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Moment of Appreciation

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So, As everyone knows, there's been a lot of Controversy recently about the admins and how they do their job and I'd just like to take a moment to appreciate what they have done for us.


Hades - You've been the fairest admin I've seen, on this game or any other. I've used this statement before, ''Hades would ban his own Grandmother if she RDM'ed somebody'' And I know we've had our disagreements in the past, [iS] ... >.> but it's been fun ever since. At least your trolling is bearable.. Gary >.>


Ares - You're a beast, you might not be an admin anymore, but oh wells, one of my good quotes ''Ares goes hard on those rule technicalities like the SS'' Thanks for the service.


Ace - Bad ass, Hades comes in with a proper response to a squeaker on the forums, Ace Replies ''F*** you, You stupid Piece of S***, Jesus F******* Christ''

And you got things done when they were required, usually on the spot. Again, Had our issues.. But, again moved on!


Travis - Funny dude, Dealt with one of the most annoying Hackers I've ever seen on the server.. so GG on that. Excellent person to execute with a Titan.


Gary - Still yet to meet up, have a pint and then punch the fucking head off each other.


Poseidon -  Who are you?


Moderator MVP's 


HamOfMoose - Played a lot with us, and you've been a pleasure to play with and a great RP'er, Always listened to our Hackusations and dealt with them where appropriate.


Odin - ... Are you an admin or a Mod, nobody can fucking tell with that dam NoBeardmin tag.


Wheatkings - King of AFK in his TS channel, Good luck with the kid, and dealt with alot of my combat logging screenshots back in the day when Kavala Combat logging was Rife. Jesus christ, those were some Crazy days.


Before anyone says I'm 6 inches deep, Don't, I've been here long and active enough to see a great job they've done, So before anyone posts a picture of one male performing Fellatio on another. Stop, Thanks gents. I speak for probably most of the guys in my group and most of the active, long time members of the community, :D



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Cop MVP?



Don't make me link the 2 minute video of going from $4.4m bounty to Jail. Virus the bounty hunter ;)

Infact, I'll do you one better ;) 

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al admins aer bad id tak the rdm ane day ovr ane off theze guyz bieng alowd to swing the ban hamer they r al raely badmins



thanks for all the hard work you guys do

+1 virus Moobs act is super fake and it gets very old


+1 Thank god Virus is a Troll. 

We can't please everyone but it is nice to know that some do appreciate the work we put in. And yes I have actually had to ban my Grandma....Grandma Gary.


On a side note, I did have to ban someone from the server that I have gamed with for a few years, sadly even people I like get banned at times.

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Maybe banning with zero tolence isn't the answer maybe interacting with the players is. but who am I the dwindling player base is Def not a result of this am I right. talking to someone in teamspeak is so hard zomg it's like talking to a girl it's so scary :0


Ps. Mc's attitude towards players helps too I'm sure.

Maybe banning with zero tolence isn't the answer maybe interacting with the players is. but who am I the dwindling player base is Def not a result of this am I right. talking to someone in teamspeak is so hard zomg it's like talking to a girl it's so scary :0


Ps. Mc's attitude towards players helps too I'm sure.





You continue to post things about this community as if there's some sort of fucking conspiracy, Like are you stupid? Or are you just that butthurt? Quite frankly I've played here since August/September, I've seen retards like you come and go, So W/e See ya later.

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I have my fair share of retarted posts but this needs to stop. And with this said i will not post on this thread any longer as i dont want to do a round 2.

Good work admins, and the server had been going upwill the past 2 weeks ive seen


heres-your-sign.jpgLol why the salt i'm not a blind 12 year old like Dustin and I'm sure as Shit not afraid to speak my mind to some nerds on the interwebs who think some badge scares me.  

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