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APD Handbook update 8/31

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Chapter II - Use of Force

    1. Lethals are authorized for the entire situation:
      1. After 2 failed non-lethal attempts by an individual officer.
        1. If you have loaded lethals during a situation against a single group and another group joins that situation, lethals are still authorized against all opposing forces.
        2. If an officer is taken hostage or tased during an active engagement.
          1. Officers who have been neutralized by a ratio of 3:1 are considered hostages.
          2. Lethals may continue to be used after the officer has been rescued.
      2. When officers are outnumbered by a ratio of 3:1 (until death).
      3. Lethal force remains active regardless of server restart
        1. If lethals were loaded solely due to server restart happening in 5 minutes, then lethals must be unloaded after the restart.
      4. If the Ghosthawk/Armed Plane is guns-hot in the situation.


Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures

  1. Seizure of Vehicles
    1. Illegal vehicles should be seized at the end of the situation after getting the order from the highest ranking APD officer at the situation.
    2. Civilian vehicles left at Federal Events/Bank/Art Gallery will be seized.
    3. Vehicles containing $350,000 or more of the following can be seized:
      1. Illegal items (Market value)
      2. Weapons (Market value)
      3. Drugs
      4. Contraband (Market value)
    4. Vandalized APD Hatchbacks are subject to seizure.


Chapter X - Illegal Areas

  1. Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Banks, Jails, Blackwaters, and Federal Reserves.
    1. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3.
      1. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area.
      2. Exception: No code 3 is needed when entering an active Federal Event, Bank or Art Gallery robbery.
      3. Exception: Officers may enter illegal areas with garages with the intent to pull vehicles if their vehicle has been damaged beyond repair. Officers may not interfere with any activities inside of the illegal area unless fired upon first.
      4. Illegal Areas may be patrolled every 15 minutes.
        1. Officers must not remain in, or monitor, an illegal area if there is no activity
          1. Looking into an illegal area is considered checking it.
        2. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves.
          1. Exception: An active Bank/Art gallery robbery
          2. A wave is finished when all officers have been killed or neutralized
      5. Warzone raids:
        1. Officers may only enter Cartel/Warzone when they have probable cause to raid unless APD has reasonable suspicion of a suspect fleeing there. Additionally:
          1. Must follow Rebel raid rules.
            1. Exception: Cartels outside of warzone may be searched every 30 minutes.
            2. Five waves maximum per warzone raid.
            3. Patrol Officers+ are required to use lethals during warzone raids.
              1. Exception: Officers may choose to utilize tasers if they've pursued someone in the first wave.
          2. If you enter Warzone without a Sergeant or higher due to pursuing someone in, you must check the general area of the suspect you chased in. Once the situation is deemed clear, you are to leave. Do not check the rest of Warzone Island.
          3. Once APD has engaged rebel forces in a Cartel, they may continue to raid it following standard rebel raid rules until the situation has been neutralized at that Cartel. (Outside of Warzone Island)
          4. APD may enter Cartels/Warzone for hostage situations
            1. PO or higher to negotiate.
            2. Can be accompanied by other officers.
            3. Cannot return to rebel unless standard Rebel prerequisites (mentioned above) are met.
      6. Airdrop raids:
        1. Officers may only enter for a singular wave.
          1. Sergeant+ must be present for the raid.
          2. Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 5 officers.
          3. May only lethal individuals within the airdrop.
          4. APD Officers may not utilize Armed Aerial vehicles or Armored vehicles for the raid.
          5. APD Officers must respond Code 3 to the zone.
            1. Sergeant+ must authorize lethals at APD HQs for Patrol Officers involved in the raid.

As always post any comments or questions below.

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  • Carrot Kid
4 minutes ago, rabid said:

you always could


unless you were chasing them in for the first wave.

Eh thats what I meant, thanks for clarifying. 

41 minutes ago, Venoooom said:

Eh thats what I meant, thanks for clarifying. 

Ooooh someone said an oopsie 

  • Downvote 1
15 minutes ago, Monks said:

Ooooh someone said an oopsie 

???? go to bed idiot

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