
     3.2. Medics shall not operate R&R vehicles that they have not earned access to via promotions unless riding along with a ranking medic. 
           - 3.2.1.  Medics may operate other R&R ground vehicles they have not yet earned as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used.
           - 3.2.2.  Flight Certified Medics may operate other R&R air vehicles they have not earned yet as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used. The ranking medic is not required to be in the Pilot or Co-Pilot seat.
    Exemption: The Coordinator Y-32 Xi’an will remain a Coordinator only vehicle.
     3.3. Medics will not ride within any civilian or APD vehicle unless stranded, taken hostage, or actively assisting the APD.
     3.4. Medics who lack a pilot certification, shall not act as pilot in command (PIC) of any R&R aircraft unless the PIC loses connection or dies.
          - 3.4.1. If the PIC loses connection, disconnects, or dies during flight, an uncertified medic may assume the controls and fly the helicopter directly to the nearest R&R facility.
          - 3.4.2: If no other flight certified medics are available in a timely manner (none online, hostages, involved with active scenarios, etc.), PICs may authorize a non-qualified medic to auto-hover and position the PIC to render medical services to floating or bugged player who is only visible to the PIC.
4. Medical Crates
     4.1. Medics, at or above the rank of Search & Rescue, are authorized to purchase, transport, and deliver medical crates.
     4.2. Medical Crates shall not be knowingly delivered to, or near, the following locations:
          4.2.1. Altis Penitentiary Zone
          4.2.2. Federal Reserve Zone
          4.2.3. Blackwater Armory Zone
          4.2.4. Bank
          4.2.5. Conquest Event / Air drop
          4.2.6. Art Gallery
          4.2.7. Any illegal zone (defined in Chapter 3.2) that is being raided by the APD
     4.3. Medical personnel must not collaborate with civilians to purchase Medical Crates with the sole purpose of allowing civilians to take control of, or transport, the  Medical Crate for themselves
     4.4. Medical personnel may deliver medical crates solely upon the request of a civilian, group, or gang.  A revive request located near a cartel cap point can be considered a valid request for a crate. The medic should be careful to choose a central location to deploy the crate in these cases.
     4.5. Medical personnel are authorized to deliver medical crates to any active engagement within any location, except for those listed in Chapter 4 Section
     4.6. Medics shall exercise common sense when purchasing, transporting, and delivering Medical Crates.
     4.7. The pilot in command (PIC) shall be proficient at sling loading items before interacting with Medical Crates.
     4.8. PIC's must exercise extreme caution to ensure that the Medical Crate does not strike any person, or property, at any time.
     4.9. PIC's who inadvertently or intentionally cause damage, destruction, injury, or death during the deployment of a Medical Crate are subject to administrative/disciplinary action.
5-11. Personal Equipment
5. Fire Axes are to be used only to render requested medical service, to facilitate the rescue of trapped individuals, or to depart from a locked house that you may be held against your will in.
   5.1 Medics that are utilizing their Fire Axe to render requested medical services must announce themselves. 
6. Medical Personnel are not authorized to give away the following equipment or items: uniforms, rebreathers, goggles, hats, helmets, eye-ware, medical kits, smoke grenades, chem lights, vehicles, road kits, vests or sling hooks.
     6.1. Medics may provide a civilian an epi-pen to facilitate a revive if an individual cannot afford to request or is "bugged".
7. Medics are not permitted to use squad URLs while on-duty.
8. Equipment, such as smoke grenades and chem lights, are not to be spammed and should only be utilized when needed.
9. Medics are to value their equipment and take the appropriate actions to ensure that R&R property is not intentionally damaged, destroyed, abandoned, or misplaced.
      9.1: Exception: Medics may take acceptable risks with their airborne equipment in order to facilitate a revive if it is the last possible option.
      (See Chapter 4, Section 3.4.2)
10. Medic Minimum Equipment Listing (MEL) lists what minimum equipment a medic must have on their person at all times. Medics will consistently replenish their equipment as often as required.
     10.1. 10 food and 10 water to sustain health and be available to give to civilians/APD during emergency situations
     10.2. 10 lollipops to provide to civilians, no more than one per patient.
     10.3. 1 fuel container with fuel
     10.4. 1 Tow Sling if certified to fly
     10.5. 2 epi-pens to provide if a deceased player is glitched or lacks the funds to request a medic
     10.6. 5 yellow smoke grenades
     10.7. 5 yellow chem lights
     10.8. 1 Toolkit
     10.9. 1 Medkit


