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1 hour ago, lvy said:

Owen, literally back in July I have been telling you to get help or please leave the community for a little bit because this is just too much for a child. You are toxic and manipulating to almost everyone I have seen. Like enough is enough... its honestly sad to watch, please get help or take a break and change because this is too much. 

Why be nice

29 minutes ago, ZAZA said:

Why be nice

Maybe to show that People dont want to be mean to you but you kinda ask for it 

Like bro take Responsibility for your actions like for real kid take a break from doing this its not good for you 

Getting pissed for something that you caused and blaming others will never work in the real world 

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@ZAZA hello I am the CEO of CQC on arma what I can suggest to you from reading only 3 pages of this is please contact someone outside and have a sit down with them before you think about something that you cannot come back from ILR wise


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@ZAZA Stop acting hard on the forums last time I talked to you, you were balling your eyes out in discord about arma.  

9 hours ago, ZAZA said:

KYS you irrelevant pussy 

you play 30 + hours a week and no one knows you 

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10 hours ago, ZAZA said:

stfu you gay fag

suck my dick you fucking bitch

@ZAZA Pretty pathetic seeing you act this immature when people have tried to give you chances to progress in the community and you just throw it away, It's honestly not that hard to be nice to people or just be an all around decent person. I get it, It's the internet but like It's honestly concerning you saying this kind of stuff and acting the way you do at your age. The thing that upsets me the most is that there are some underage kids that want to become an APD Member or RNR Member and people like you that act completely immature and honestly disgusting, are the reasons some people are hesitant when evaluating someone for an age exception. If you say you hate the server so much just leave it, No one wants you around if your gonna act like you are. Get a grip g

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6 hours ago, maxg said:

@ZAZA Pretty pathetic seeing you act this immature when people have tried to give you chances to progress in the community and you just throw it away, It's honestly not that hard to be nice to people or just be an all around decent person. I get it, It's the internet but like It's honestly concerning you saying this kind of stuff and acting the way you do at your age. The thing that upsets me the most is that there are some underage kids that want to become an APD Member or RNR Member and people like you that act completely immature and honestly disgusting, are the reasons some people are hesitant when evaluating someone for an age exception. If you say you hate the server so much just leave it, No one wants you around if your gonna act like you are. Get a grip g

the thing is i cant leve bc iv put so much time i have fun it just i am imater person i have anger problems i fucked up yes i will admit i am wrong i fucked up but there is no coming back it was hard for me to to admit i am wrong but i am the truth is ik i am wrong i just dont admit it but yes ik iv been givin alot of chances but this is my final post on fourms this is my o7  

@Penguiny Thats a bit far man... Its just a game at the end of the day

@ZAZA you should still play just get a different name and play solo man

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Just now, Doofy said:

@Penguiny Thats a bit far man... Its just a game at the end of the day

@ZAZA you should still play just get a different name and play solo man


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44 minutes ago, Doofy said:

@Penguiny Thats a bit far man... Its just a game at the end of the day

@ZAZA you should still play just get a different name and play solo man

No not at all he told other people to kill themselves in this 

2 hours ago, 1-800-SMACKDATHO said:

Nobody should feel remorse for him he just makes u feel bad so youi acept him into your gang and become friends with him 

@ZAZA Dude you just need to chill out and think before you speak ok 

dude you gotta change I know you're young and all but man I think you need to take a break from all this 

Get some hobbies outside of video games, do what ever your passionate about set time for it focus on school and yourself 

For you to change you gotta stop getting yourself into situations like this , its mad toxic and not good for a guy your age to always have your mind on all this nonsense it will only do you harm

When I get pissed I do something I enjoy something other than video games in my case I do pushups or go out on a run. Doing what you're passionate about will help you calm down and better understand the situation so you can make the Right decisions and I promise you dude when you do things like this it will drastically improve your life and will make you mature and better prepared for adult-hood 

Plus chicks love guys who are mature hahaha 

So kid don't beat yourself up about every single mistake you make but learn from them it will ultimately make you a better person  

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