Head Admin Popular Post Grandma Gary 10628 Posted March 3, 2021 Head Admin Popular Post Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 If you're new to Olympus this post aims to help you understand some of the various features, hotkeys, and mechanics on Olympus that you otherwise may be completely unaware of. First, the basic hotkeys and how to get started. Windows key - Bound to Custom action key 10 by default, this is the "Action key" for Olympus. It's how you bring up the dialog to buy a house, rob a player, and gather resources, among many other things. For ATMS, whether they're labeled on the map or not, if scroll wheel does not work the windows kwy will. Redgull hotkey - Bound to custom action key 11, you'll need to specifically bind this to a key on your keyboard. Redgull allows you to ignore stamina and run slightly faster. You can avoid the hassle of bringing up the Y menu to click and use Redgull by simply pressing a hotkey. Earbuds hotkey - Shift + O. Custom action key 12 can be bound as well for this. Earbuds lower the volume of in-game sound effects without decreasing the volume of players talking in direct chat around you. Nice for when inside helicopters. T - Key to access vehicle/house trunk. U - Key to unlock/lock vehicles/houses. H - Key to Holster/Un-holster your weapon Y - Key to open your player menu, gives access to stats, virtual inventory, SMS, Settings, Gangs, Groups, Wanted List and Key Chain TAB - Key to put your hands up/down Shoutout to @AmericanWaffle for the video. Medical mechanics When you get revived by a medic, you keep your loadout at the cost of 10k to the medic. Epi Pens - These can be bought at hospitals/rebels/black markets and you can use them to revive your friends however they will need Dopamine before being able to be "epi'd" again. Note that when killed by cops, you will have 7 minutes to retrieve dopamine before death. Also if you disconnect from the game while needing dopamine, you will die and be forced to the spawn menu when reconnecting. Dopamine - You can receive Dopamine treatment at hospitals and also from medics themselves. Dopamine Shots - Available at the same places as EPI pens these allow you to apply Dopamine to yourself without having to go to a hospital. Dopamine Crates - Medics of certain ranks are able to drop dopamine crates if you specifically request it in an area. The crates allow you to buy epi pens and dopamine on location if the medic drops it. Blood bags - Blood bags can be bought at hospitals and Rebel Outposts. They will slowly heal you to 100 HP. Gathering/Haul Mechanics Workers Protection License (WPL) - This license can be bought at the Gun Store if you own a Firearms license. The WPL will net you 15% more income when you sell processed Legal resources at their respective traders. It will also allow you to purchase some better weaponry at the Gun Store. Pickaxe - Able to be purchased at any Item shop, a Pickaxe is required for most Legal gathering activities. A pickaxe is not required when doing Illegal runs. In most cases as long as you have a Pickaxe, you just need to press Windows Key to gather. Tempest Device - Unlike other trucks, the Tempest Device is unique in that it can gather materials on its own. If you place the vehicle in a gathering area, you can windows key the vehicle and click an option for it to start mining. It uses a lot of fuel for this, so you may need to bring extra fuel which you can buy at any item shop. Oil - Oil is a legal run that is unique from the others. You need a fuel truck or fuel taru to store Oil into. Black Markets - If you are part of a gang, you can process cocain, weed, and heroin at their respective Black Markets if you capture the Black Market. To capture it, you need use the scroll wheel option on the "For Rent" sign. Housing Mechanics/Gang Shed Homeowners License - Able to purchased at any DMV marked on the map, this License allows you to purchase Houses. Realtors - You can go to any Realtor on the map and it will show you any vacant houses on the map via icons. Just click on the area you wish to buy a house and any avaiable houses will have an icon placed over them. House Storage - Houses have two types of storage. Virtual inventory and Physical inventory (Accessed by pressing T). You can upgrade your house storage via the House menu accessed by pressing Windows Key on your house. House Virtual Inventory - Virtual inventory for a house is determined based on the type of house you buy. Typically the larger the house, the more inventory is possible. You have to spend money on upgrades for virtual inventory. The cost is also based on the size of the house. The largest house can hold 2800 Virtual Inventory in total. House Tax: Houses require you to pay upkeep to prevent them from being released back to the market. The house deed will expire in 45 days unless paid via the house UI. Gang Sheds - These can be purchased by gangs with at least 8 members. They cost $20mil and allow storing a large amount of virtual and physical items. They also allow all gang member to use it as a spawn point and pull vehicles from. FederalEvents Blasting Charge - Able to be purchased at Black Markets and Rebel Outposts, this is a necessary component to start each of the federal events on the map. Bolt Cutters - Able to be