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Bring back Pre-wipe Tildering.

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Ok, i don't know for some but this is from my personal experience as playing civ since the wipe,


I've come to conclusion since that we have been asked or trained to try and use the tilde key to a minimum as an APD officer to try and make the server more lifelike, i have noticed that probably 80-90% of APD will no longer want to RP as its is a lot harder to catch and arrest high bounty criminals,

you find it a lot harder to receive a pardon even if your stood there for a solid 30 minutes RP'ing the shit out of a story made up, I think the reason is its because they know they are not going be able to catch another high bounty criminal for another server reset at least so they need to get as much money as they can from you who's being detained,


Not only is it harder to try and RP your way out but a lot of the force also realize they are only going to get 40% out of you if you refuse the ticket which again makes it harder for them to gain money that's why they'll just pretty much robocop you and move on.


i do feel that pre-wipe did have a lot more RP involved and ive asked around and a few have agreed, i think the reason pre-wipe there was more RP involved was for the fact they could give you a pardon walk outside the HQ and literally tilde another guy and pick him up, before the wipe they also new whether or not you paid the ticket they'd get full bounty price if they ended up sending you to prison.


Dont be hostile about this post or be offended but these are just my opinions that's all, I'd also like to read as to what some of civ's and APD officers also think so feel free to comment back.


Bring back Virus and this Tilde key <3 and Tildering 1k bounty's


[MC] GaFSki aka Officer GaFSki.


You can use it...

it is not a rule.


I personally like not using it, I go by a few different personal rules then others - serial killer I'll tilda (As we are after them and have pictures in our database popping up every minute to make us remember them.) If they have done a federal event 3 times I will also go after them, as they're "enemy of the state".


During terrors, I just go for anyone with a pistol - they either put it away or it's their end, if [MC] is doing it and I see the [MC] tag I'll tilda their name, it's easy for them enough as it is with us not being able to text them hands up or taze.


I don't like running around and just shouting APD Hands up for 1 lockpick attempt... just seems to be an overkill, we play APD for Role Play and not money.

Which i feel pre-wipe RP played a bigger part no it seems like its all about the money.


The problem is the players not the tilde key. If players are focusing on making money on cop they are playing it for the wrong reason. No one said your only role has to be cop. 

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The problem is the players not the tilde key. If players are focusing on making money on cop they are playing it for the wrong reason. No one said your only role has to be cop. 


I like not using the tilde key. Whenever I am in charge on my patrol officers and/or deputies I encourage them to role play and make them remember this is the reason we play the game. When we get a really high bounty, well that's great right? we get to enjoy that money as CIV but it is difficult to enjoy cop if all you want is to take in the big bad guys of the server only for their big bounty. 


I say it is up to us who are in charge at the moment in order to help P.O's and/or deputies get better at role play and processing. Every time I hear a robo cop processing I call them on it and usually come in and interrupt because I do not want that CIV to think we are just after his bounty. 


Honestly Gafski. I have seen streams on Asylum were the cops just stand around Kavala and TILDE key everyone and it seems mundane to me. Boring and a little too mechanic, it almost felt like if the cop was an NPC on GTA 5. So even though I respect your opinion I am glad I got in as cop after they started enforcing the no-tilde key "passive rule".

By what i mean is because its harder for APD to catch high bounty's when they do they don't give a shit what you got to say in your story your getting the full amount ticket ive seen and heard this happen so many times, its starting to seem a lot like greed is coming into it.

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By what i mean is because its harder for APD to catch high bounty's when they do they don't give a shit what you got to say in your story your getting the full amount ticket ive seen and heard this happen so many times, its starting to seem a lot like greed is coming into it.


I understand. Since I never played pre-wipe I can't give my thoughts on how you say it was before. I think we just have to teach them a little more about role playing and also maybe introduce a mini role play scenario in the interview process, something simple. I have heard many deputies and/or P.O's lately talk a lot about money money money. And trust me I understand we want to make money to enjoy as a CIV but I have to say again that playing cop is not about the money. I think that if you are in it for the money you should just play as  VIGI as the amount of role play required is minimal. 


With that said. I really hope that deputies and P.O's  deviate themselves from being money hungry and focus more on your role play as this is what WILL get you promoted, not how many bounties you can catch...

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If money's a problem I could see upping the send to jail % because I make most my money on cop, then I waste it on civ... But there has been a lot of good rp lately, really depends who you run into but even if you have a good story and rp it I don't always get pardoned, it's the way she goes

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I disagree. I have personally found that the RP is way better now then before. I have no problem making money anymore on cop, not since they added the buff to the bounty prices. I can sit in Kavala and talk to people with 200k bounties, and RP the shit out of it. Makes the game more fun when I'm not chasing everyone down for their 1k bounties.

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Dont get me wrong peter i do the same with big bounty's, the money dosent bother me at all i make mine on civ to replace all the frickin MXM's i loose on respawn xD but the money issue feels me different to SOME cops.

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I agree there are some cops that need some tinkering in that department. I try to remind them the reason we play cop. It is really up to then what to do with the information given. We try to encourage but we can only get to a certain point if that other person does not want to listen  ;)

Ran a guys plates because i wanted to have fun RP. Instead i got the biggest salt mine iv'e seen in a while. The tilde guidline is the stupidesnt thing the APD has done. All it does is kill RP.

As i spoken to a higher up for you to watch someone pull a car out of the garage and to run the reg for the bounty, as the higher up said there was no reason for you to do so. There was no salt asoon as you partner logged of you wired me the money back because you knew you did wrong so i gave it you back as i didn't want it.

As i spoken to a higher up for you to watch someone pull a car out of the garage and to run the reg for the bounty, as the higher up said there was no reason for you to do so. There was no salt asoon as you partner logged of you wired me the money back because you knew you did wrong so i gave it you back as i didn't want it.

No i gave the money back as you accused me of being a money hungry cop, all i wanted to do was have some good RP which is why i gave the money back. 

Edited by Hades
Edited wording

Virus + Ghosthawk = No drug runs getting done

I'm in agree bring back Virus...Apd and Olympus need him. I don't know what happened with him but I do know he was extremely dedicated to the server and to the Apd and its a shame not seeing him play cop...now excuse me while i wash this shit off my nose

Thanks for the edit hades, i get hot headed pretty quick lol. 


Virus + Ghosthawk = No drug runs getting done

I'm in agree bring back Virus...Apd and Olympus need him. I don't know what happened with him but I do know he was extremely dedicated to the server and to the Apd and its a shame not seeing him play cop...now excuse me while i wash this shit off my nose

Does it smell funny? Lol. I am in agree.

The problem is the players not the tilde key. If players are focusing on making money on cop they are playing it for the wrong reason. No one said your only role has to be cop. 

 But mane, dat dude has a big bounty and ima do what i can to ROBO COP the SHAT out of him.


BTW if you rp with any officer there is a larger chance of a half or paradon

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 But mane, dat dude has a big bounty and ima do what i can to ROBO COP the SHAT out of him.


BTW if you rp with any officer there is a larger chance of a half or paradon


While this may be true, we just don't give half tickets or pardons away. It has to be a pretty credible and creative story. And I have to feel you really believe it yourself for me to discount or pardon someone. I do not want people to think "Ah we just have to give them some crappy excuse as to why we killed 20 people".


Yesterday a member from NWO turned himself in and wanted to speak only to me because I promised him I would listen to his story. He gave me a really good story with sound effects and everything. Gave him a half ticket. You would have to win me over for that one.  ;)

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