Chapter XI - Rank Advancement

1. Promotion Guidelines
     1.1. Promotions are generally conducted on Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon (EST), or at the discretion of the R&R Director.
     1.2. Times for promotions are gathered each Thursday.  If a medic has not met their time requirement on Thursday, when times are gathered, he or she will not be promoted, even if they attain their minutes on Friday.  
     1.3. Promotional reviews are based upon time spent on-duty, observations made by senior medics, and feedback provided by the citizens of Altis, to include peers, APD officers, and civilians.
     1.4. Medics can only be promoted once per week unless it is a special circumstance. For example, Medic of the Month award or Coordinator+ approval.
2. Rank Requirements:
     2.1. Emergency Medical Technician – Inception Rank
     2.2. Basic Paramedic – 1,200 minutes of playtime
     2.3. Advanced Paramedic – 3,000 minutes of playtime
          2.3.1. Must be able to acquire Advanced Paramedic Certification (flight and verbal testing).
     2.4. Search & Rescue – 7,000 minutes of playtime, Merit-based promotion
          2.4.1. Must be APC (Adv. Paramedic Cert.) flight certified.
          2.4.2.  Must demonstrate Professionalism, Leadership, and Dedication.
          2.4.3. Must have 30 days time and grade.
     2.5. Supervisor – Appointed (preferably 10,000 minutes of playtime or more)
          2.5.1. Must be a proficient pilot that is certified to fly for the Rescue and Recovery.
          2.5.2. Must be able to facilitate new hire interviews and Advanced Paramedic certification tests consistently.
          2.5.3. Must be able to complete desk duties by consistently and accurately updating data on a weekly basis.
          2.5.4. Must be able to make accurate and unbiased recommendations for promotions, demotions, and removals.
          2.5.5. Must be active both on the forums and in Team Speak by guiding, directing, and mentoring other medics.
     2.6. Coordinator – Appointed (preferably 20,000 minutes of playtime or more)
3. Rank Perks
     3.1. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
          3.1.1. Hatchback/SUV/Van
          3.1.2. Paycheck = Base Pay + $300 every 5 minutes.
          3.1.3. EMT uniform (Blue)
     3.2. Basic Paramedic
          3.2.1. Off-Road/Boat/Qilin/Hatchback/Quadbike/SDV
          3.2.2. Paycheck = Base Pay + $600 every 5 minutes.
          3.2.3. Paramedic Uniform (Red) and Dive Equipment
     3.3. Advanced Paramedic
          3.3.1. M900/Hummingbird/HEMMT Flat Bed
          3.3.2. Paycheck= Base Pay + $900 every 5 minutes.
          3.3.3. Paramedic Pilot Coveralls (Yellow) and pilot helmet
     3.4. Search & Rescue
          3.4.1. Taru/Orca/Strider
          3.4.2.  Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,200 every 5 minutes.
          3.4.3.  Search & Rescue Coveralls (Orange) , pilot helmet, and CBRN Firefighter uniform
     3.5. Supervisor
          3.5.1. Ghosthawk/Hunter/ Go-Kart
          3.5.2. Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,500 every 5 minutes.
          3.5.3. Supervisor coveralls (Green) and pilot helmet
          3.5.4 Flare Gun
     3.6. Coordinator
          3.6.1. Y-32 Xian/Hellcat
          3.6.2.  Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,800 every 5 minutes.
          3.6.3. Coordinator coveralls (Black) and pilot helmet
     3.7. Director
          3.7.1. Hellcat
          3.7.2 Paycheck = Base Pay + $1,800 every 5 minutes.
          3.7.3 Director coveralls (Black) and pilot helmet



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  • Head Civilian Council

Thankfully I robbed all the gas stations BEFORE it was a rule. :kappa:

  • Haha 4
  • Clown 2
  • Senior Admin
Just now, tayte said:

Aidrops are still a no go right?

Correct its now in the handbook Chapter 3 section 9

9. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest or airdrop events. If you are in the area of a conquest or airdrop event when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY.

  • Like 1
Just now, David Miller said:

Correct its now in the handbook Chapter 3 section 9

9. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest or airdrop events. If you are in the area of a conquest or airdrop event when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY.

Just read it, thanks 🙂

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