purchased at Black Markets and Rebel Outposts, this is a necessary component to cut through the first two gates at the Federal Reserve Bank. You may also use these to break into houses or in place of lockpicks. If used as a lockpick replacement they have limited uses but they will work faster. Hacking Terminal - Able to be purchased at Black Markets and Rebel Outposts, this is an optional component that can be used on the automated Anti Air at each Federal Event. The Anti Air - At each Federal event location rests an Anti Air emplacement. By default it is in APD control and will warn/shoot down civilians wonder to close for too long. If it becomes hacked, then it will cross over into Civilian control and automatically fire at APD aircraft until the APD regain control of it manually. The Federal Penitentiary - This is where criminals of Altis serve time. Located near Pyrgos, you will need to plant a Blasting Charge on the prison door and endure 10 minutes before the door blasts open at which point the inmates may escape from Jail. The Federal Reserve - The central bank of Altis that stores Gold Bars. You will need to use Bolt cutters on the gates and a Blasting Charge on the vault as well as endure 20 minutes from the bomb plant before the vault blows open and the gold is available to steal. There must be a minimum of 5 cops online before a Federal Reserve can be started. It will not start otherwise. The Federal Blackwater Armory - The Armory where APD and Military equipment is stored. You will need to plant a Blasting Charge and endure a 25 minute timer before the loot spawns. There is a rare chance to obtain high end loot that you cannot get any other way, such as Level 5 Armor vests, suppressors, DMS scopes, and high caliber weaponry. There is a chance that an Armed Quillen or an AT offroad will spawn. And a rare chance that an Armed Huron or Armed Ghosthawk. The spawn rate of rare items is higher the more cops that are online. There must be 7 cops minimum online to start a Blackwater. Beware, this is considered end-game content and is typically very difficult to complete. The loot is also RNG, so your mileage may vary on whether or not you get good loot. Non Federal Events APD Escort - A Senior APD member/FTO can start an escort event which spawns a truck which civilians can attempt to steal. APD must escort the vehicle to several checkpoints accross the map, if they are sucessful they will earn a monetary reward. If civilians manage to steal the truck from the APD they can take the items from the truck. Pharmaceutical - Similar to the APD escort except it it started by civilians and the APD can attempt to stop them. Civilians must drive the truck to several delivery points around the map, the further the delivery point the more the payout. Bank of Pyrgos - Civilians must bring blasting charges to the bank to be placed on several vaults. This starts a 10 minute timer which will lead to money bags spawning after the bomb blows. Money bags can be sold to any drug dealer. Kavala Art Gallery - Civilians can attempt to steal the rarest of Pepes from the art gallery to sell for a medium payout. Conquests - These events are listed in the calendar. A large area of the map is designated and gangs fight for control of several areas. The longer a gang hold an area and the more kills they get the bigger the payout at the end will be. Gang Bases - These are timed weekly events where gangs can fight for control over a custom rebel base. More info can be found here: Miscellaneous Items/Features Vehicle Ammo - Buyable at Rebel Outposts, these can be used to refill ammo on armed vehicles from the turret seat. Enhanced GPS Tracker - Buyable at Rebel outposts, this will track a vehicle and show it on your map for your entire group/gang. GPS Jammer - Buyable at Rebel Outposts, this will remove the GPS tracking on a vehicle if it had a GPS tracker on it prior to applying the Jammer. It can also be used to counter the bait cars, scroll further down to see the bait car mechanic. Scalpel - Buyable at Rebel Outpost, Black Market, and Drug Dealer, this will allow you to remove someone's Kidney from a restrained civilian which you can then sell at a drug dealer. The player who has a removed Kidney can get a new one at the hospital or drug dealer, or a medic can provide them one in the field. Illegal Vehicle Claim - Illegal Vehicles (Blackwater vehicles included) can be taken to the chop shop and re-keyed. What this means is it will transfer ownership from the owner to you and you can then store it in your garage. Tow Hook/Sling - These can be bought at hospitals and rebel outposts. You place it on an unlocked ground vehicle and you can then sling it to your helicopter. For using the sling loading option with the heli, you need to use the scroll wheel -- just using your assigned key (usually B ) won't work. Gas Stations, vehicle service stations - At gas stations with garages or marked areas on the map named "Service Stations" you can purchase upgrades for your vehicles including getting insurance and repairing your vehicle. Tier 1 insurance simply returns the vehicle to your garage if you lose it. Tier 2 insurance returns it with any upgrades you had on it. Tier 3 insurance will put a permanent GPS tracker on your vehicle. To access the upgrades for land vehicles, you need to literally drive into the garage in any garage that's green on the map. Won't work with vehicles that are to big to physically get into the garage. For bigger vehicles, visit a truck shop and for helicopters and planes visit the air upgrade shop. Cartels - Cartels are marked on the map and change location every restart. Owning a cartel means your gang gets 10% of whichever drug(s) are sold that the cartel is in control of. This is seamless and goes directly to the gang bank. Arms Cartel gives 15% of whatever is bought in the weapon shop and vehicle shop at rebel outposts. War - War can be started between gangs which will make the players in each gang appear to have red names for each other. If you see a red name, you may kill on sight. You will also get War Points for killing enemy warring gang members. The amount you gain/lose is determined based on the difference of gear the killer and killed have. The War Point Shop at Rebel Outposts take these War Points as currency. In order to start a war, Gang Rank 3+ members can remotely send war requests to other gangs and a Rank 4+ member of opposing gangs can accept or decline the invite. Armed Vehicles - On Olympus, there are some armed vehicles you may obtain at a high cost and/or risk. .50 Cal - Able to be purchased at any Rebel Outpost. Armed Quiilen - Able to be purchased at any Rebel Outpost. Armed Prowler - The Armed Prowler can only be obtained as a rare spawn from the Blackwater Armory. Armed Huron - The Armed Huron can only be obtained as an extremely rare spawn from the Blackwater Armory. Armed Ghosthawk - The Armed Ghosthawk is reserved for use by the Senior APD at a high cost as well as some limitations for Police Use. Armed Plane - The Armed Plane can be bought at the Airshop for Civ and APD usage. Armed AT Offroad - The Armed AT Offroad can only be obtained as spawn from the Blackwater Armory. Bait Cars - On Olympus, the APD has access to a bait car mechanic at a cost that will allow them to lock and disable a vehicle remotely. It's also tracked by GPS when this mechanic is active. Civs can counter this mechanic at a cost by using GPS Jammers. The risk is that you will not be able to tell if it is a baitcar prior to applying the jammer. But if you successfully use it on a bait car, the APD will be unable to track the vehicle or disable it Unmarked APD cars - On Olympus, the APD has access to unmarked civilian vehicles that they can use to patrol Altis with. Redzones can only be patrolled in unmarked cars if utilized by a Senior. This post may be edited at any time to fix mistakes or add new information that has been added or that I simply missed. Feel free to PM me if you think something is missing and I may or may not add it on here. 21 2 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/
Head Admin Grandma Gary 10628 Posted March 3, 2021 Author Head Admin Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 Unlocking this post so people can contribute anything they feel needs added instead of wrecking my poor inbox. 1 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505860
Doofy 171 Posted March 3, 2021 Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 If you ever have any questions a support member is more than happy to assist you in TeamSpeak Don't be shy to ask questions 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505864
Bushz 83 Posted March 3, 2021 Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 Also if you're new I would try to do legal runs till like 5mil. Also never do a run naked try to buy a gun it can save you alot sometimes Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505876
Admin Caden 625 Posted March 3, 2021 Admin Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 I tend to see a lot of new players with cash on them. It could be helpful to have something explaining that you never need to have cash on you and that anything that you buy will just take money out of your account. 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505880
Lonzo 61 Posted March 3, 2021 Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 Avoid Kavala when starting it gets really toxic there! 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505882
SPBojo 6862 Posted March 3, 2021 Report Share Posted March 3, 2021 Always record. 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505900
Rossco 1160 Posted March 4, 2021 Report Share Posted March 4, 2021 12 hours ago, Grandma Gary said: Unmarked APD cars - On Olympus, the APD has access to unmarked civilian vehicles that they can use to patrol Altis with. They CANNOT however patrol Redzones with them unless pursuing someone in. Unless they’re Senior APD, then they can patrol in unmarked vehicles wherever they choose. Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-505956
Scribble 663 Posted March 5, 2021 Report Share Posted March 5, 2021 stay out of kav if youre new Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-506046
Not VexSynex 7 Posted March 14, 2021 Report Share Posted March 14, 2021 People don't bother valuing their lives, just shoot them if they don't comply. 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/39137-new-to-olympus-heres-some-useful-info/#findComment-507205
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